YEAR 1767
The History of Pittsylvania County by Maud Carter Clement
A List of Tithables Taken by John Hanby Gent., for year 1767
John McGown
A List of Tithables Taken by Hamon Critz, Gent, for the Year 1767
David Gowing
Extracted from - Pittslyvania County, Virginia Deed Books 1, 2 and 3 – Abstracted and Compiled by Lucille C. Payne and Neil G. Payne
DB3, p. 46 – DEATERAGE from GOING – Deed, 30 Dec 1771
David GOING of County of Pittslyv. And Colony of Virginia and George DEATHRAGE of County of Surry and province of North Carolina…..for £50 Current money of Virginia…..270 acres on both sides Russels Creek a branch of Mayo…..John HUNTERS line……Crossing the Creek……crossing two Branches.
Wit: John DEATHERAGE, David X (his mark) MOSLEY, Thomas X (his mark) ROGERS
Rec: 29 May 1773 David GOING L.S.
DB 3, p. 245 – LANKFORD from GOING – Deed, 26 May 1773
David GOING and Martha his wife of County of Pittsylvania in Colony of Virginia of one part and Henry LANKFORD of County and Colony aforesaid of other part……..Sum of £10 Current money of said Collony …….Land on west Side Russells Creek…..near said Creek on hill Side….in old line…..27 acres.
Wit: James LYON, Robert X (the mark of) HINTON, Obediah X (his mark) HUTSON
Rec: 27 May 1773 David GOING L.S
Extracted from: Pittslyvania County, Virginia Deed Book 4 (1774-1778), by T.L.C. Genealogy
Page 189. Apr 19, 1776 from Abner Harbour and Joyce, his wife, of P, to John Going of P, for 26 £, one certain tract of land in P containing 92 acres bounded by the south side of blackberry Cr, Randolph & Co. Signed – Abnar (A his mark) Harbour. Wit – none. Recorded Apr 25, 1776.
Page 323. Apr 24, 1777 from John Bynum (Buynum) of P, to Daniel Gowin of Orange County, North Carolina, for 65 £, all that tract of land in P on Rattlesnake Cr or Run, and joining Country line, and bounded by [trees], about 400 acres. Signed – John Bynum. Wit – none. [No recording date mentioned].
Oaths of Allegiance - 1777 Pittsylvania County, VA copy done by Cynthia Hubbard Headen
source: The Magazine of VA Genealogy, v.23, #1 (Feb.1985),
transcribed by Marian Dodson Chiarito
These lists were taken from a typewritten copy found in the Clerk's Office, Pittsylvania County, at Chatham, Virginia. The two following affidavits found attached to the copy are self- explanatory.
I, S. H. F. Jones, do hereby certify that about the year 1930 I personally copied and had checked the names of persons who took the oath of Allegiance in 1777 as shown by manuscripts then in the Clerk's Office of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. The writing was faded and a few names could not be deciphered. Every effort was made to transcribe the names as they appeared on the manuscripts. The names of the foregoing Lists are a true and correct copy of the aforesaid manuscripts to the best of my knowledge and belief. The lists were also checked by Mr. Langhorne Jones, atty. Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of November, 1939. S. H. F. Jones (Seal)
State of Virginia Pittsylvania County, To-wit: I, E. E. Friend, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, the same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify that Mrs. S. H. F. Jones whose name is signed to the foregoing writing bearing date 8th day of November 1939, personally appeared before me in my county, Office and State aforesaid and made oath that the foregoing statements are true to the best of her knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this 8th Nov. 1939. E. E. Friend Clerk Pittsylvania Circuit Court Chatham, VA
Stephen Coleman's List
David Gwyn
Thos. Gwyn
Robert Payne's List
Richard Gwynne
Abraham Shelton's List
Holmes Gwinn
John Gwinn
John Wilson's List
James Gowing
Geo. H. Gwin
John Gwin
1782 Land Taxes Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Sythe Gowning 400
John Govin 400
1782 Census of Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Head of Household - White - Black
Going, Seth - 11 - 8
Submitted by Shirley Ann Bennett Barham
Records found in the court order books at Pittsylvania Court House
November Court 1786
Robert Williams Attorney for the Commonwealth of Virginia........Plantiff
Sophia Gowing..........Defendant
On a Petition for dealing with a Negro
Extracted from: Vestry Book of Camden Parish, 1767-1820 (With other Miscellaneous Records) Transcribed By Mary Leigh Boisseau
Extractions are only partial as they relate to the Goins family.
