Sunday, March 30, 2008

Kemper County, MS Early Records

Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison
Start Your Free Trial with

Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the passed 7th June 1832. –
The State of Mississippi
Kemper County

On the 18th day of may 1836 personally appeared in Open Court before me, George Crather Judge of the circuit court (the same being a court of Record) now Siting in and for said County James Goyne a resident of said County of Kemper and State of mississippi aged about Eighty one years. Who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. - That he entered the service of the United States under the following named Officers and served as here after stated. That he lived in Camden district State of South Carolina at which place some time in June 1776 where he was drafted to go to charleston in order to intercept the British Fleet that was expected to Land their under Col John Wynn in Captain John Smiths company of militia, Lieutenant William Dauherty and rendyvoused at Winnsboro in sd State at that time last above mentioned and marched to charleston and was statined there together with said company to guard the Town and after being there about a month, he was marched back and dismissed about the last of July 1776 having served about six weeks but received no written discharge - and that afterwards on the last of Janry 1779 - as near as he can recollct he was again drafted under the same officers as above in camden District South Carolina where he then resided and rendyvoased at Winnsboro at the same time and was marched immediately to Charleston where he was stationed some time when said company joined Genl Ash from North Carolina and was there marched to pluressburgh near Savannah at which place he was stationed about eight days when he was again dismissed or discharged and returned home about the last of Februay 1779- having served about one month during which service he was in no engagement nor did he receiv any written discharge- And that after remaining at home about four days he again entered the service of the U.S. as a drafted soldier under Col John Wynn in Captain Francis Gedwills company of Malitia Lieutenant William Daugherty and rendyvoresed at Winnsboros about the first of March 1779- near which place this declarant then resided and from where he was marched to savannah River near Augusta. At which place he volunteered to go to Gengid to fight the Indians and put himself under Captain John Nixon and Col Haman and was marched to Pifhtsborough and from thence to Falsoms Fort on Obeachy river from which place the Indians retreated and were pursued by said company and overtaken and a scirmish ensued in which Seventeen Indians and two white men were Killed- and Majer Ross was Killed in the part of the retreating- from thence he was marched to Augusta and crossing the river they ____ The former companions- at which place they remained some time from where he was marched to augusta together with the rest of the forces and joined Genl Lincoln about four miles below that place. and marched down The rier and crossing at Summertins ferry marched to Barnes Bridge on the ________ Ashley river. when they remained some time- and thence to Stand at the Big Rice fields to meet the British who were encamped there- at which place he remained some time and when his term of service expired he was discharged some time in June 1779- but received no written discharge having served at this time three months and some Days- from whence he returned to camden District where he continued to live until some time in June the precise time he cannot recollect- at which time he volunteered to go to the assistance of Genl Greene at the siege of Ninety six put himself under Captain Charles Herdes in Col. Edward Lacys Lieut col Patrick McGriffs and Maj John Odears regiment of volunteers we met together on the road about fourteen miles from Winnsborough at the time last mentioned we then marched to Congaree River there we crofsed and endeavored to intercept Lord Rawdon on his march from Ninety six to charleston he retreated to Orangeburg and encamped there we had joined Genl Greens army before we got to orangeburgh we then marched to the Eulaw Springs We then Genl Sumters army and marched to a church about thirty miles from charleston at which place we were attacked by a British troop of horses we had a skirmmish in which they were defeated we killed one and took seven prisoners who that night set fire to the church and fled we pursued them to_____ we there had a fight in which we lost about forty killed and wounded. They retained pofsefsion of the houses we were not able to dislodge them we then marched to Santee Crofed and then to Sumter's ponds we lay there some time and were there discharged about the first of September 1781 He got no written discharge He served at that time months and a half He continued to live at the same place till about the first of June 1782 at which time he was drafted to keep the tories on Edesto in subjection They met at Winsboro at the time last mentioned he was then under the command of Lieut Charles Puket and Maj Odear They then marched to Edisto at Youngs Cowpens and were there station They took some tory women and sent them to Charleston They Lay there one month and was then discharged He got no written discharge He served at that time one month He served in the whole nine months and ten days for which he claims pension He has no testamentary evidence and he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify as to his Service He knows no clergyman whose testimony he can procure who could testify to the report of his service He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state he was born in Meclenburgh County Virginia on the 30th May 1755 he has a record of his age at home in his bible he has lived since the revolutionary war in the following places viz he lived in Camden District till about 1784 then moved to Burk County Georgia lived there about five years then to Warren County Geo., lived there about two years then to Washington County Geo., lived there about five years then to Hancock County lived there about three years moved to Louisiana in St. Elena parish lived there about five years then to Lawrence lived there about two years then from thence to copiah county mississippi where he resided until December 1834 when he removed Kemper County aforesaid where he now resides- He was called into service in the manner aforesaid and never served as a substitute He was acquainted with Col Bratens Regiment of militia. Col Ward Hamptons Troop of Cavalry also with Major Boykins Troop of cavalry and with Cols Lea and Washingtons Troops of Cavalry That he never received a commission of written discharge during the Revolutionary War. He also states that there is no Clergyman in his neighborhood to whom he is known but that Hugh McDonald William Herbert William Brister Riding Sessoms are well acquainted with him in his present neighborhood and can testify as to his reputation and character for truth
James Goyne

Sworn to & Subscribed in open court May 19th 1836
Lewis Slovall Clk

Also, Hugh McDonald William Herbert & Ridings Sessoms and William Brister residents of County of Kemper and State of Mississippi hereby certify that we are well acquainted with James Goyne who has subscribed and sworn to the above Declaration that we believe him to be 80 years of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.

Subscribed in open court May 18, 1836
Hugh McDonald
William Herbert
William (X his mark) Brister

And the said George Coatter declares it as his opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states. and said court further certifies that it appears to him that Hugh McDonald, William Herbert and William Brister who are signed to the foregoing certificate are residents of the said county and that they are credible persons and that these statements are entitled to credit

George Coatter now presiding in the sixth Judicial District Mississippi including the County of Kemper

I Lewis Stovall Clerk of the circuit court do hereby certify that the foregoing cantains the original perceddings of the said court in the matter of the application of James Goyne for a pension
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office in DeKalb This 18th day of may AD 1836
Lewis Stovall Clerk
In C. K. C.

Original documents for the above can be viewed at Footnote.
Start Your Free Trial with

Records submitted by Anna Going Friedman

Kemper Co. organized 23 Dec 1833. Land acquired from Choctaw in Treaty of Sancing Rabbit Creek.

