Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hawkins County, TN Early Records

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkins_County,_Tennessee

HistoryOne of the oldest Tennessee counties, Hawkins County was first established as a separate North Carolina county on January 6, 1787, when the General Assembly divided Sullivan County, North Carolina.

The original county was quite large, extending from the North Fork of the Holston River southwestwardly to the "Big Suck" near present-day Chattanooga. Other counties, or parts of counties, later created from Hawkins include Hancock, Grainger, Jefferson, Knox, Roane, Meigs, and Hamilton.

Prior to its creation by North Carolina, the county was Spencer County, Franklin.

Early history
The act creating Hawkins County empowered seven commissioners to select a central place for the county seat, where a courthouse, prison, and stocks would be built and to levy a tax for the support of local government.

The first meeting of the commissioners took place at the home of Thomas Gibbons on Big Creek on June 4, 1787, at which time Joseph Rogers' land on Crockett's Creek was selected as the location for the county seat.

During the summer of 1787 the courthouse, jail, and stocks were erected, and the little community took the name Hawkins Court House. The first elected county officials were John Hunt, sheriff; William Marshall, register; and Thomas Hutchins, clerk. Marshall and Nathaniel Henderson were elected the first representatives to the North Carolina House of Commons, and Thomas Amis was elected the first senator to represent the new county in the legislative assembly.
Hawkins County, TN came from part of Sullivan County, TN in 1787
Title: File No. 194, John Skidmore (Warrant No. 519)
Parent Records: State Records Secretary of State Record Group
Land Office: Land Warrants, Plats of Survey, and Related Records
Tennessee, Hawkins County
Years: 1780, 1790
Call Number: S.108.374; Frames:727-731
Site: Archives Search Room (Raleigh)
MARS Id: (Folder)
Genres / Forms: Warrants, Plats
Index Terms: Geographic Names:
Holston River (Tenn.)
Calvert Creek (Tenn.)
Personal Names:
Skidmore, John
Cottrell, John
Shipley, Conrad
King, Thomas
Guin, Hugh
Note: Warrant originally issued to John Cottrell.
Land Grant Info:
Acres: 178
Grant Number: 127
Issued: Nov. 16, 1790
Entry Number: 519
Entered: Apr. 29, 1780
Book, Page: 77:192
Location: On the no. side of Holston River on the waters of Calvert Cree

Title: File No. 1060, William Guynn (Warrant No. 703)
Parent Records: State Records Secretary of State Record Group
Land Office: Land Warrants, Plats of Survey, and Related Records
Tennessee, Hawkins County
Years: 1780, 1797
Call Number: S.108.377; Frames:829-833
Site: Archives Search Room (Raleigh)
MARS Id: (Folder)
Genres / Forms: Warrants, Plats
Index Terms:
Personal Names:
Guynn, William
Donelson, Stockley
Note: Warrant originally issued to Stockley Donelson.
Land Grant Info:
Acres: 200
Grant Number: 769
Issued: Jan. 21, 1797
Entry Number: 703
Entered: Sept. 27, 1780
Book, Page: 91:115
Location: Beg. at a Black Oak

William Goings Revolutionary War pension application.
Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison
I have transcribed the documents to the best of my ability, however I am sure that there are mistakes.