Page 45
At a vestry held for Camden Parish at Pittsylvania Courthouse on Tuesday, the 16th day of July 1782 for laying the parish levy---Present JOHN WILSON, ABRAHAM SHELTON, JOHN PARKS, JERE. WHITE, LODOVIK TUGGLE, THOMAS TERRY, JNO. BUCKLEY, & JOSHUA STONE, gent. Vestrymen.
To JNO. GOWEN to be held out for his subsistence at the discretion of JNO. WILSON, gent. – 500 lbs. tob.
Page 46
At a vestry held for Camden Parish at Pittsylvania courthouse on Tuesday, the 20th of May 1783 for laying the parish levy---Present JOHN PARKS, ABRA SHELTON, JERE. WHITE, THOMAS TERRY, LODOWICK TUGGLE, JOHN BUCKLEY, JOSHUA STONE, & ARMISTEAD SHELTON, gent.
To JOHN GOWEN, a do (pensioner) 500 lbs. tob.
Page 47
At a vestry held for Camden Parish at Pittsylvania Courthouse on Wednesday, the 18th day of February 1784 for laying the parish levy---Present JOHN WILSON, BENJAMIN LANKFORD, HAYNES MORGAN, JOHN PARKS, ABRAHAM SHELTON, JOSHUA STONE, & ARMISTEAD SHELTON, gent.
To JAMES GOWING for himself & WIFE 2000 lbs. tob.
To JOSEPH FARGUSON for services done JAMES GOWING 75 lbs. tob.
Page 49
At a vestry held for Camden Parish at Pittsylvania Courthouse on Monday, the 25th day of February 1785 for laying the parish levy---Present BENJAMIN LANKFORD, WILLIAM HARRISON, JOHN PARKS, THOMAS TERRY, ABRA SHWLTON, JOSHUA STONE, LODOVICK TUGGLE, JOHN BUCKLEY, & ARMISTEAD SHELTON, gent.
To JESSE BARKER for keeping ANNA GOWING, a pensioner 2000 lbs. tob.
Page 51 was missing from the book but the index list John Gowen/Gowing/Going
Page 52 was missing from the book but the index list Anna/Anne/Nanney Gowen/Gowing/Going
Page 73
At a meeting of the Overseers of the Poor for Camden Parish held at Pittsylvania Courthouse on Monday, the 3rd day of September 1792:
DAVID HUNT, gent., is chosen President.
CRISPIN SHELTON, JR., is appointed clerk.
The county is to the following claimants made debts. For the year 1792:
To NANNEY GOING, to be deposited in the hands of WILLIAM WILKINSON for her use 6.5 lbs.
Page 76
At a meeting of the overseers of the Poor for Camden Parish held at Pittsylvania Courthouse on Monday, the 2nd of September 1793.
The county is to the following claimants made debt. For the year 1793:
To NANNEY GOING, to be deposited in the hands of WILLIAM WILKINSON for her use 6.5 lbs.
Page 79
At a meeting of the Overseers of the Poor for Camden Parish held at Pittsylvania Courthouse on Monday, the 1st day of September 1794:
DAVID HUNT resigned as President, and ISAAC CLEMENT is appointed instead thereof.
The county is to the following claimants made dr. for the year 1794.
To NANNEY GOING, to be deposited in the hands of WILLIAM WILKINSON for her use 8 lbs.
Page 84 list ANNA/ANNE/NANNEY GOWEN/GOWING/GOING but I failed to extract the record.
Extracted from: Abstracts of Pittsylvania County, VA. Deed 1783-1790, compiled by Gayle Austin
Page 20
Bergar from Ward Deed
April 14, 1783 between Jeremiah Ward of P and Jacob Bergar of P in consideration of three hundred pounds hard Money, a parcel of land on both sides the frying pan Creed containing 600 acres
Bounded: said Bergars lines by James Mitchell’s land and by David Ross’ dividing Line till it comes to the Back line and the other part.