1837 Kemper Co., MS Census
W W Goynes: M: 21-45=1; F: over 16=1, under 16=2. M slaves=1, F slaves=2, Total=5

1838 Kemper Co. Taxable Property:
John Goine
Wiley W Goynes

1839 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
Wiley W Goynes: 1 white poll, $0.57 ½

1840 Kemper Co. Taxable Porperty
Wiley W Goynes

1840 Kemper Co. MS Census
Amos Goyne: M: 5-10=1, 10-15=1, 15-20=2, 50-60=1; F: 5-10=2, 40-50=1
Wiley W. Goyne: M: U-5=2, 5-10=1, 10-15=2, 40-50=1; F: U-5=1, 5-10=1, 10-15=1, 20-30=1, 30-40=1

1841 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
W W Goynes

1842 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
W W Goins

1843 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
John Goines
W W Goynes

1847 Kemper Co. Taxable Property
B C Goynes
Erasmus Goynes
John Goynes
W W Goynes

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Warren County, GA Early Records

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman

May 18, 1836
Kemper County, MI
Revolutionary War Pension of James Goyne

GOYNE, James. b. 05/30/1755 Mecklenburg Co, VA; sef 1776 Camden Disctrict, SC, where resided; mvd 1784 to Burke Co, GA, for c 5 years, thence Warren Co, GA for c 2 years; thence Washington Co, GA for c 5 years, thence Hancock Co, GA for c3 years, thence St. Elena Parish, LA for c 5 years, thence Lawrence Co, MS for c 2 years, thence Copiah Co MS, lastly to Kemper Co MS where PN 1836. F-S30442 R1103

Source: Virginia and West Virginia General Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records Vol. 2 compiled by Patrick G. Wardell, Heritage Books, INC 1990, Bowie, MD pg 201.


Ref: (ibid), page 160 Moses Going; 500 acres of Land; Price peer acre: 3.6; Warren county, Ogechee River, Adjoining: Abercombie & Ship. 1793
1794 Tax List
Moses Going – page 160 Hubberts District
William Going - page 160 Hubberts District

Family Data Collection -
Isaac Bankston (son of Daniel Bankston) married Mary J. Goins on Dec 2, 1794 in Warren Co., GA.

Some Georgia County Records, Vol. 1 – Lucas

Page 132, 133: DEED dated 29 May 1795, rec. 13 Aug. 1798, from MOSES GOING and wife AGNES (x) of Warren Co. Ga. To JAMES COZART of aforesaid. In cons. Of 100 pds., conveys 684 ac. In Franklin Co. Wit: JAMES SAUNDERS, PROSSER HORTON. Sworn to by HORTON before M. HUBERT, J.P. 2 Dec. 1797.

Pages 221-222: Sept. 22, 1795, ELEAZER MOBLEY of Warren Co., to FRANCIS BECK of same for 50 pounds, land near GOING’S Mill, originally granted to GEO. BREWER Oct. 29 1789. ELEAZER MOBLEY (EM Seal). Wit: LEWIS HARVIE, SAMUEL FIELDS. Rec. Dec. 8, 1796.

Pages 632-633: March 7, 1799, LEWIS WRIGHT, Sheriff of Warren Co. to MOSES GOING, whereas HENRY CANDLER & MOSES GOING each obtained a judgment in Inferior Court against WILLIAM SANDERS, 352 acres, the greater part of a grant to IGNATIUS FEW, June 18, 1793, adj. WOOTEN, WILLIAM, ALEXANDER…..LEWIS WRIGHT (SEAL). Wit: ANDERSON BERRY, JNO. MCMURRAIN (X). Rec. May 5, 1800.

Georgia Department of Archives and History, Reel No. 2-2310

By his Excellency James Jackson Captain General, Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over the faid State, and of the Militia thereof.
To all to whom thefe Prefents fhall come, Greeting:
KNOW YE, That in pursuance of the Act for opening the Land Office, and by virtue of the powers in me vefted, I HAVE given and granted, and, by thfe prefents, in the name and behalf of the faid ftate, DO give and grant unto Moses Goins his heirs and affigns forever, ALL that tract or parcel of land containing Sixty acres fituate, lying, and being in the county of Warren in the faid ftate, and butting and bounding northwest by Lawrences Land, Southwest by W Andrews Goinens land, and East by Nobley’s Land, ___________
Having fuch fhape, form and marks, as appear by a plat of the fame hereunto annexed; together with all and fingular the rights, members, and appurtenances thereof , whatfoever, to the faid tract or parcel of land belonging, or in any wife appertaining; and alfo all the eftate, right, title, intereft, claim, and demand of the ftate aforefaid, of, in to, or out of, the fame: TO HAVE premifes aforefaid, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, unto the faid Moses Goins his heirs and affigns to his and their own proper ufe and behoof forever, in Fee Simple.
GIVEN under my hand, and the great feal of the faid ftate, this twenty third day of January in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety nine; and in the twenty third year of American Independence.
Signed by his Excellency the Governor, the 23rd day of Jany, 1799 Jas Jackson
Thomas Johnson J.P
Registered, the 24th day of Jany, 1799


Letter received by Anna Going Friedman concerning the above Sixty acres of land granted to Moses Going dated 5 October 2004 from: State of Georgia, Secretary of State, Division Of Archives And History, 5800 Jonesboro Road, Morrow, Georgia 30260-1101, 678-364-3700,

Dear Ms. Friedman:

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the warrant for survey that was issued in behalf of Moses Going, which survey he was qualified to receive on his family headright. In Georgia the first post- Revolutionary land act passed the assembly on 17 February 1783. It and an amendment passed on 1 August 1783 became the fundamental law by which all headright grants of the state were issued.

Under the headright law, each head of family was allowed two hundred acres plus fifty additional acres for each family member or slave. The total amount was not to exceed one thousand acres. The applicant received the first two hundred acres free but paid a fee, on a sliding scale, of one shilling to four shillings six pence per acre for each additional acre. Fees for lands were dropped entirely in 1785 but were reinstated in 1831. In all cases the applicant paid the cost of surveying and paperwork. Surveys generally were irregular in shape and were described by land features and monuments that were erected.

Any U.S. citizen who was a resident of Georgia was entitled to a grant. Before receiving the grant the applicant was required to settle on the tract for twelve months and improved three out of every one hundred acres. Strict application of the requirements for settling and improving was found impractical, and the requirements were modified in 1785. Beginning that year the applicant had to settle on the land and improve three out of every one hundred acres within eighteen months of receiving the grant, or the land would be subject to a treble tax.

To obtain a headright grant, the applicant had to appear before the land court in the county where the land he desired was located, describe the tract for which he wished to obtain a warrant, and take an oral oath declaring that he was legally entitled to a grant. If the land court approved, the applicant was issued a warrant for a survey that described, as far as practicable, the tract desired. Moses Going received a warrant survey in 1797 for sixty acres. It appears that he sold away part of the acreage for which he qualified (this was common). Any other land that he owned was purchased by warranty deed, from the citizens to whom the land was granted by the state or from those to whom the grantees had sold the land. These are the conveyances of land you found recorded in the Superior Court deed books.

A distinguished Georgia land historian has said that “land speculation and land fraud are about as American as baseball and apple pie.” Georgia was exposed to two major land-fraud scandals, and the people of Georgia resolved in all future dispositions of public lands to guard against every opportunity for fraud and corruption. It adopted a rectangular system of land subdivision for surveying out the remaining two-thirds of the state, and it adopted the lottery as a means for distributing these lands.

The first land lottery was held in 1805. Participants included Drury, John, and William Goin, Jr. of Wilkes County; Hardy Goins of Hancock County; and William Gouyen of Warren County. Only Hardy and William Jr. were fortunate drawers. For the second or 1807 land lottery we have only the names of fortunate drawers. John Goyne of Wilkes County was a fortunate drawer in 1807. It is not known whether they took up their grants without searching the grant books. It was 1820 before another lottery was conducted (then 1821, 1827, two in 1832, and the last in 1833).