Sate of Tennessee
Hawkins County
May Session 1819
Personally appeared in open court this twenty sixth day of May 1819 William Going or Goen and aged about fifty six years, a citizen of said County & Sate, & being first duly sworn in open court according to law maketh the following declaration was that he enlisted in the regular service of the united states during the War of the Revolution sometime in the year 1780 in the spring as near as this deponent now recollects at Halifax County Ct house state of Virginia under Captain Tilman Dixon of the 18th Regiment of light infantry commanded by Col Henry Dixon * major Donobro , attached to General George Washingtons command. ??? during the war that this deponent served under said Col Dixon in said first Regiment three years at one continued time without leaving said service at anytime and that having served his Country honorably and faithfully during said service was honorably discharged sometime in the year 1783 at York Town, State of Virginia (when Cornwallis was taking in the year 1781) by his Excellency General George Washington. This deponant further declarath on oath that he was in the following battles, was at the battle of Brandy Wine, when he was wounded in his knee and ancle by grape shot thrown by the enemy, at the battle of Camden, North Carolina when General Greene commanded, in the battle of the Cowpens, at the battle of Guilford, in the battle Eulany Springs, and at the Battle of York Town when Cornwallis with his army were taken by Genl George Washington. He further saith that he has suffered great hardships, pour rations and weapons fatigue while in said service of which he now feels the effects that he is in extreme poverty & distress and without the support of his Country he will suffer greatly that his circumstances are witch having nothing at all to support himself with . That he has never drawn any pension from his Country although he believes he was entitled there to on account of his wounds, but has hather to supported himself by his labour. Said is now compelled to apply for relief by reason of his feeble & debilitated state of health. He further states that his honorable discharge which he received from the commander in Chief. He has left sometime ago in Virginia & that he knows of no person in the County by whom he could prove his services and that having served faithfully & honorably more than nine months the said requests to be placed on the pension list, at one continued time he hopes to the benefit of the act, send to the relief of the soldier of the Revolution, whose case is comprehended by said act.
Sworn to & subscribed in open court the day & date above
William X (his mark) Going
S D Mitchell Clk
By W B Mitchell his deputy

On the same day May aforesaid personally appeared in open court Colonel Eskridge Kinner a majestrate for said County of Hawkins and James Cox a citizen also of said County & State who being duly sworn according to law state they have been acquainted with said William Going applicant for a pension for sometime past that he has worked for them on their farms & always conducted himself well & behaved like an honest, upright man, that they have frequently heard him make the statements contained in the foregoing declaration & that he is in very reduced circumstances in life, stands in need of the assistance of his County for support, furthermore that from the knowledge they have of him they would & do believe that what he has stated above is true.
Sworn to & subscribed in open court this 26th of May 1819
C E Kinner
Jas Cox
S D Mitchell Clk
By W B Mitchell his deputy

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County
May Sessions 1819

I George Maxwell chairman of the Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions for the said County do hereby certify that the foregoing named applicant for a pension viz William Going appeared this 26 day in court, & made oath to the foregoing declaration and at the same time appeared the foregoing named Colonel E. Kinner a Justice of the Peace in & for said County of Hawkins & James Cox both respectable citizens of said county & also, deposed to the above affidavit. And I do furthermore certify that from the above evidence, before me and it appears to my satisfaction that the said applicant for a pension is in reduced circumstances, stands in need of the assistance of his County for support & that he was more than nine months in the continued service of his Country during the Revolutionary War at one time.
Given under my hand & seal this 26th May 1819.
Geo. Maxwell (seal)

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County
May Sessions 1819

I Shockley D. Mitchell clerk of the court of Pleas & quarter Sessions for said County do herby certify & make known that the within applicant for a pension within with C. E. Kinner Esquire & James Cox appeared in open court on the 26 day of May 1819 & made oath to the foregoing declaration & affidavit & subscribed their names thereto. And I do furthermore certify that the said George Maxwell whose name appears amend to the declaration and to others viz Samuel Rhodes, Daniel McElrays, James Simmons, Thomas Pratts, William Johnson, Ebenezer Manns & Walter Beattys is & was at the time of signing the same & was before for many years and state is chairman of the said court of Pleas & quarters Sessions for said county & State & that full faith & credit is and should be given to his official act as such.
In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of office this 26 day of May 1819 at office in Rogersville.
S D Mitchell Clk
By W B Mitchell his deputy

On this 29th day of August 1820 personally appeared in open Court during a Court of record in the County of Hawkins in the state of Tennessee William Going aged about 56 years, resident in said County of Hawkins who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows, enlisted in Captain Dixon’s company, first regiment Virginia line that he has received a pension certificate now in his possession number 12757, that his first declaration was made out in said County Court of Hawkins County about the 6th day of May 1819 and I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not since that time, by gift and or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish of as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress entitled “an Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States during the Revolutionary War passed the 18th of March 1818. And that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities, contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule surety annexed. And by me subscribed, viz four hogs, 1 pot & one oven, 1 old chair, 1 axe & 1 hoe, four forks & four knives, 3 tin plates. I am by occupation a daily laborer or farmer but am frail and not able to support myself and family which is composed of the following persons viz My wife aged about 45 years, 1 boy 11 years old 1 girl 10 years 1 girl 5 years and one boy aged two years. And that I stand in great need of the assistance of my country for support.
Sworn and subscribed in open Court
William X (his mark) Going

The Court value the property contained in the foregoing schedule to thirteen dollars and thirty cents.