s/ Jeremiah (X) Ward
Wit: James Mitchell, Lemmuil Gwyne, James (X) Flanagan
Anne, Wife of the said Jeremiah, relinquished her right of Dower
April 15, 1783
Page 451
Ross from Clement Deed
December 6, 1784 between Martha Clement of P and David Ross of Chesterfield County for 50 pounds, a parcel of land on both sides the frying pan containing 80 acres
Bounded: Henry Croft’s line, dividing line made by John and James Clement dividing Field Robinson’s Land and the said Martha Clement’s land, Croff’s line on the other side of the Creek, dividing line the said Croff’s land and said Martha Clement’s
s/ Martha Clement
Wit: James Mitchell, Killian Giong, George Herndon, Benjamin Townson
June 20, 1785
Page 492
Corbin from Pain Deed
March 12, 1785 between Ruebin Pain of P and Ambrose Corbin of P for 80 pounds, a parcel of land containing by Estimation 226 acres being part of a tract Granted to the sid Reubin Pain by Setters Pattent dated June 1, 1782 on the South side of John Chapmans run
Bounded: Guynes corner on John Chapmons Run, Dudging’s line, Claybrook’s line, Hickses line,
John Chapmans Run, Guynes line
s/ Reubin Pain
Wit: William Pigg, William Parks, Allen (X) Adams, Edmond Fitzgerald
September 19, 1785
Page 546
Gowing from Gowing Deed
September 24, 1781 between Daniel Gowing of the stat of So Carolina and Suffiah Gowing of P for 30 pounds, a parcel of land containing 400 acres
Bounded: the county line
s/ Daniel (X) Gowing
Wit: James Gillasby, James Landon, William (X) Gilliasby
December 19, 1785
Extracted from: Pittslyvania County, Virginia Deed Book 4 (1791-1794), by T.L.C. Genealogy
Page 501. Jan 17, 1794 from Thomas and Robert Atkinson of Dinwiddie County, to William Wright of P, for 100 £one certain tract of land and plantation of about 200 acres in P, and bounded by Winters’ corner in the widow Gowing’s line. Signed – Thomas Atkinson, Robert Atkinson. Wit – Gideon Patteson, James Sanders, James (X his mark) Winters, Benjamin (X his mark) Ratcliff. Recorded Feb 17, 1794.
Submitted by Shirley Ann Bennett Barham
Benjamin Going Bastard Child of Sithe Going November 1798
Submitted by Elizabeth Carruth
Be it remembered that these presents comes Greeting and made known to all whom it may concern that Whereas my Son Sherwood Going hath paid and advanced sundry sums of Money for me at divers times to amount equal in value to what shall be herein after conveyed to compensate him. Be it known that I Sophia Going of the County of Pittsylvania and State afd. as well for the foregoing consideration as for the love I bear for him as a Child do by these presents make over, sell, alien, enfeoff and confirm to him the said Sherwood Going, and do moreover deliver by Virtue of this Indenture to the sd Sherwood and his heirs for ever the following property, to wit, Negro Sary Negro Tom, one Sorrel Mare, one dark bay Horse, Colt, two Cows, one Stear yearling one Heifer yearling, one Desk, one Chest, one Cubbard, two Beds and furnature – Six puter basons, one dozen and half of puter plates, two dozen of Earthen plates, one pare of Stillards and the hole of my Castings and one Walnut Table, two Bedsteads, five Chairs, three Warter Vessels, one Case of Knives & forks and all her plantation Utensils and thre Pewter Dishes, one box Iron & heaters. Which said goods and Chattles, Stock, furniture and other property I the said Sophia do & will Warrant and for ever defend against the claim or demand of all and every Person or persons whatsoever but to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Sherwood and is heirs and assigns for ever And further covenant to Warrant and defend a good and Lawful title in and to the said Property to him the said Sherwood and to his heirs and assigns for ever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 16th day of April 1800 – Suffiah herXmark Gowin (seal)
At a Court held for Pittsylvania County June the 16th. 1800 – This Bill of Sale was presented in Court and proved by the Oaths of two of the witnesses thereto to be the act and deed of the within named Sophia Gowing party thereto Ordered that the same be recorded –
Teste Will Tunstall C P C
From Pittsylvania County Deed Book 12, p. 153
Submitted by Shirley Ann Bennett Barham
August Court 1801
Pittsylvania County VA
Sherwood Going….. Plaintiff
Travis Bennett….. Defendant
In Trespass
On the motion of the Defendant, It is ordered that the Judgment entered in the Office in this Suit, and the Writ of Enquiry be set aside and the said defencant have liberty to plead, and thereupon by his attorney he pleadeth not guilty to which the plaintiff replied generally, and the Trial of the _____ is refered until the next quarterly Court.