I hope that this information clarifies some of your confusion concerning Georgia land records. The thirteen original colonies-and then states-granted all of their own land. The federal government was not involved, and so the methods adopted were not exactly like what you would find in Tennessee or Kentucky and other states. Another example of state grants is in the Western Reserve in Ohio, which was the reserve of land put aside by the federal government for Connecticut to reward her Revolutionary War veterans. Georgia is the largest land-mass state east of the Mississippi River, and Connecticut was not so well endowed. Within the Reserve, Connecticut had absolute authority over the granting on land to her soldiers.

Yours truly,
Sandra J. Boling
Research Archivist

Warren Co., GA wills 1790-1890
Goynne, William s/jan 4, 1816 p/ sept. 1817
Daughters: Rebecca Dick, Alice King
Sons: Tyre, Hiram, John, Drury, William, Hardy
Grandsons: John, Mount Hermon, children of Hardy

1818 Warren County, GA, Capt. Roger’s dist., tax digest
Nancy Goine, widow


Franklin County, GA Early Records

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman

Ref: (ibid), page 160; 500 acres of Land; Price peer acre: 3.6; Warren county, Ogechee River, Adjoining: Abercombie & Ship. 1793
1794 Tax List
Moses Going – page 160 Hubberts District
William Going - page 160 Hubberts District
Some Georgia County Records, Vol. 1 – Lucas

Page 132, 133: DEED dated 29 May 1795, rec. 13 Aug. 1798, from MOSES GOING and wife AGNES (x) of Warren Co. Ga. To JAMES COZART of aforesaid. In cons. Of 100 pds., conveys 684 ac. In Franklin Co. Wit: JAMES SAUNDERS, PROSSER HORTON. Sworn to by HORTON before M. HUBERT, J.P. 2 Dec. 1797.

Pages 221-222: Sept. 22, 1795, ELEAZER MOBLEY of Warren Co., to FRANCIS BECK of same for 50 pounds, land near GOING’S Mill, originally granted to GEO. BREWER Oct. 29 1789. ELEAZER MOBLEY (EM Seal). Wit: LEWIS HARVIE, SAMUEL FIELDS. Rec. Dec. 8, 1796.

Pages 632-633: March 7, 1799, LEWIS WRIGHT, Sheriff of Warren Co. to MOSES GOING, whereas HENRY CANDLER & MOSES GOING each obtained a judgment in Inferior Court against WILLIAM SANDERS, 352 acres, the greater part of a grant to IGNATIUS FEW, June 18, 1793, adj. WOOTEN, WILLIAM, ALEXANDER…..LEWIS WRIGHT (SEAL). Wit: ANDERSON BERRY, JNO. MCMURRAIN (X). Rec. May 5, 1800.
Georgia Department of Archives and History, Reel No. 2-2310

By his Excellency James Jackson Captain General, Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over the faid State, and of the Militia thereof.
To all to whom thefe Prefents fhall come, Greeting:
KNOW YE, That in pursuance of the Act for opening the Land Office, and by virtue of the powers in me vefted, I HAVE given and granted, and, by thfe prefents, in the name and behalf of the faid ftate, DO give and grant unto Moses Goins his heirs and affigns forever, ALL that tract or parcel of land containing Sixty acres fituate, lying, and being in the county of Warren in the faid ftate, and butting and bounding northwest by Lawrences Land, Southwest by W Andrews Goinens land, and East by Nobley’s Land, ___________
Having fuch fhape, form and marks, as appear by a plat of the fame hereunto annexed; together with all and fingular the rights, members, and appurtenances thereof , whatfoever, to the faid tract or parcel of land belonging, or in any wife appertaining; and alfo all the eftate, right, title, intereft, claim, and demand of the ftate aforefaid, of, in to, or out of, the fame: TO HAVE premifes aforefaid, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, unto the faid Moses Goins his heirs and affigns to his and their own proper ufe and behoof forever, in Fee Simple.
GIVEN under my hand, and the great feal of the faid ftate, this twenty third day of January in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety nine; and in the twenty third year of American Independence.
Signed by his Excellency the Governor, the 23rd day of Jany, 1799 Jas Jackson
Thomas Johnson J.P
Registered, the 24th day of Jany, 1799

Warren Co., GA wills 1790-1890
Goynne, William s/jan 4, 1816 p/ sept. 1817
Daughters: Rebecca Dick, Alice King
Sons: Tyre, Hiram, John, Drury, William, Hardy
Grandsons: John, Mount Hermon, children of Hardy

1818 Warren County, GA, Capt. Roger’s dist., tax digest
Nancy Goine, widow

Lincoln County, GA Early Records

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman

Frank Parker Hudson – 1800 Census for Lincoln Co., GA
G-75 GOING, Moses; Lincoln Co.; 200 acres; 1 slave.

Georgia. To all whom then presents shall come. I Moses Going of said State & county of Lincoln Send Greeting Whereas said Moses Going by note bearing date The twenty seventh day of Jul seventeen hundred and Ninety nine & payable the first day of January Eighteen hundred with Lawful interest from the Date of said note bring for the sum of one hundred & fifty seven Dollars and eighty one cents with lawful interest from the date aforesaid know ____ that I the said Moses Going for the better securing the above mentioned sum specified in said note with the interest due & may become due thereon to the said Ignatious Few his heirs or asignes have Bargained and sold & by there presents doth Grant Bargain and sell & deliver unto said Iguatious Few his heirs or assigns a negro Woman slave name Sela also one sorrel horse about fourteen hands high Ten years old also a bay mare brand obscure fourteen hands one high or near its about Ten years old also nine head of neat cattle Branded now Marked with a cross off the right ear & half cross in the left also three Feather beds & furniture of every kind, I the said Moses Going Doth hereby warrant and for ever defend the said negro woman Sela the said sorrel horse, Bay mare, nine head of cattle with the three feather Beds & Furniture with all my house hold & kitchen furniture unto the said Ignatious Few his heir Executors, Administrators & assigns to their only proper use & behoof. Provided nevertheless If the said Moses Going doth pay or cause be paid the aforesaid note of one hundred and Fifty seven Dollars & eighty one cents with the interest now & may become due thereon on or before the first day of January next, then this deed of Bargain or mortgage of sale and every part thereof shall cease and be utterly Void and of none Effect anything heretofore to the contrary notwithstanding. It is hereby declared by & between the parties, and the said Moses Going for himself his heirs Executors and administrators do hereby promise and agree to & with the said Ignatious Few his heirs Executors, Administrators and assigns, If their should be default in the payment of the said note and interest due or may come due agreeable to the time as above & Tenor Therof according to the true intenet and meaning of the same then & in such case it may & shall be lawfull for the said Ignatious Few his heirs Admin., Executors, heirs or agents from time and at all times thereafter to take possession of the said negro woman Sela with any Issue she may herafter have said Sorrel Horse, bay mare, nine head of cattle, three feather beds and furniture with all and Singular the house and kitchen furniture aforesaid and every part thereof agreeable to the Law of foreclosure of Mortgages of the State
In Witness whereof the said Moses Going hath here unto set his hand and affixed his seal this 6th day of August 1803
(signed) Moses Going (seal)
(witnessed by) Charles (C. D. his mark) Devernt Ju.
Nath. Durham
William Quinn J.P.

