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Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the passed 7th June 1832. –
The State of Mississippi
Kemper County
On the 18th day of may 1836 personally appeared in Open Court before me, George Crather Judge of the circuit court (the same being a court of Record) now Siting in and for said County James Goyne a resident of said County of Kemper and State of mississippi aged about Eighty one years. Who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. - That he entered the service of the United States under the following named Officers and served as here after stated. That he lived in Camden district State of South Carolina at which place some time in June 1776 where he was drafted to go to charleston in order to intercept the British Fleet that was expected to Land their under Col John Wynn in Captain John Smiths company of militia, Lieutenant William Dauherty and rendyvoused at Winnsboro in sd State at that time last above mentioned and marched to charleston and was statined there together with said company to guard the Town and after being there about a month, he was marched back and dismissed about the last of July 1776 having served about six weeks but received no written discharge - and that afterwards on the last of Janry 1779 - as near as he can recollct he was again drafted under the same officers as above in camden District South Carolina where he then resided and rendyvoased at Winnsboro at the same time and was marched immediately to Charleston where he was stationed some time when said company joined Genl Ash from North Carolina and was there marched to pluressburgh near Savannah at which place he was stationed about eight days when he was again dismissed or discharged and returned home about the last of Februay 1779- having served about one month during which service he was in no engagement nor did he receiv any written discharge- And that after remaining at home about four days he again entered the service of the U.S. as a drafted soldier under Col John Wynn in Captain Francis Gedwills company of Malitia Lieutenant William Daugherty and rendyvoresed at Winnsboros about the first of March 1779- near which place this declarant then resided and from where he was marched to savannah River near Augusta. At which place he volunteered to go to Gengid to fight the Indians and put himself under Captain John Nixon and Col Haman and was marched to Pifhtsborough and from thence to Falsoms Fort on Obeachy river from which place the Indians retreated and were pursued by said company and overtaken and a scirmish ensued in which Seventeen Indians and two white men were Killed- and Majer Ross was Killed in the part of the retreating- from thence he was marched to Augusta and crossing the river they ____ The former companions- at which place they remained some time from where he was marched to augusta together with the rest of the forces and joined Genl Lincoln about four miles below that place. and marched down The rier and crossing at Summertins ferry marched to Barnes Bridge on the ________ Ashley river. when they remained some time- and thence to Stand at the Big Rice fields to meet the British who were encamped there- at which place he remained some time and when his term of service expired he was discharged some time in June 1779- but received no written discharge having served at this time three months and some Days- from whence he returned to camden District where he continued to live until some time in June the precise time he cannot recollect- at which time he volunteered to go to the assistance of Genl Greene at the siege of Ninety six put himself under Captain Charles Herdes in Col. Edward Lacys Lieut col Patrick McGriffs and Maj John Odears regiment of volunteers we met together on the road about fourteen miles from Winnsborough at the time last mentioned we then marched to Congaree River there we crofsed and endeavored to intercept Lord Rawdon on his march from Ninety six to charleston he retreated to Orangeburg and encamped there we had joined Genl Greens army before we got to orangeburgh we then marched to the Eulaw Springs We then Genl Sumters army and marched to a church about thirty miles from charleston at which place we were attacked by a British troop of horses we had a skirmmish in which they were defeated we killed one and took seven prisoners who that night set fire to the church and fled we pursued them to_____ we there had a fight in which we lost about forty killed and wounded. They retained pofsefsion of the houses we were not able to dislodge them we then marched to Santee Crofed and then to Sumter's ponds we lay there some time and were there discharged about the first of September 1781 He got no written discharge He served at that time months and a half He continued to live at the same place till about the first of June 1782 at which time he was drafted to keep the tories on Edesto in subjection They met at Winsboro at the time last mentioned he was then under the command of Lieut Charles Puket and Maj Odear They then marched to Edisto at Youngs Cowpens and were there station They took some tory women and sent them to Charleston They Lay there one month and was then discharged He got no written discharge He served at that time one month He served in the whole nine months and ten days for which he claims pension He has no testamentary evidence and he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify as to his Service He knows no clergyman whose testimony he can procure who could testify to the report of his service He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state he was born in Meclenburgh County Virginia on the 30th May 1755 he has a record of his age at home in his bible he has lived since the revolutionary war in the following places viz he lived in Camden District till about 1784 then moved to Burk County Georgia lived there about five years then to Warren County Geo., lived there about two years then to Washington County Geo., lived there about five years then to Hancock County lived there about three years moved to Louisiana in St. Elena parish lived there about five years then to Lawrence lived there about two years then from thence to copiah county mississippi where he resided until December 1834 when he removed Kemper County aforesaid where he now resides- He was called into service in the manner aforesaid and never served as a substitute He was acquainted with Col Bratens Regiment of militia. Col Ward Hamptons Troop of Cavalry also with Major Boykins Troop of cavalry and with Cols Lea and Washingtons Troops of Cavalry That he never received a commission of written discharge during the Revolutionary War. He also states that there is no Clergyman in his neighborhood to whom he is known but that Hugh McDonald William Herbert William Brister Riding Sessoms are well acquainted with him in his present neighborhood and can testify as to his reputation and character for truth
James Goyne
Sworn to & Subscribed in open court May 19th 1836
Lewis Slovall Clk
Also, Hugh McDonald William Herbert & Ridings Sessoms and William Brister residents of County of Kemper and State of Mississippi hereby certify that we are well acquainted with James Goyne who has subscribed and sworn to the above Declaration that we believe him to be 80 years of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
Subscribed in open court May 18, 1836
Hugh McDonald
William Herbert
William (X his mark) Brister
And the said George Coatter declares it as his opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states. and said court further certifies that it appears to him that Hugh McDonald, William Herbert and William Brister who are signed to the foregoing certificate are residents of the said county and that they are credible persons and that these statements are entitled to credit
George Coatter now presiding in the sixth Judicial District Mississippi including the County of Kemper
I Lewis Stovall Clerk of the circuit court do hereby certify that the foregoing cantains the original perceddings of the said court in the matter of the application of James Goyne for a pension
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office in DeKalb This 18th day of may AD 1836
Lewis Stovall Clerk
In C. K. C.
Original documents for the above can be viewed at Footnote.
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Records submitted by Anna Going Friedman
Kemper Co. organized 23 Dec 1833. Land acquired from Choctaw in Treaty of Sancing Rabbit Creek.
1837 Kemper Co., MS Census
W W Goynes: M: 21-45=1; F: over 16=1, under 16=2. M slaves=1, F slaves=2, Total=5
1838 Kemper Co. Taxable Property:
John Goine
Wiley W Goynes
1839 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
Wiley W Goynes: 1 white poll, $0.57 ½
1840 Kemper Co. Taxable Porperty
Wiley W Goynes
1840 Kemper Co. MS Census
Amos Goyne: M: 5-10=1, 10-15=1, 15-20=2, 50-60=1; F: 5-10=2, 40-50=1
Wiley W. Goyne: M: U-5=2, 5-10=1, 10-15=2, 40-50=1; F: U-5=1, 5-10=1, 10-15=1, 20-30=1, 30-40=1
1841 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
W W Goynes
1842 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
W W Goins
1843 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
John Goines
W W Goynes
1847 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
B C Goynes
Erasmus Goynes
John Goynes
W W Goynes
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