Vol 10 p 66 – transcribed above
Vol 10 p 99 – continuance (not copied)
Vol 10 p 180 – can’t find on the page
Vol 10 p 245 – August 1802 final judgment – transcribed below
Sherwood Going …. Plaintiff
Travis Bennett ……..Defendant In Trespass
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came also a Jury to wit, Hartwell Allen, Nathan Thurman, Saml. David Barber, Robert Hughey, William Watson, William McNeally, Henry Askins, John T. Dalton, John Bobbett, John Parrish…John Figg and John (Freeman), who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined, upon their Oath do say that the Defendant is not Guilty as in pleading he hath alledged. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the plaintiff take nothing by his bill, but for his false Clamour be in mercy etc. and that the Defendant go thereby without (day) and recover against the plaintiff his costs by him about his defense in this behalf expended…
(costs in margin unreadable since they are bound into spine) Total 2 or 3 pounds 70cents
Dated 1802 August 19
Submitted by Elizabeth Carruth
Going from Bruce
This Indenture made this Tenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and five Between James Bruce of the County of Pittsylvania of the one part and John Goen of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said James Bruce for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds Current money or Virginia to him in Hand paid by the said John Goen the receipt whereof the said James Bruce doth hereby acknowledge Hath given granted Bargained and sold and by these Presents doth give grant Bargain sell and Deliver and Confirm to him the said John Goen his heires and assigns forever, one Certain Tract or Parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County of Pittsylvania Containing by Estimation one Hundred and twenty five acres Bounded on John Adamses Line formerly Bruces Thence on George (Gimps) line thence on David Irby’s lines thence New line Between Goen & said Bruce, together with all and singular every privilieg and appurtainance or in any wise thereunto belonging or appurtaining, Discovered or undiscovered, to Have and to Hold the above mentioned Land an dPresmises with all the appurtainances and advantages thereunto belonging unto the said John Goen his heires and assigns forever (against) him the said James Bruce and his assigns forever, Having any Claims and Demands of all persons whatever will ever Defend In Witness whereof, the said James Bruce have hereunto (have hereunto) set my Hand the Day and Date above mentioned. James his(M)mark Bruce (seal)
Sign’d Sealed and Delivered in presents of ---
Thomas (Farman) David Bailey
William Bruce
At a Court held for Pittsylvania County the 16th Day of September 1805 This Indenture from James Bruce to John Going was presented in Court and acknowledged by the said James Bruce to be his act and Deed and by the court ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Will Tunstall CPC
Pittsylvania County Deed Book 14 p. (383?)
Submitted by Shirley Ann Bennett Barham
Benjamin Goin In Debt March 1806
Benjamin Goin In Debt May 1806
Extracted from: Accounts Current Book 4 Pittsylvania County Virginia 1805-1812 by Gayle Austin
AC Book 4, Page 295 – Fearn’s anno. Cuurent
April 17 To do do Richard Goin
AC Book 4, Page ? –
Oct By do of Sherwood Goin
AC Book 4, Page 313 – Thos. Fearns acco. Sales
Feb 4th 1806
An account of Sales of the Estate of Thos. Fern Dec’d
Sherwood Goin 1 Grind Stone
Zero Guinn 1 Black horse
Richard Goin 1 Sorrel Colt
Sherwood Goin one mans Saddle
A/C Book 4, Page 431 – Robert Wynne’s acct. curt
DR The Estate of Robert Wynne, deceased, With Thomas Worsham, admr of said Estate CR
To cash paid William Yancy as per acct, to ditto ditto Nathaniel Wilson, to ditto ditto Isaac Hill ditto, to ditto ditto John Barnett ditto, Samuel Stone per account, ditto ditto Thompson Robertson per ditto, Joseph Cowen, John Noble, Thomas Barnett, William Beavers, Harris & Brown, Gregory & Fravell, Robert Harrison, William Johns, Peter Irby, Jesse Munday, Thomas Worsham, William Tunstall, Thomas Harris on an Execution Book, John Smith ditto ditto, James Colquhoun as per acct, Ditto William Yancey, William Tunstall Tickets, to ditto for Thomas Worsham Expenses going & returning from the County of Brunswick, to Commission allowed the admr. for transacting the business of the Estate of one half per cent on § 266.1.5, To cash paid William Tunstall, to ditto ditto Phil P Adams, to entering on record 10/6, By cash of William Yancey, John Worsham, Isaac Hill, Alexander Brown, Robert Ferguson, William Linn, Eppa Stone, Thomas Worsham, William Stanfield, Daniel Brice, William Walker, Thomas Stewart, Stockley Turner, Richard Gowen, Thomas Worsham, Jame D Patton, Ickman Spiller, Thomas B Rontain, John Farguson, Lewis Gatewood, Joel Man & Sam’l Scott, John Barnett from Robert Edwill.