Registered July 21st, 1804
A. Talon clk

Robert Davis Jr. & James Dorsey “Lincoln Co. Genealogy & History”

Moses Going to Ignatious Few. 6 august 1803. Mortgage for slave and personal property. Witnessed: Charles Deverent Junr. (by mark). Nath, Durham, and William Quinn, J.P. Registered July 21, 1804. Pages 121-23.

6. Ferrell and Franham vs. Moses Going.

July Term, 1804
14. Mathew Raybon and William Biggins, Exrs. Of Benjamin Shack vs. Moses Going. (note names are spelled different in the Augusta Chronicle below).

Printed in the Augusta Chronicle & Gazette on August, 1804. (Note: This is only a portion of the article. The last names of a couple persons are spelled different in the record above.) To search for other Augusta Chronicle & Gazette articles visit:

Mathew Raybon and Wm. Beggins, Executors of Benjamin Ship. Vs. Moses Going.

To their honors the Judges of the Inferior Court for the county of Lincoln.
The petition of Mofes Going, humbly sheweth, That He is now confined in the common jail of the faid county, in virtue of a Ca Sa, at the inftance of Mathew Raybon and William Beggins, executors of Benjamin Ship, for a fum of money which he is unable to pay, and that he is willing to give up all his effate, beth real and perfonal for the benefit of his creditors, and therefore prays that he may be discharged from confinement, agreeable to the laws and conftitution of the ftate.

1820 Lincoln County, GA Census
Mark Going – Page 156

1830 Lincoln County, GA Census
Martha Going – Page 062
Moses Going – Page 074

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Greene County, GA Early Records

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman

Ref: (ibid), Moses Going - Greene County 208 acres Who the Land adjoins or what water courses on, Smith. (No date given).

Page 18, Book B, Greene County, Georgia, Land Deed Records
This Indenture made this fourth day of September in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and ninty two between Samuel Crawford of the County of Greene and State of Georgia of the one part and Moses Going of the County of Wilkes and State of aforesaid witesseth that the said Samuel Crawford for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds citing to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he the said Samuel Crawford hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold aliened, enforced, and confirmed and by these present doth grant bargain sell enforce and confirm unto the said Moses Going his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred acres situate and being on the waters of Ogeechee in the County of Greene adjacent the Land of Jacob Banekrton and Fitzjarrell and Davis and bounded as followeth viz; Beginning pon Banckston Corner pine and running South 50, West 10 chains, 70 Links to a corner pine, thence 80, 45 wd, 10 chains to a corner pine thence North 30, East 35 chains to a corner pine, thence 13, 22 chains to pine corner upon Martin Armstrong Line together with all and singular the rights members and appertancesthereof to the said tract parcel of Land belonging or in anywise appertaining and also all the estate rights titles and claim of him the said Crawford of in to or out of the same to have and to hold the tract or parcel fo Land and all and singular the premises aforesaid with their and every of their rights members and appertainances unto the said Moses Going his heirs and assigns to his own are and behoof forever in fee simple in witness whereof the said Samuel Crawford hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and date above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Isaac Bankson, James Langford, Eth’s Wood, JP.

Recorded July 13th 1793, Wm. Daniell, Clk.

Moses Going to James Ward Deed 21 May 1792
Greene Co Ga. Recorded 20 Jul 1793 Book B pg 26
This indenture this 21st day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety two between James Ward of the County of Greene and State of Georgia of this one part and Moses Going of the County of Wilks and state aforesaid wittnesseth that the Said James Ward for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him in hand paid the receipt whereof the said James Ward hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold aliened Enforced ____ and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien Enforce release and confirm unto the said Moses Going his heirs and assign certain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and thirty Eight acres be the same more or less situated lying and being on the Waters of Ogeeche in the County of Greene & Washington adjoining the land of S. E. Brewer northwest by Bankstons and on the other field by William Mattacks land beginning at a pine on Bankston thence N 70 W 32 to a hickory on Mattocks line thence S 70 E 46 to a pine Brewers corner thence N23 E 63 to the beginning together With all and singular the right members appurtenances thereof to the said tract or parcel of land belonging to in any wire affcertaining thereto and also all this estate right & title interest and claim of him the said James Ward of in to or out of the same to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and all and singular the premises aforesaid with this and Every rights members and appcertanences and the said Moses Going his heirs and assigns to his own proper use and behoof forever In fee simple be in Witness whereof the said James Ward hath hereunto set his hand and seal this day and date above written
James Ward (seal)
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Moses Lewis, Samuel Crawford
Proven before Tho Ward JP
Recorded this 20th July 1793
Thos Daniell Clk..

Georgia Tax Index 1789-1799
Aaron Going, Greene Co., Royston District, 1797

Columbia County, GA Early Records

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman

Columbia Co. Courthouse – Marriages
Going, James to Mildred Eubank – April 7, 1806

Midred Eubanks married John Going 7 April 1806 in Columbia Co., GA – Marriages to 1850,

Polly Going married Jacob Paul 9 Sept 1818 in Columbia Co., GA, IGI Record
1820 Columbia County, GA Census
Col. William N. Going – Page 29

The Augusta Chronicle & Gazette reported that the following free negroes registered their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of Columbia County. To search for other Augusta Chronicle & Gazette articles visit:

Edmund Dav, age 44, born in NC, in GA 23 yrs, Hatter
Moses Going, age 46, born in VA, in GA 30 yrs, Farmer
Billy Going, age 53, born in VA, in GA 35 yrs, Mill-wright
Sarah Going, age 58, born in VA, in GA 34 yrs, Weaver
Nancy Going, age 22, born in GA, in GA 22 yrs, Weaver
Polly Going, age 26, born in GA, in GA 26 yrs, Weaver
Lucinda Going, age 20, born in GA, in GA 20 yrs, Weaver
Sally Going, age 11, born in GA, in GA 11 yrs

August 6, 1821


Nancy Going married Daniel Davis 21 Apr 1827 in Columbia Co., IGI Record, Family Search.

