Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Person County, NC Early Records

Person County, NC Records Collection Submitted by Cindy Young

Person County, North Carolina
Formed from the eastern part of Caswell County, North Carolina in 1791.
(Person County and Caswell County were the northern part of Orange County, North Carolina)

View block map at:

The below depicts the districts in Orange County in 1774. See the explaination below to understand the division into Caswell and subsequently into Person.

Districts in green became Person County in 1792.
St Asaph (1)
Chatham (2)
St Davids (3)
St Martins(later Caswell) (4)
Richmond (5)
Glouster (6)
Orange (7)
Tryon (8)
St Thomas (9)
Hillsborough (10)
St Lukes (11)
St Laurence (12)
Dunsmore(later Nash) (13)
St James (14)
St Marys (15)
St Marks (16)

The above showing the districts of Orange County, North Carolina in 1774 is from Person County Compilations by Katherine Kerr Kendall, page 3. It was reproduced there from Misc Records of Orange County, Department of Arichives and History, Raleigh, NC, file number C.R. 073.928.18.

On May 9, 1777, the top eight districts (3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14) became Caswell County. At the June 1777 Session of the Caswell County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessons, the name of Dunsmore District was changed to Nash District. At the March 1778 session the district of St. Martin’s was changed to Caswell District.

In 1792 the eastern four districts of Caswell County (11, 12, 13, and 14) became Person County (green above). The name of the St. Laurence District is sometimes written as St. Lawrence.


Person County, North Carolina Marriages 1792-1868
By Katherine Kerr Kendall
Page 34
Gains, Francis & Charlotte Satterfield, 14 Feb. 1809 (Thomas Gaines)
Gains, Robert & Ann E. Richerson, 3 Aug. 1854 (Bec ? Campel)
Page 35
Goin, Robert & Ann E. Richardson, (m. 3 Aug. 1854 by Ambrose Jones, JP)
Going, Dempsy & Mourning Goodson, 4 Mar. 1797 (Edward Going)
Going, Isham & Fanney Going, 26 Nov. 1792 (Patrick Mason & H. Haralson)
Goins, Allen & Rebecca Goins, 7 Apr. 1795 (Guttridge Goins, Jesse Dickins)
Gowen, Edmond & Lettice Gray, 21 Oct. 1807 (Thomas Pool, John Holloway)
Gowen, Edward & Susannah Freeman, 8 Feb. 1815 ( Harrison Stanfield)
Gowens, John & Frances Franklin, 31 May 1830 (A. Royster)

Mildred Goen was married November 6, 1810 to Roland Jones, according to "Person County, North Carolina Marriage Records, 1792-1868." Henry Curtis and Jonath Harelson were securities. The marriage is confirmed by “North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868,” record 1088, Bond No. 108053.

Haley [Mahala?] Goin was married to William Bass December 16, 1816, according to "Person County Patchwork" by Virginia Reavis. McFarland Oakly was listed as bondsman. The marriage date is recorded as December 26, 1816 according to "Person County, North Carolina Marriage Records, 1792-1868." The marriage is confirmed by “North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868,” record 1007, bondsman McFarland Oakly, witness Ira Lea, Bond No. 106646.
Tax List 1797
Nash District
Edmond Goin, 250 acres, 2 free polls, 2 slaves
Tax List 1800
Nash District
Edward Gowin, 250 acres, 1 free poll, 0 black polls, 0 stud horses

Person County, North Carolina Compilations, 1792-1820
Land Grants
1794-1805-1823 Tax Lists
Record Book Abstracts 1792-1820
Letters of Attorney
By Katherine Kerr Kendall

Page 10
Tax List 1794, St. Lawrance District
Gowin, Allen, 0 acres, 1 white poll, 0 black polls
Gowin, Guthridge, 213 acres, 0 white polls, 0 black polls

Page 12
Tax List 1794, St. Lukes District
Goins, Ed., 245 ¾ acres, 2 white polls, 0 black polls

Page 23
At the first session of the Person County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March 1792, the estate records of John McNeill (Niell) were proved. A merchant, John McNeill’s store was near the Caswell-Person border and very near Leasburg. From file number C.R. 078.801.1, Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina.
“A list of the debts which appears to be due to the estate of John McNeill, dec. according to the ledger formerly kept by the said deceased, known by the name of ledger C.”
Note: The amount of debt was omitted from the following list.
The list is very long and includes the name of EDWARD GOING.