In obedience to an order of the County Court of Pittsylvania made at the August term A.D. 1810, we have Stated and Settled the account Current of the Estate of Robert Wynne, Dec’d with Thomas Worsham, his Administrator, as will appear above and find there is a blance of fifteen Shillings & eight pence half penny remaining in the hands of the said Admr. Given under our hands this 5th of March A D 1812
Recorded March 16, 1812
Submitted by Elizabeth Carruth
This Indenture, made this fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord Christ Eighteen Hundred and fourteen, Between Sophia Gowin and her son Sherwood Gowin both of the County of Pittsylvania & State of Virginia, Witnesseth, that the said Sophia Gowin for the natural affection which she has and do bear towards her son and more especially for the care he has taken of me in my old age have given and granted to him the said Sherwood and to his heirs and assigns forever a Certain Tract piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid adjoining the state line and bounded as follows, To wit, Beginning at a pine on the state line James Parrishes Corner and runing West with the state line to a red oak on Coxes line then North with Coxes line so far as to make two Hundred Acres adjoining the state line making the Land on an oblong square including two forks of rattlesnake Creek and the plantation whereon the said Sherwood now lives together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining and the said Sophia Gowin doth for herself her Heirs and assigns warrant and forever defend the right and title of said Land and premises, In Witness whereof she hath hereunto set her hand and affixed her seal the day and Year first above written –
Sophia her+mark Gowin (seal)
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of –
Dan’l Farley Fauntleroy
Allen Peyton Going
Stephen T. Woodson
At a Court held for Pittsylvania County the 15th day of November 1814 The within written Deed of Gift was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of three witnesses thereto subscribed to the act and Deed of the within named Sophia Gowin party thereto and ordered to be recorded –
Teste Will Tunstall Cl
From Pittsylvania County Deed Book 19, page 27-28
Submitted by Elizabeth Carruth
Submitted by Elizabeth Carruth
Pittsylvania County Clerks Office July 20, 1816
Rec’d of John Going free negro by the hands of Capt. William S. Clark three Dollars and fifteen cents to redeem one hundred and twenty five acres of Land Charged on the Books of the Commissioners of the revenue of said County to said John Going and returned by the Sheriff of Said County for the non payment of the taxes due thereon for the years 1807 & 1809 Which Lands was (vested) in the President and directors of the Literary fund for the want of a bidder when offered for sale by the Sheriff of Pittsylvania County Pursuant to an act concerning taxes on Lands Passed the 9th day of Feb. 1814.
Will Tunstall Clerk of Pittsylvania
From Pittsylvania County Deed Book 20 p. 101
Submitted by Elizabeth Carruth
Transcription - 1818 Goen from Callaway
This Indenture, made this Tenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, Between, Charles Callaway of the County of Pittsylvania of the one part, and John Goen of the said County of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Charles Callaway for and in Consideration of the sum of five hundred Dollars Current money or Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Goen the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath bargained and sold, and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and Confirm unto the said John Goen his heirs and assigns forever, one certain Tract or parcel of land, containing ninety eight acres, being and lying in the County of Pittsylvania on both sides of Finker Creek, Beginning at a chestnut tree on the said Creek, and thence new lines South Twenty three Degrees West one hundred and sixteen poles to a red oak South thirty seven degrees East one hundred and eighty poles to Spanish oak, North fifty Degrees East Twenty poles Crossing the Creek to a white oak North eighty Degrees West one hundred and forty poles to a pine, North seventeen degrees East one hundred poles crossing a branch to a red oak near a branch, North fifty four degrees W. one hundred poles crossing the same to a pine, South thirty six degrees, W. thirty four poles to a Chestnut tree on a branch, and thence up the same as it meanders to the beginning, Together with all the previledges and appertinances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining, To have and to hold the above granted land and premises with their and every of their appurtenances to him the said John Goen his heirs an assigns for ever, and the said Charles Callaway doth for himself his heirs Covenant and agree to and with the said John Goen his heirs and assigns that he the said Charles Callaway and his heirs the said land and premises unto the said John Goen his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend, In Witness whereof the said Charles Callaway hath hereunto hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written –