1840 Columbia County, GA Census
Richard Goings – Page 294
William Goings – Page 314

1850 Columbia County, GA Census Index
No birthstate Recorded

Going, Joseph – 60 – M, Mulatto – Carpenter
Going, Judy – 48
Going, Francis – 22 – F, Mulatto
Going, John – 19 – Mulatto
Going, James – 8 – Mulatto
Going, Mary – 15 – Mulatto

Going, Joseph – 18 – Mulatto – Field Hand

Going, Nancy – 54 – Mulatto
Going, William – 24 – Mulatto
Page, Addelin – 36 – F, Mulatto
Page, Issabella – 7 – Mulatto
Paul, Jane – 26 – Mulatto
Paul, Mary – 8 months (recorded Sept. 3) – Mulatto
____, Issabella – 21, Black

Goings, Richard – 41 – Mulatto
Goings, Nancy – 50 – Mulatto
Goings, Mary – 17 – Mulatto
Goings, Moses - 75


Oglethorpe County, GA Early Records

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman
To purchase deed books visit

Oglethorpe Co., Ga. Deed Book D, 1800-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer

p. 356 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 24 Jan. 1805, Inferior County Court, Phillip Wray, John Collier & John Lumpkin, to Mathew Gage of said co., for $10, Lot No. 31 in the town of Lexington, adj. Thomas Going & street. (signed) Phillip Wray, Jno. Lumpkin, John Collier. Wit: G. Hudspeth, J.P., Wm. M. Stokes.

p. 470 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 18 Jan 1804, Justices of the Inferior Court, to Thomas Going of said co., for $10, Lot No. 28 in the town of Lexington, adj. John Luckie & Richard Dent. Court, John Lumpkin, John Davenport, Phillip Wray, Benjamin Baldwin & Joel Barnett. (signed) John Lumpkin, J.I.C., John Davenport, J.I.C., Phillip Wray, J.I.C., Benja. Baldwin. Wit: John Gresham, Senr., Alexr. McEwen, J.P., Richd. Bailey, J.P. Recorded 23 July 1805.

p. 472 Ga.: 23 June 1804, Thomas Going to James Thomas, both of Oglethorpe Co., for $500, Lot No. 28 in the town of Lexington, adj. George Phillips, John Luckie & Jett Thomas, in fee simple. (signed) Thomas Going. Wit: John Gresham, Wm. Strother, Pechy Bledsoe, J.P., Richd. Bailey, J.P. Recorded 24 July 1805.

Oglethorpe Co., Ga. Deed Book E, 1806-1809 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase deed books visit

p. 33 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 21 Jan. 1806, Justices of the Inferior Court to Thomas Going of same co., for $10, Lot 29 in the town of Lexington, adj. said Going & John Lumpkin. Court, John Lumpkin, John Davenport, Phillip Wray, Benjm. Baldwin & Joel Barnett. (signed) John Lumpkin, John Davenport, Phillip Wray, Benjm. Baldwin. Wit: John Gresham, Senr., Aler. McEwen, J.P., Richd. Bailey, J.P. Recorded 9 Apr, 1806.

p. 34 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 21 Jan. 1806, Justices of the Inferior Court to Thomas Going of same co., for $50, Lot Nos. 57 & 58 in the town of Lexington, adj. said Going on E. Court, John Lumpkin, John Davenport, Phillip Wray, John Collier & Jas. Thomas. (signed) John Lumpkin, John Collier, Jas. Thomas. Wit: John Walton, Robt. Freeman, J.P. Recorded 9 Apr. 1806.

p. 58 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 18 June 1805, Justices of the Inferior Court, to Thomas Going of said co., for $150, Lot Nos. 30, 42, 43, 44, & 45 in the township of Lexington, adj. M. Gage, Thomas Going on E., said Going & street on S., by Wm. Strother & common on W., M. Gage & common on N. Court, John Lumpkin, John Davenport, Phillip Wray, James Thomas & John Collier. (signed) John Davenpoert, J.I.C., John Lumpkin, J.I.C., John Collier, J.I.C., James Thomas, J.I.C. Wit: Thomas Wootten, Thomas Duke, J.P. Recorded 25 June 1806.

p. 91 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.,: 10Mar. 1806, Joseph Ector & Patsey his wife, to John & Barnett Gresham, all of said co., for $700., Lot No. 1 in the town of Lexington, adj. S. & E. by streets, W. by Going’s lots, N. by M. Gage’s lot. (signed) Joseph Ector. Wit: William Strother, Charls Hayne, Robert Freeman, J.P. Oglethorpe Co.: Patsey, wife of Joseph Ector, rel. dower rights, 12 Aug. 1806. (signed) Patsey Ector. Wit: Richard Bailey, J.P. Recorded 2 Sept. 1806.

p. 180 Thomas Going of Oglethorpe Co., physician, appoint John Gresham, Junior, my lawful atty. To manage my affairs in Ga. Not extending to the sale of my estate either real or personal, 19 May 1807. (signed) Thos. Going. Test: Joseph Morton, Junr., George M. Gresham. Power of atty. Proved by George M. Gresham & Joseph Morton before John Walton, J.P. Recorded 7 July 1807.

p. 273 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: William Strother of said co., for $282.62 1/2 , to Thomas Going, a negro girl named Mary. If Strother pays Going the money with interest in 2 yrs. From today then negro to be returned to Strother, else to remain property of Thos. Going. She is to temain in possession of Strother, 13 Geb. 1807. (signed) Wm. Strother. Test: John Gresham, Junr. Oglethorpe Co.: bill of sale proved by John Gresham, Junr. 4 May 1807, John Collier, J.P. Recorded 24 Jan. 1808. Refer to Book H, page 25.

Wilkes County (Washington), Georgia

Oglethorpe Extra session, Superior Court – June term 1808. Wm. & Felix Gilbert vs. Thomas Going. Petition for foreclosure. On the petition of William G. Gilbert & Felix H. Gilbert, praying the foreclosure of the equity of redemption, in six parcels or lots of land lying in Lexington, in this state and county, known in the plan of said town, by numbers 29, 30, 42, 43, 44 and 45, with all the improvements thereon – the same being mortgaged by Thomas Going to said William & Felix Gilbert – And on motion of Oliver H. Price attorney for petitioners, It is Ordered, That the principal interest, and costs due on the said mortgage, be paid into court within 12 months from this day………
Extract from the Minutes, the 21st of June 1808. John Lumpkin, Clk.

Oglethorpe Co., Ga. Deed Book H. 1812-1816 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase deed books visit

p. 25 Received from William Strother the full amount of $282.62 ½ with interest & the negro is released from all encumbrances, 27 Aug. 1811. (signed) Thos. Going. Test: Solomon A. Hopkins, Thomas Stone, J.P. Recorded 1 Dec. 1812.

p. 53 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 29 Aug. 1811, Thomas Going of the Mississippi Territory, to Stephen Upson of Oglethorpe Co., for $500, eight lots in town of Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., Lot Nos. 29, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 57 & 58, except 20 feet in front on main street leading through town & extending back the width of Lot No. 29 off lot & 40 feet square off from Lot No. 57 on which the Machine house of John Gresham, Junior now stands, with houses & out houses, in fee simple. (signed) Thos. Going. Wit: Isaac Collier, Thomas Stone, J.P. Recorded 3 Feb. 1813. Isaac Collier, clk.