State of Tennessee
I Stockley D Mitchell clerk of the Court of Pleas and quarter sessions for the County of Hawkins in the stat aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing oath and the schedule thereto annexed are truly copied from the words of the said Court and I do further certify that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is thirteen dollars and thirty cents.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of Office at Office this 29th day of August 1820
S D Mitchell Clk

Declaration in order to obtain the comforts of the act of Congress of the 7th July 1838 Entitled an act granting to late pay and pensions to certain widows.
State of Tennessee
Hawkins County

On this 8 day of June in the year 1839 personally appeared before the under signed or Justice of the Peace for the county of Hawkins aforesaid Elizabeth Goings resident of said county and state aged Seventy years who first duly sworn according to law doth in her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress passed July 7th 1838 Entitled “an act granting late pay and pensions to certain widows”. That she is the widow of William Goings who was a private soldier in Captain Tilman Dixons company in the first North Carolina Regiment and she refers for a now particular account of her said husbands services in the revolutionary war, to the declaration of her said husband on file in the war department. Her said husband was on the pension roll of the Untied States under the act of 1818 at the rate of Eight dollars per month and drew his pay at Knoxville East Tennessee. She further declares that she was married to him in the month of October, 1793, Seventeen hundred ninety three in Caswell County North Carolina, and that her said husband died at his residence in Hawkins County aforesaid on the 23rd day of august in the year 1827 and that since then she has not been married. She further declares that she was not married him prior to his leaving the service, but the marriage took place previous to the 18th day of January seventeen hundred ninety four and at the time above stated. She has no record of proof of her said marriage.
Sworn to & subscribed before me on the day & year above written.
Elizabeth X (her mark) Goins
David Reynolds JP

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County

Personally appeared before me the under signed as Justice of the Peace in & for said County Peter Goings and Agga Goings who being first duly sworn according to law deposith I saith as following towit Agga goings declares that she is about fifty years of age, that she has been well acquainted with the late William Goings as Pensioner of the United States and also with his widow Elizabeth Goings, that the said William and Elizabeth were married in Caswell county North Carolina about the time stated by the said Elizabeth in her said declaration wich is the month of October 1793 and that they ever afterwards lived together as man & wife until the time of said Williams death. Which took place on the 23rd day of august 1827 – and that his said widow has not been married since – And the said Peter Goings states that he has been acquainted with the said William & Elizabeth ever since he was a small boy, applicant being man aged about thirty years, and he believes said William & Elizabeth were married as she states, in Caswell County North Carolina and at the time stated, and ever since he was acquainted with them they lived together as man & wife and were so until?? By their neighbours the said William died in his house in Hawkins County on or about the 23 day of August 1827 – and that his said widow has not been married since the death of her said husband, and further depnant (???) say not.
Agga X (her mark) Goings
Peter X (his mark) Goings
Sworn to & subscribed before me this 8 day of June 1839
David Reynolds JP

Extractions from the next two recordings are as follows:
On this same day David Reynolds testifies that Agga and Peter Goings did subscribe to the official office with their testimony and that they were credible persons. David Reynolds also states that Elizabeth could not be in court on this day due to bodily infirmity and that he had been acquainted with William and Elizabeth for about thirty years and that they always lived as husband and wife.

Jas M Hord Clk certifies David Reynolds as the Justice of Peace at the time of signing.