Charles Callaway (___) (seal)
Sealed Signed acknowledged in presence off---
(no names listed)
Pittsylvania County Court
We Joel T Adams & John Ward Jr. magistrates of the said County do hereby Certify that Charles Callaway party to the within Conveyance hath duly acknowledged the same before us on the 10th day of February 1818 and desired us to Certify the same to the Clerk of the County Court of Pittsylvania in order that the said Convenance may be recorded – As witness our hands & seals –
Joel T. Adams (seal) John Ward Jr (seal)
This Indenture from Charles Callaway to John Goen was presented in the Clerks office of Pittsylvania County Court the 16th Day of March 1818 and with a Certificate of the acknowledgment thereof by the said Charles Callaway thereon endorsed – were admitted to record – Teste Will: Tunstall CPC
Pittsylvania County Deed Book 21 p. 381-382
Extracted from: Marriages of Pittsylvania County, Virginia 1767-1850 Transcribed by Jeffrey A Campbell
Carver William – Spouse: Gowing, Sythe – Marriage date: Jan 27, 1792
Bennett, Travis – Spouse: Going, Jenney – Marriage date: May 29m 1798
Going, Peyton – Spouse: Shackleford, Rhoda – Marriage date: Aug 18, 1819
Going, William – Spouse: Bruce, Susanna – Marriage date: Apr 21, 1821
Martin, John – Spouse: Goin, Susan – Marriage date: Aug 28, 1826
Going, Burwell – Spouse: Carter, Mary – Marriage date: Aug 9, 1834
Shields, James B. – Spouse: Going, Elizabeth – Marriage date: Aug 15, 1842
Goins, James M. – Spouse: Mccarty, Cynthia A – Marriage date: May 18, 1849
Extracted from: Marriages of Pittsylvania County Virginia 1806-1830 Compiled by Kathleen Booth Williams
5 August 1819. Peyton GOING and Rhoda Shackleford. Sur. Garland Shacleford. p. 68
21 April 1821. William GOING and Susanna Bruce. Sur. William Abston. Anna Going, mother of William, and Thomas Bruce, father of Susanna, each request the license be issued. Married by the Rev. Shadrack Mustain. p. 72
Submitted by Emma Kelsey
Pittsylvania County, Virginia Register of Free Negroes and RelatedDocumentation by Alva H. Griffith
[p 21] B. Going- No 53- Virginia Pittsylvania County to wit- Pursuant to the act of Assembly passed on the 2d day of March 1819 entitled “an act reducing into one the several acts Concerning Slaves, free Negroes and Mulattos” BETSY GOING a free woman of Colour as was satisfactorily proven to the Court of said County on the 15th Instant was this day duly registered in the Clerks Office of the said Court- The said BETSY GOING is a Mulatto woman about twenty eight years of age about five feet two & half inches high has long black hair and very black eyes, has a large neck of a wen like appearance and no apparent scar of mark- Given under my hand this 6th day of November 1824- Will: Tunstall CPC Copd again & certfd the 17th Decr 1827
P Going – No 208 – Certd17th Decr 1827 but no copy kept [This appears to be a renewal for POLLY GOING, earlier registered as No 51.]
B Going – Virgina Pittsylvania County to wit – No 209 – Pursuant to the act of Assembly entitled “an act reducing into one the several acts concerning Slaves free Negroes and Mullatos” BURWELL GOING a free born Man of Colour as was satisfactorily proven to the Court of the said County on the 17th Instant was numbered and registered in the Clerks Office of Pittsylvania according to law – The said BURWELL GOING is a Mulatto man six feet one inch high, twenty five years of age the 12th of April last has black curled hair, his eyes of a dark gray or hazel [sic] colour, has no apparent mark or scar – Given under my hand as Clerk of the said County this 17th day of December 1827 – Will: Tunstall [Renewal No. 52]
Wm GOING – Virginia to wit – Pursuant to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided, WILLIAM GOIN a free born man of colour and son of JOHN GOIN was this day registered in the Clerks Office of the County of Pittsylvania The said WM GOIN is a dark Mulatto man twenty one years of age the 15th day of October last, about five feet ten and a quarter inches high, has a Small Scar on the second joint of the left thumb and one on the out corner of the left eye, has only one toe on the right foot, no other apparent mark or scar Given under my hand as Clerk of the County Court of Pittsylvania the 21st day of June 1830 – Will: Tunstall – Certified at June Court 1830 to be correct [No Registration Number given.]