Oglethorpe Co., Ga. Deed Book J. 1818-1820 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase deed books visit

p. 5 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 20 May 1807, Thomas Going to John Gresham, Junr., both of said co., for $10, lot in town of Lexington 30 feet in width & 40 feet in length adj. N. & E. by lots of Going, by public land on W. & street on S., in fee simple. (signed) Thos. Going. Test: Wm. Strother, Thomas Wootten, John Walton, J.P. Recorded 27 June 1818, Isaac Collier, clk.

p. 6 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 20 May 1807, Thomas Going to John Gresham, Junr., both of said co., for $20. lot in the town of Lexington 25 feet in width & 122 feet in length, adj. Gresham on W., street on S., & Going on all other sides, in fee simple. (signed) Thos. Going. Test: M. Rainey, Wm. Strother, John Walton, J.P. Recorded 27 June 1818. Isaac Collier, clk.

p. 9 Oglethorpe Co., Ga.: 4 July 1818, Barnett Gresham to John Gresham, both of said co., for $2000., ½ of lot in the town of Lexington, No. 1, adj. S. & E. by street, W. by Going’s lots, N. by Gage’s lot. (signed) Bartt. Gresham. Test: Burl. Pope, E. Strong, J.I.C. Recorded 7 July 1818, Isaac Collier, clk.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wilkes County, GA Early Records

Wilkes County was formed in 1777 from the ceded lands of the Cherokee and Creek Indians.

Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman

Phillip Going a Wilkes County Freeholder who signed a petition to the Continental Congress in 1777 asking for the removal of General McIntosh from command.
Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase other deed books visit

p. 99 15 Apr. 1786, George Lumpkin and Ann his wife, to Moses Going, all of Wilkes Co., for £19, branches of Buffloco fork of Long Creek,… River, adj. N. by vacant land, E. by …., S. by Vinson Greer, W. by John Lumpkin, 200 acres, granted Lumpkin, 15 Aug. 1785.
Wit: Robert Lumpkin, John King, Jno. Cunningham, J.P.

1787 Returns

[1787 LL] Cap^t Bishop’s Dis^t

044 – Moses Goin
Co – Wil
2nd – 200
3rd – 575

044A (A stands for younger) – Moses Goin
Co – Fra
2nd - 648


Wilkes Co., GA Deed Book DD page 91

Be it known by there presents that I Danil or James Goins of the county of Wilks and State Oforesaid have constituted and appointed William Good of the same state and county My attorney for purposes of transacting diverse business for me in the state of South (North) Carolina vigs for collecting a debt due from Stephen Terry deceased formerly of the county of Craven in South (North) Carolina to Henry Gilbert deceased formerly of Hanover county in Virginia, but last of Amherst county in said state and for whom I am acting Excutor which debt the principle of which is twenty eight pounds of the then current money of Virginia is on bond hearing date twetfh day of ____ly (July?) A. D 1773 for collecting debt due me from Charles Sanders dec’d late of the Co. ____________ and state of South Carolina the principile of which was _____ty one pounds four shillings and eight pence sterling pet___noh (petiton?) bearing date the 23 day of March A. D. on 1785 for taking into possession and dispensing as he shall see cause a negro man of mine by the name _____John, who in the winter of the year 177 ___ty (74 or 84) was left in Camden in the care of _________Alexander_______ to be cured of the frost bitten foot. for paying off a note which I gave said Alexander and Brownfield for their account of ____ured and expenditures on said Negro for compromising it ____the Installment or other wise as he shall think fit for paying ______fusing to pay of compromising as he thinks but the final charge brought against me by said Alexander and Brownfield since the date of my note to them above mentioned and for settling with the said Alexander and Brownfield for the damages I have sustained by the said Negroe John, having been so long with out of my service and finally I do impower the said William Good in my behalf to commence and prosecute or to defend any suit or Suits in ________or equity that may be necessary for Carry into full effect the power surely vested in him and I do by these present declare and obligate myself my heirs ____that anything which the said William Goode shall do by virtue of those present shall be te all _____ _____ purposes as effectualy my act and deed, as if done by me in my _____person in witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 17th day of July A D 1788

Daniel Goins

Sealed and Acknowledged of John Crutchfield (H)
Reg. the 8th of July

Film #0163544 Inferior Court Minutes 1794-1798 Wilkes Co., GA Page 107

We the Jury find for the plantiff forty pounds with Interest & cost which may be discharged with eight thousand weight of Augusta Crop inspected Tobacco & interest on the same Apon the time it became due 12 Jany 1789
L. Coats

Lawrence Vial HCo. Vs Danl. Gaines – Disd
The Wilkes County Papers, 1773-1833, page 73, by Robert Scott Davis Jr.
MOSES GOING Grantor; to John Lumpkin grantee; Deed, 5 Dec 1789, Moses Going of Wilkes County to John Lumpkin 200 acres on Long Creek; adj. Lumpkin, Bankston, and Greer, (s) Moses Going in the presence of (s) Thomas Rutledge, Aron Springfield, George Lumpkin and Jesse Heard, JPWC. Recorded in Book HH, Fos. 312-13, 1 September 1791

Ref: Early Records of Georgia, Wilkes County, page 111 (Page 312) MOSES GOYNE (signed GOING) to John Lumkin, 200 acres on waters of Long Creek adj. said Lumpkin. 5 Dec 1789, Thos. Routledge, Geo. Lumpkin, Aaron Springfield, Test.
Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase other deed books visit

p. 312 5 Dec. 1789, Moses Goyne to John Lumkin, both of Wilkes Co., for £10, 200 acres on Long Creek, adj. W. said Lumkin, S. by Bankston, E. by Greer, N. by Greer & Lumkin. (signed) Moses Going.
Wit: Thomas Rontledge, Ann Springfield, George Lumkin, Jesse Heard, J.P.W.C. Regd. 1 Sept. 1791.

Wilkes County, GA Tax Records, 1785-1805 – Volume One
Compiled and published by Frank Parker Hudson

012 - John Going
013 - Reuben Going
014 - Aaron Going
019 - Moses Going
019A - Moses Going
020 - William Going

Georgia Tax Index 1789-1799
James Going – Capt. Smiths Dist., 1791
1791 Returns

Notes for District LL: Boundaries as of 2 Oct 1793: Georgia Military Affairs, Vol II, Part 1, p.55: Captain Matthew Hubert’s District, 3rd Co., 1st Bn, 4th Reg^t: --Beginning at Goings Mill [on the Ogeechee] running [east] along the [Upper] Trading Road to the ridged between Rocky Comfort and Long Creek, then up leading to Seal’s old place, thence and old road to Powell’s road, then along said road to the head of Clower’s Creek, then down the said creek to the mouth, then down the Oheeechee to the beginning.