Washington City
Jany 6th 1839

Dear sirs
I have received you reasons addressed to D. Alexander Esq. for suspending the application of Mrs Elizabeth Goins the widow of Wm. Goings decd. A Revolutionary Pensioner of Hawkins County Ten. For a Pension in which you say that the Certificate of the Clerk is in dispensably necessary before she can be allowed a Pension,
She has proven her marriage by two creditable witnesses to my knowledge, she thinks it hard that she should be required to prove more than others, there are two widows of Revolutionary Soldiers in the same neighborhood who have been allowed Pensions who only proved their marriage by one witness, without any certificate of the Clerk. I have no doubt in my own mind but she is lawfully entitled to a Pension, I would not say so if I did not feel confident of the fact – It has been so long since her marriage to ck place that the Clerk cannot find the certificate of her marriage, I hope you will take up her case again, and if you can be satisfied of the justice of her claim, please grant it, and send the certificate to me –
Very Respectfully Yrs. Mo. Afft. Servt.
A McClellan
J. L. Edwards Esq.

P.S. Please send the Declaration & papers now on file in your office of Mrs. Sally Pratt widower of Thos. Pratt decd. a Revolutionary Soldier of Hawkins County Tennessee
& oblige Yours &
A. McClellan

Yanceyville NoCa.
Clerk Office Jany 30th 1840

In answers of yous of the 7th we have to say that the only evidence on Our County is by reference to marriage bonds filed in the Office – and we have carefully examined the marriage bonds in this office from the years 1789, up to the year, 1800. and can find no record of the Marriage of William Goings to Elizabeth his wife –
We find the marriage bond of John Going to Betsy Hickman in Nov. 1795 – I writ this last thinking that if there should be any mistake in the name you could correct it –
Yours Very Respectfully
Paul A. Haralson, clerk
G W G VanHook Clerk
To J L Edwards
Commissioner of pensions
Washington City, D.C.

Extraction from Nancy Lemmons Testimony on September 25, 1839

On the 25th day of September 1839 testimony was given by Nancy Lemmons stating that she was 69 years old and that she was well acquainted with William and Elizabeth Goings and that she was present when they did get married in Caswell at the house of William Rainey in the month of September or October in the year 1793. She further stated that she lived about twelve miles from the Goings when he died and her husband said that neither one of them could read or write and did not have a family bible and they kept no word of their marriage or births of their children.

From Hawkins County Will Book I - http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnhawkin/will3.htm#WILLIAM%20GOING

Page 216 Dated: August 21, 1827
In the Name of God, Amen. I, William Going of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory at present, blessed be God, do this 21st day of Aug. in the year of our Lord one thousand, Eight hundred and twenty seven make and publish this my Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say: First of all. After paying my just debts, I wish my personal property and the tract of land coming to me from the United States be sold to pay my debts and the over plush money, if there be any, to be divided equally between my heirs, except Sheard and Andrew Going, my two sons, to have the 50 acres of land I now live on equally between them if the debts can be settled without selling the land. And I do ordain and appoint Nicholas Long my Executor of this my last Will and Testament without his giving bond and security, in the presence of us who are present at the time of his signing and sealing thereof. William x Going (seal)(his mark)
Witness: (his mark) John x King and William Willeford

AGE 64
DIED AUGUST 23, 1827

William Goings’ testimony for the Revolutionary War pension application of Robert Smith given on September 1, 1820.
Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison

This transcription is dedicated to those who serve to protect our freedoms. Please remember those who could not be home to enjoy the holidays with their families.

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County

On the same day personally appeared in open court Samuel Spears & William Goings Citizens of Hawkins County and who have the character of good citizens & make oath in due form of Law. That they are well acquainted with the said Robert Smith, that they both knew him in the War of the Revolution when he was a Lieutenant in the 3rd North Carolina Regiment on the Continental Establishment that they ????? Samuel Spears belonged to the same Regiment Lt. Smith belonged to and William Goings the applicant belonged to the 1st Regiment Virginia line that the said two Regiments lay N West Point to New York in the year 1778 at sometime about Christmas they positively state that said applicant Robert Smith was a regularly commissioned officer in said 3rd Regiment and they turily (??) believe he is entitled to a pension. This applicant William Goings is now a pensioner himself on the roll of the Untied States of number 12757.
Sworn to & subscribed in open court
Samuel X (his mark) Spears
William X (his mark) Goings