[p 259]State of Virginia to wit- At a county court continued and held for the County of Pittsylvania on the 19th day of November 185[left blank] – The Court doth order the clerk to register ELIZABETH GOING a free Negro born free in this county- Number 555- Pursuant to the above order the said ELIZABETH GOING is this day numbered and registered in the Clerks office of the county court of Said County according to law- She is a bright Mulatto Woman about forty three years old, five feet two & a half inches high in thin shoes- has a mole on the right side of her chin, has black strait [sic] hair, and very black eyes- without any [the word ‘other’ was written and stricken out] apparent mark or scar on her face head or hands- Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court this 20th day of November 1858- L. Scruggs Clk
Extracted from: Marriages of Pittsylvania County VA 1831-1861 by Mike K. Williams
SHIELDS, James B. to Elizabeth GOING on 25 Aug 1842. S/C: Lusen Martin, Sur. Fayette G. Johnson, by Rev. Ebin Angel
REYNOLDS, William, 24 to Roenna GOING on 30 Nov 1854. P/G: James Reynolds, P/B: Claiborn Going, by Rev B. Warren
Extracted from: Marriages of Pittsylvania County Virginia 1862-75 by Mike K. Williams
16 Dec. 1867 – Allen CRAFT, 35, & Mary Going, 24.
P/G: Harriet Craft. P/B: Jos. Hodnett & Lucinda his wife.
Bride is a widow.
1820 Pittsylvania Co, VA Census
John Going – Free person of color
2 males to 14
4 males to 26
1 male 45 & up
1 female to 14
2 females to 26
Peyton Going
1 male 16-26
1 female 16-26
Sherod Going
4 males to 10
2 males 10-16
1 male 45 & up
1 female to 10
2 females 26-45
Richard Going
2 males to 10
1 male 10-16
1 male 26-45
2 females to 10
1 female 26-45
1830 Pittsylvania Co., VA Census
Peyton Going
1 male 30-40
2 females 20-30
James Goings – Free person of color
1 female 10-15 (white)
1 female 30-40 (white)
2 males 24-36 fpc
2 females 24-36 fpc
John Goings – Free person of color
1 male under 10
1 male 10-24
1 male 36-55
1 female under 10
1 female 10-24
Christopher Gowans
1 male 10-15
1 male 30-40
1 female 5-10
1 female 30-40
1840 Regiment 107, Pittsylvania Co., VA Census
Burwell Goings – Free person of color
1 male 36-55
1 female 36-55
James Goings – Free person of color
1 male under 10
1 male 36-55
2 female under 10
1 female 24-36
1840 Southern District, Pittsylvania Co., VA Census
Ned Goin – Free person of color
3 males 10-24
1 male 55-100
1 female 36-55
1850 Northern District, Pittsylvania Co., VA Census
G A Goin 25 M Methodist Clergyman NC
Living in the house of the Samuel L Miller family.
Burwell Gowen 49 M M Laborer VA
Mary Gowen 41 F M VA
Eliza Gowen 15 F M VA
Green Gowen 14 M M VA
Pernella 11 F M VA
Polly Gowen 51 F B VA
James Gowen 53 M M VA
Claiborn Goin 44 M M Blacksmith VA
Betsey Goin 37 F M VA
Rosa Goin 16 F M NC
George Goin 15 M M NC
Maria Goin 12 F M VA
Alfred Goin 10 M M VA
Permelia Goin 9 F M VA
Alexander Goin 3 M M VA
Elizabeth Goin 1 month M M VA
1850 Southern District, Pittsylvania Co., VA Census
Robert Gowen 70 M B VA
Susan Gowen 60 F B VA
Lowrie Gowen 23 M B Laborer VA
Allen Gowen 11 M B VA
1850 Danville, Pittsylvania Co., VA Census
Betsey Gowen 20 F M VA
Susan Gowen 18 F M VA
Living in the house of S. L. Watkins family
Elizabeth Gowen 49 F M VA
Living in the house of Robert Gaines family.