[1791 LL] Cap^t Hubbard’s District

016 – Moses Going
Co. – Wil
2nd – 600

016A (A stands for younger) – Moses Going
Co. – Fra
3rd – 684

016B (B stands for one armed) – Moses Going
Co. – Gre
3rd – 100

059 – John Going
060 – William Going
061 – Aaron going
062 – Reubin Going
Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase other deed books visit
p. 71 23 July 1791, Ignatious Few to Robert Abercrumbia, both of Wilkes Co., for £75, on bank of Ogechee River , on bank of Ryals Branch, 225 acres, E. part of 780 acres granted to said Few, 2 Mar. 1791. (signed) I. Few. Wit: Bn. Few, Moses Going. Proved by Moses Going & Benjamin Few, 15 May 1791 before Andw. Burns, J.P. Regd. 18 May 1793.

p. 185 23 July 1791, Ignatius Few to Moses Going, both of Wilkes Co., for £250, west part of 780 acres, granted 2 Mar. 1790, adj. bank of Ryals Branch, Ogeche River, down river to mouth of Ryals Branch, up branch 555 acres. (signed) I. Few Wit: Bn. Few, R. Abercrombie. Proved by Robert Abercromby and Benjamin Few, 15 May 1792, before Andw. Burns, J.P. Regd. Aug. 1792.
1792 Returns

[1792 LL] Cap^t Hubbard’s District
063 – Moses Going
3rd – 500
Co. – Wil
Waters – Ogeechee R (Ogeechee lands from Buckhead [Creek] to the head of Ogeechee)
Who Land Joins – MaCrombey, Rob^t

063A (A stands for younger) Moses Going
3rd – 686
Co. – Fra

[1792 DD] Cap^t McGuire’s District
059 – Aaron Going – Free Mulattoes
2nd – 129
Co – Wil
Waters – Ogeechee R
Who Land Joins – Cone, James

060 – Reuben Going – Free Mulattoes

Walter Harris
Daniel Gains
Debt No. 15. November Term 1792

Wilkes County 1793 early tax digests
Jesse Going – Capt. Smiths Dist. 2

1793 Returns

[1793 LL] Cap^t Hubbert’s Dist^t N^o. 10

014 – Moses Going
2nd – 500
Co. – Wil

014A (A stands for younger) Moses Going
3rd – 684
Co. – Fra
Waters – Flat Creek

014B (B stands for one armed) Moses Going
3rd – 208p
Co. – Gre
Who Land Joins – Smith

[1793 EE] Cap^t John Fluker’s Company
General Note: The area of this district was split in the creation of Olglethrope County from Wilkes County in December 1793. Captain John Fluker continued to command the company of militia in 1794, made up of residents of the two counties. Returns for most of those remaining in Wikes County are identified by a “W” in the Notes. All others can be found in the 1794 Tax Digest of Olglethorpe County in Captain Fuluker’s District, unless they moved out of the district.

077 – Aaron Going – Free Mulattoes
078 – Reubin Going – Free Mulattoes
Ref: Wilkes County, 1793, Early Tax Digest, Capt. Neal’s District; #14, MOSES GOING; County in which the Lands are: Wilkes; 200 acres; 1 Free male white person from the age of 21 and upwards 1/9. Amount of the value of Lands & c. at 8/2 pr. F100; f136.s 4. Amount of each persons tax: s. 12. d. 11; Who the Lands adjoins or what water courses on Crumley (?).

Surviving Copartners of
Telfair Elbert HCo Vs Daniel Gains
Judgment confessed for the sum of one hundred and Sixty nine pounds thirteen Shillings and costs with Six months Stay of Levy, and in case of assignment of one third of the principal and Interest, by that time, then a further Stay of Levy for six months longer and on a payment of one other third part. of the above sum by that time than a further Stay of six months longer for the balance of Said principal and Interest 8th April 1794
D Gaines
Film #0163544 Inferior Court Minutes 1794-1798 Wilkes Co., GA Page 97

William Ramey vs Daniel Gaines & Nathaniel Durkee
On motion Ordered that Nathaniel Coats former high Sheriff of this County – Show cause Tom Morrow Morning at Ten OClock why an attachment Shall not _____ against him for not paying to the plantiff the Sum £44 10____ so much thereof or has been obtained under Execution in the above cause July 7th 1796.

Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase other deed books visit

Wilkes County, Ga., Deed Book ()(), 1795-1797

P112 13 June 1795, Daniel William of Wilkes Co., Ga., to Asa Tindal of Warren Co., Ga., for £50, on Lick Creek waters in Wilkes Co., 100 acres. (signed) Daniel Williams. Test: Isaac Goyne, James Goyne. Proved by James Goyne, 2 Oct. 1796, Micajah Little, J.P.
Regd. 18 Nov. 1796.
Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer
To purchase other deed books visit

p.146 18 Nov. 1796, Isaac Milligan & Sarah, his wife, to Job Callaway, all of Wilkes Co., for $278, on Clarks Creek waters, 200 acres including plantation & old lines originally surveyed by John Brownfield, adj. John White, Danl. Williams, Moses Milligan, Thomas Lackey, Jasper Crane, part of 300 acres granted to James McCannon & Wm. McCree, Arnald Atkins, Thomas Goans, J.P. Regd, 2 Jan. 1797.

1797 Returns

[1797 MM] Capt^n Meshack Turner’s District
038 – Henry Going
049 – William Going
111 – William Jr Going

1798 Returns

[1798 I] Capt^t Solomon Thornton’s District
021 – Moses Goin, F.M. (Free Mulatto)
3rd – 304
Co. – Wil
Watercourse – Rockey Ck
Who Land Joins – Bell, Jn^o
Granted To – McCarta, Jn^o

088 – Tho^s Going
Emancipation: Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this act that the aforesaid Thomas Going of the County of Wilkes, be and is hereby vested with and entitled to all rights and privileges and immunities belonging to a free citizen of this state. Provided nevertheless nothing herein contained shall extend or be considered to extend to entitle the said Thomas Going. to serve in the capacity of a juror in any cause whatever nor to render him a competent witness in any cause or case when the personal rights or property of any white person and or is concerned: nor to entitle the said Thomas Goan to vote at elections nor to have or hold directly or indirectly any office of trust or emolument, civil military, within this state
(signed) David Meriwether, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Robert Walton, President of the Senate
Attested to February 18, 1799 James Jackson Governor’

M1065 Wilkes Co., GA: Superior Court Write 1799
Page 152 Superior Court May term 1799
In an dispute between John Ramey and Walker Richardson of Wilkes/Elbert Co. Ga. Pay to Daniel Gaines Esquire

1799 Returns

[1799 MM] No. 4 Captain Meshack Turner’s District
010 - William Going
3rd – 100
Co. – Wil
Watercourse – Lick Ck
Who Land Joins – Turner, Meshack
Granted To – Stocks, Isaac

122 - John Going

[1799 I] No. 6 Captain Solomon Thornton’s District
051 – Moses Gowan
3rd – 300
Co. Wil
Watercourse – Rocky Ck
Who Land Joins – Bell, Jn^o
Granted To – Bell, Jn^o

051A (A stands for younger) – Moses Gowan
3rd – 352
Co. – Wil
Watercourse – Ogeechee
Who Land Joins – Alexander, S^o
Granted To – Few, Ig^n

1800 Returns

[1800 I] Captain Thompson Coleman’s District
058 - Moses Goens
SL – 2
2nd – 350
Co. – Wil
Watercourse – Ogeeche
Who Land Joins – Bush, J
Book A 1799 Minutes of the Inferior Court 1798-1811 Film #016345

Note***Prior page is not included in this transcription
…….procefs may Issue regairing the said Moses personally or by his Attorney to be and appear before the Honorable the Inferior Court at a Court to be held in and for the County of Wilkes on the fourth monday in february next then and their to answer your Petitioner in an Action on the case and soforth
Amos Wright Plff

State of Georgia
Warren County
Personally appeared before me Amos Wright – one of the Justices of said County and makes Oath that Moses Going Stands Justly indebted to this deponent on a note of hand the sum of One hundred dollars Due the first day of May 1800-
Amos (A his mark) Wright
Sworn before me this 8th December 1800
Gislia Hurt J.P.