Page 39
Person County Record Books, book 1, page 68
March Court 1793
John Mann-will-4 sons, William, John, James and Robert; daughters, Agness, Margaret; wife Jane Mann. Exec. JOHN GOWIN, Hezekiah Stone, and wife. Dated 30 Oct. 1792.

Page 40
Person County Record Books, book 1, page 105
Dec. Court 1793
Acct. sales of Edmund Hendley, Sales to Joseph Atkinson, Ben Johnston, ALLEN GOWIN, Thomas Black, Ben McNeil, Jesse Duncan, John Black, Reuben Long, Ed Doyle, Jas. Hendley, Jun.

Page 44
Tax List 1795
St. Luke’s District
Edward Goins

Page 46
Tax List 1795
St. Lawrence District
Guttridge Goen

Page 54
Person County Record Books, book 2, page 133
December Court 1798
George Eubanks-will-dated 15 July 1798. Wife Bettey; sons Thomas, George, daughter Frances Wyatt of King and Queen Co., Va.; daughter Mary Carlton of King and Queen Co., Va.; daughters Catherine and Betsy; James Eubanks. Exec. Wife and Thos. Eubanks. Test. George Burch and EDWARD GOINS.

Page 71
Tax List 1805
Capt. Streets Company
Gowen, Edmund, 0 acres, 1 white poll, 1 black poll
Gowen, Fedrick, 0 acres, 1 white poll

Page 75
Tax List 1805
Capt. Penicks Company
Gowen, Allen, 0 acres, 1 white poll

Page 109
Tax List 1823
Capt. Brooks Company
Gowing, Thomas, 0 acres, 1 white poll

Person County, North Carolina Deeds 1792-1825
By Katherine Kerr Kendall

Page 7
Deed Book A, Page 147-8
Matthew Carter and Ann his wife of Mecklenburg Co., VA to FREDERICK GOING of same, for 100 lbs, 250 acres, east side Bluewing Creek adjoining George Moore to Cattail Br.

Page 23
Deed Book B, Page 191-3
Thomas Palmer, Jun. & Joseph Palmer both of CC, to John Wheeley of same, for 15 lbs, 72 acres on Flat R adj Daniel Malone, said Wheeley, Terrel, EDWARD GOINS, Kelly. 31 July 1786. Wit. Richard Burch Sen., EWD GOINS.

Page 35
Deed Book C, Page 61-2
State of NC-#86-to Robert Dickens and William Waite, for 30 shillings per 100 A, 150 A on Flat R adj William Hawkins near Orange County line, said Dickens & Waite. Survey 1 Apr 1795, registered 2 Dec 1797. Chain Carriers; EDWD GOINS, Joshua Step.

Page 35
Deed Book C, Page 62-3
State of NC-#87-to Robert Dickens & William Waite, ? A on Flat R adj Elizabeth Step, James Rimmer, EDWARD GOINS. 2 Dec. 1797. Chain Carriers; EDWD GOINS, Joshua Step.

Page 38
Deed Book C, Page 99-100
Daniel Malone of CC to Thomas W. Price of Orange Co., NC for 50 lbs, 120 A on Bushy Fork of Flat R adj Aldridge, the county line, Wm. Waite, ED GOINS old line. Ph Burch, D. Durham-it being half of a grant to Robert Mitchel. 15 Nov. 1796. Wit. William Lea, Samuel Love.

Page 51
Deed Book C, Page 269
EDMUND GOIN to William Baird, for 86 lbs, 124 A on Blewing Cr adj Waite, Francis Ford, FREDERICK GOIN on Cattail Br. 8 Apr 1801. Wit. James Thomson, Starling Hudgins, Sharp Willingham.

Page 52
Deed Book C, Page 280-1

FREDERICK GOIN of Mecklenburg, Va, to EDMUND GOIN of Person Co., for 6/, 124 A on Bluewing Cr adj Waite, Francis Ford, on Cattail Br to Baird line. 11 Mar 1801. Wit: Jeremiah Johnson, Francis Ford, Wm. Thaxton.