Marshall Gowen 28 M M VA
Living in the house of Fanny Harris family
Record Collection Submitted by Shirley Ann Bennett Barham
Born about 1750 died about 1825 Pittylvania County, VA (age 75)
Children and grandchildren:
Benjamen Harrison - born about 1773
Jane Harrison
Elizabeth Logan - born about 1776
William Logan
Jane Logan
Jane/Jenny Going Bennett - born about 1780
Benjamen Harrison - born about 1773
Jane Harrison
Elizabeth Logan - born about 1776
William Logan
Jane Logan
Jane/Jenny Going Bennett - born about 1780
Jane/Jenny Going Bennett - born about 1780
Married Travis Carter Bennett May 29, 1798 Pittsylvania Co VA
Their Children:
1. Sarah - born 1800 VA married William Thornton
2. Lewis - born 1803 VA married Elizabeth _____ died Sept. 1880 age 77 from chronic rheumatism age 77 in Marion, Dorsey Co. Arkansas3. Hazel George - born 1806 NC married Margaret Weir died before 1860 Georgia
4. Martha - born 1810 never married died Georgia
5. Benjamen Jackson - born 1812 VA married Margaret Harrison
2. Lewis - born 1803 VA married Elizabeth _____ died Sept. 1880 age 77 from chronic rheumatism age 77 in Marion, Dorsey Co. Arkansas3. Hazel George - born 1806 NC married Margaret Weir died before 1860 Georgia
4. Martha - born 1810 never married died Georgia
5. Benjamen Jackson - born 1812 VA married Margaret Harrison
died October 1897 Butts Co GA
6. Thomas T. (Travis ?) - born 1811 VA married Mary ________
6. Thomas T. (Travis ?) - born 1811 VA married Mary ________
died Nov 30, 1886 Henry Co GA
1777 Tax Caswell County NC
Daniel & Sythia Gowin 1486 acres
Extracted from: Abstracts of Pittsylvania County, VA. Deed 1783-1790, compiled by Gayle Austin
Page 546
Gowing from Gowing Deed
September 24, 1781 between Daniel Gowing of the stat of So Carolina and Suffiah Gowing of P for 30 pounds, a parcel of land containing 400 acres
Bounded: the county line
s/ Daniel (X) Gowing
Wit: James Gillasby, James Landon, William (X) Gilliasby
1783 November 18 - Caswell County NC Marriages 1778-1868
Loughlin, David - Litha Going
Jessie Going, Bondsmen
1798 May 29 - Pittsylvania County VA Marriages 1786 - 1850 page 25
Marriage of Jenney Going to Travis Bennett
Lilly Logan (her mother) signs Certificate
1808 Caswell County NC
Litha Logan, buyer - Estate Sale of Phillip Cox
1817 October 11 - Deed
Sitha Logan alis Sitha Goins buys 58 acres from Wm. Simm
bordering property of Sophia Goins dec.
Pittsylvania County, Virginia
1800 Pittsylvania County VA Census
Lythia Logan
1824/Pro August 21, 1826 Will of Sytha Logan
Pttisylvania County VA
In the name of God Amen, I Sythia Logan of the county Spottsylvaia and state of Virgina, being in sound mind but extremely low in healths so make constitute and appoint this my last will and testament revoking all others It is my wish that all my just debts be paid by my Executor which I shall hereafter name. I give unto William Logan son of Elizabeth Logan three head of cattle namely a cow marked with a swallow fork in each ear, a heifer marked the same and a calf. Also, I give him half of the land I now live on containing fifty eight acres to be divided in half as my Executor thinks proper between him and my daughter Elizabeth Logan. Also, I give him my horse also two five pint Pewter Basons also one blue chest and blue chair and two --- painted split bottom chairs. I give him also one feather bed and furniture and feather bedstead. I give to Jane Logan daughter of Elizabeth Logan one loom and one spinning wheel, one five pint Pewter Bason and one small blue chest.
I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Logan the half of my land above mentioned during her life and after her death to William Logan or if the said William ------ ???? pay what the land is valued at to Elizabeth Logan he is to do so and claim the land as his own also one bed and furniture bedstead, table and ---- seven pine table. I give unto Jane Harrison daughter of my son Benjamin Harrison thirty dollars which is now in the hand of ---James D. Sutton. I wish four head of cattle sold and money equally divided between Lewis Bennett and Hazle Bennett sons of my daughter Jane Bennett the cattle mentioned are now in ----- of Joseph Burnette and John Shield. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Logan one large blue chest also three painted split bottom chairs, also one looking glass.
I give unto my daughter Jane Bennett one small walnut cupboard and two five pint Pewter Basons and my Pewter dish to have the same at her disposal and after her death I wish them to be divided between Elizabeth Logan and Lewis Bennett and Hazle Bennett. I wish Julius Allen to be Executor to settle my affairs as I have directed as ---- my hand and seal this thirtyth day of November 1824.
At a court of quarterly session held for Pittsylvania county the 20th day of August 1826. The --- will and testament of Lythia Logan deed was ----- in court and proved by the oath of ........