Georgia; To the Sheriff of Wilkes County Greeting
Amos Wright vs Moses Going – Case
The Defendant Moses Going is hereby required personally or by his Attorney to be and appear before the Honorable the Inferior Court at a Court to be held in and for the County of Wilkes on the fourth monday in February next then and there to answer the plantiff in an Action on the Case & to his damage two hundred dollars or in default thereof the said Court will proceed thereon as to Justice shall affertain.
Witnefs the Honorable Edward Butler Esq one of Our said Inferior Court Justices this 26th day of December 1800
Natah Willis Clk

Served 2nd Feby 1801 – Bail Taker
Thos. W Goimes Shff.

Know all men by these presents that we Mofses Going, William Sivey and Isaac Bankston are held and firmly bound unto ____ as W Goimes Sheriff of the County of Wilkes and his succefsors in office in the Sum of two hundred dollars for the payment of which sum we bind Our selves Our heirs Executors and Administrators Jointly and Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated this Second day of February 1801
The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above boundable Moses Going do make his personal appearances at the next Inferior Court to be held in and for the County of Wilkes on the fourth Monday of this Instant then and there to Answer the Complaint of Amos Wright in an Action on the Case & to his damage two hundred dollars then the Above obligation to be Void – else to Remain in full force and Virtue
Moses Going (seal)
William (his mark) Silvey (seal)
Isaac Bankston (seal)
Agnefs Going

Amos Wright vs. Moses Going
Case. Settene at dependats Cost on information of the Clerk.

1801 Returns

[1801 I] Captain Thompson Coleman^s District
003 - Moses Going
048 – Sam^l Goings

[1801 K] Captain William Coat^s District
General Note: Lot, as in Town Lot, is spelled Lott more often than not. All lots in Town of Washington, unless otherwise noted.

151 - James Goings
153 – Thomas Going
Page 148 (ibid), MOSES GOING PLF vs Joseph Boren Def. Petition of Moses Going for debt due from Joseph Boren to John Henly, Junior, but assigned to Going by Henly, (s) Walton aty. For plff. Papers served 6 July 1801. (s) Thomas W. Gaines. July Term, 1801; Found for the plaintiff; Note of debt to John Hendly, (s) Joseph Boren, 8 August 1799. On reverse side it is signed by John Henly and Moses Going before (s) Peter B. Terrell.
Film #0163546 Ga. Inferior Court 1801-1803, 1807-1858 – Mormon Library

Pg. 292 Georgia
To the Sherriff of Wilkes County Greeting
Moses Going vs Joseph Boren
The defandant Joseph Boren is hereby required personally or by his Attorney to be and appear before this court of Wlikes on the fourth Monday of July,___ the ___ ___ to answer the Plaintff in an action to the case & to his damages one hundred Dollars or difenat there of the said court will proceed thereon and Justice shall apperain
Witness the Honoraabl Edward Butler Esq One of our said Inferior Court this 3 day of July 1801
Nathe Willis Clk

Washington August 8th 1799
On or before the twenty fifth day of December on thousand Eight hundred. I promise to pay __ court 6 lb. paid. Unto John Henly Junior or ___ two dollars and fift Cents for value recd of him this day and Date above written
Joseph Boren

I asign this note to Moses Going for value Rec’d this 10th off October 1800

Received of the ____twenty three dollars
Moses Going

Red three Dollars
Ten on the ___6th day of July 1801
Thomas W Greene Clrk

July Term 1801
And Now at the term (?)\ the defendant by his Attorney ___ ____ came into court and for ____ saith he hath paid the ____ of the Plantiff ___ part thereof And of ____ he put himself off upon this county

Moses Going vs Joseph Boren – Jury
We find for the Plantiff thirty six dollars & fifty cents and Interest

Mose Going vs Joseph Boren – Judgement 35.50 ____ ____ month Interest of 4.38
Rec’d of the above sum of thirty dollars fifty ____ _____ _____ pf 1802
Thomas Going for Moses Going

Page 72
Moses Going vs Joseph Boren – Jury No, 1
We find for the Plantiff thirty six dollars & fifty cents with Interst & cost

Pg 104
Wednesday July 29, 1801
John Goins vs Drury Jones – Attachment Judgement by Default

Amost Wright vs Moses Going – Judgement by Default

Thursday March 11, 1802 – pg 115
Amos Wright vs Moses Going – Case settled at Defendants cost on the Information of the Clerk pg 66

Friday March 12th 1802
Moses Going v Joseph Borne – Jury find for the plantiff $36.50 with Interest

Page 45 Film #0163546 March 1802
Amos Mergar (?) vs Moses Going - Judgement
Film #0163546 Ga. Inferior Court 1801-1803
Moses Going vs Joseph Boren
Judgment $35.50 Cents eighteen months interest 4:38: $40.88 Recd of the above the sum of thirty dollars fifty eight cents Jun 29th 1802
(signed) Thomas Going for Moses Going
Cost$11:50 Paid 7.00

1802 Returns

[1802 MM] No. 6 Captain Wm Ogletree’s District
032 - Jn^o Going

[1802 K] No. 1 Captain William Coat’s District
General Note: All Town Lots in Town of Washington, unless otherwise noted.

116 - Thomas Going

[1802 I] No. 13 Captain T. Coleman’s District
090 - Sam^l Going


Wilkes Co. Deeds 1803-1805 pg 273

Richard Heard
Recorded the 5th of June 1804
Know all men by the present that I James Gowen of the County of Wilkes and the State of living in do nominate constitute and appoint My brother Elijah Gowen of the same county & State to transact all kinds of business for me to collect and ____and_____all manner of ____ _____ ______ which _____ _____ and _____to me and to pay any Just ____ and which maybe brought against me___ I do empowering said Attorney to make and Execute titles in _____ sample for part of a tract of land in Clark Co. granted to me any person my said Attorney shall ____ the said land to also to Execute title for a tract of land in Wilkes County on the waters of Clark Creek containing twenty six Acres to John Pope hereby Ratifing and conforing whats _____ my said Attorney ____ ____ do or cause to be done in an about the premesis and ____ as is I were personally present of the ____ thereof and on the Receipts of money _____ other discharges for me and in my name to give and appoint one or name Attorney if he shall think fit and at pleasure to make the same Interlimony where of I have hereunto set my hands and said seal the 18th day of April 1803
James Gowan
Recorded 5th June 1804

Wilkes County, GA Tax Records, 1785-1805 – Volume One
Compiled and published by Frank Parker Hudson

Capt. Littleberry Little Dist.
John Goyne

John Goyne
William Goyne
Black Registry, Wilkes Co., GA

Georgia, Wilkes County: To any Judge of the Superior Court, Justice of the Inferior Court, Justice of the Peace or Minister of the Gospel, you are hereby authorized to join in the Holy State of Matrimony John Gowen and H____C C Lindsay and for your fo doing this shall be your fufficient license Given under my hand this 1st day of April 1807
(signed) D____
I do hereby certify, that in obedience to the Above Marriage Licence, I have joined in the holy state of Matrimony John Gowen and ___________C C Lindsay
Given under my hand this 2nd day of April 1807
John Lee J.P.