Page 52
Deed Book C, Page 290-1
FREDERICK GOWEN od Mecklenburg Co., to William Thaxton of Halifax Co., VA, for 40 lbs, 120 A on Blewing Cr adj Francis Ford, Reubin Jones, William Baird, 6 July 1801. Wit: James Thomson, Zachariah Averett, Charles Thaxton.

Page 56
Deed Book C, Page 331-2
John Thomas to Jacob Thomas, for $104, 120 A on Bushy Fork of Flat R on Orange County Line adj Aldridge, EDWARD GOINS old line, Phillip Burch, D. Durras, reserving a dividing line to 100 A to Thomas & balance to Robert McNabb and was sold to McNabb by Thos Price-tract conveyed John Thomas by Thomas Price & to Price by Daniel Malone. 8 Jan 1802. Wit: John Farrar, B. Douglas.

Page 67
Deed Book C, Page 453
EDMUND GOWEN to William Baird of Prince George Co., VA, for 90 lbs 17/2 as debt is due for this amt., negro girl Patty age about 14 yrs; horses, cattle. 5 June 1804. Wit: Samuel Ward, Anselem Bugg, James Thomson.

Page 70
Deed Book C, Page 495-6
Richard Atkinson to THOMAS GOINS, for 52 lbs 10/, 100 A both sides Hendley Mill Cr adj Samuel Wheelor, Tillman. 7 Feb 1805. Wit. JOSEPH GOINS.

Page 71
Deed Book C, Page 502
Samuel Wheelor to Wiliam Saterfield, for $250, 70 A adj Charles Winstead, Benjamin McNeill, Wm. Jones. 6 Feb 1805. Wit: R. Long, JOSEPH GOINS.

Page 81
Deed Book D, Page 30-1
THOMAS GOINS to Thomas Keeling, for 26 lbs 5/, 15 A adj Wheeler, Roger Tilman, Allison. Sept. 1806. Wit: Benjamin Wheeler, Jas D. Henley.

Page 94
Deed Book D, Page 149
Erwin Johnston & George Johnston (in debt to James D. Henley for $100 for bond executed to Edmond Henly decd, also $5.50 on acct) to William Trotter, in trust, for 5/, 30 A on both sides Bear Br of Hico adj Daniel Sargent formerly Simon Doyle, Wm. McDaniel; also 50 ½ A on s end of tract granted George Johnston 20 Dec. 1779 & descended to Erwin & George by George Johnston decd. 27 Feb 1809. Wit: R. Long, THOMAS GOINS.

Page 123
Deed Book D, Page 402
Thomas Price of Orange Co to John Thomas of Person Co for $100, 120 A on Bushey Fork Flat R adj Orange Co. line, Aldridge, Wm Waite, EDWARD GOINS, Philip Burch, D. Durham, Benj Wheeley; a line intersects tract as 20 A already sold to Robert McNab; tract conveyed to Price by Daniel Malone./s/ Thos Wm Price. 25 Dec 1799. wit: Samuel Serrett, B. Douglas. Both witnesses removed from state; proved by oath of John Whitfield who was present when deed was sriten; (sic) Cary Williams proved handwriting of B. Douglas.

Page 197
Deed Book G, Page 96-7
THOMAS GOWEN (in debt to James Holloway for $46.93) to Wilie Brooks, for $1, in trust,a sorrel mare, hogs, furniture, working tools, crops of corn, fodder, cotton, tobacco. 19 Mar 1824. Wit: William Springfield.


1800 Person County, North Carolina
All Other Free Persons
Allen Goin (FPOC); Series: M32 Roll: 32 Page: 218
Edward Goin (FPOC); Series: M32 Roll: 32 Page: 196
Godrich Goin (FPOC); Series: M32 Roll: 32 Page: 209
Susannah Goin (white); Series: M32 Roll: 32 Page: 205

1810 Person County, North Carolina census
Allin Going (FPOC); Series: M252 Roll: 38 Page: 151
Edmund Going (white); Series: M252 Roll: 38 Page: 151
Fanny Goin
Guthridge Goin
Edmund Going

Please enjoy an article submitted by Jack Goins "Person County Indians" at the following link:
In Search Of KinFolks Left Behind

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