William Goings’ testimony for the Revolutionary War pension application of Samuel Spears given on September 1, 1820.
Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County

On the same day personally appeared in open court William Goings who being first duly sworn according to law desposith & saith that he is at this time a pensioner & is the same person who made out his amended declaration with the schedule amend the this day that he is well acquainted with the above named Samuel Spears applicant for a pension that this deponent served with said Spears in Pennsylvania within places on the Continental Establishment and that what the said applicant has stated in the foregoing declaration is strictly true furthermore this applicant is entirely disinterested in said applicant getting a pension.
Sworn to & subscribed in open court.
William X (his mark) Goings

William Goings’ testimony for the Revolutionary War pension application of John Petty given on May 22, 1822.
Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County

On the same day appeared in open court William Going aged about fifty six years a citizen of Hawkins County aforesaid who being also duly sworn states that he is acquainted with the said John Petty that they served together in thesaid Regiment Vig. The first Regiment commanded by Col. Dixon that said Petty served out his said period of 19 months honorably and that he is the identical John Petty who served in the Revolutionary War and that his aforesaid declaration he believes is substantially correct he further states that said John Petty’s memory is weak and that the old man is very frail he believes also that he is in indegent circumstances & stands greatly in need of the aid of his Government this applicant is himself a pensioner of the General Government Revolutionary that his certificate is Number 12757 dated 16th May 1819.
Sworn to & subscribed
William X (his mark) Going


Submitted by Jack Goins
Fountain Goins was in Hawkins County court for stealing a horse in 1829-1830.  Fount Goin alias Fountain Goen troubles began in 1829, tried by Justice of Peace John Walling, sent to grand jury and was convicted but no record that it was tried in Criminal court. Zachariah Minor and Charles Gibson were witnesses for Fountain.

Fountain Goins is believed to be the son of Zephania.  For more information on Fountain Goins see the Descendants of Fountain Goins b abt 1796

1830 Hawkins, TN
Betsy Goen Age 36-55
Crispin Goen Age 30-40
Fantene Goen Age 10-24
Harden Goen Age 10-24
John Goen Age 24-36
William Goen Age 50-60
George Goen Age 10-24
Joseph Guin Age 50-60


From http://www.freeafricanamericans.com/revolution.htm
Zephaniah Gowens was taxable in Henry County from 1783 to 1796 and in 1802: listed with 2 tithables in 1794 [PPTL, 1782-1830, frames 159, 302, 402, 428, 504], taxable in Patrick County from 1797 to 1799 [PPTL, 1791-1823, frames 234, 268]. He was about seventy-six years old and living in Hawkins County, Tennessee on 18 December 1834 when he applied for a Revolutionary War pension, stating that he had entered the service in Henry County [M805, reel 368, frame 0134].

Submitted and transcribed by Jack Goins
Below is the main parts of Zephaniah Pension.
The Revolutionary Pension Declaration of Zephaniah Gowen;

State of Tennessee Hawkins County: 18th day of December 1834, Personally appeared before me John J. Walling one of the Justices of Peas for said County, Zephaniah Gowen age anbout 76 years old. About the sixth day of March 1779 he volunteered in the county of Henry and State of Virginia. in the Company commanded by Captain John Conigance of the Regiment commanded by Col. Haston and Major Sammons. And was discharged the 10th day of August, 1779 by his said captain, And when returning home his said Captain prevailed with him to continue and the declaraint volunteered about the 12th day of August 1779 and marched to Henry County, state of virginia. And was in the service of the nited States until about the 20th of Feb. 1780. and was discharged by said captain, which was in writting. The applicant further states he about the 28th of July 1781 he entered the service by being drafted in the said County of Henry, in a company commanded by Captain Rubel of the companu commanded by Col. Haston and Majort Sammon from said county he was marched to Yorktown in the state of Virginia and this declarant states he was there on that seige and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis which was about the 19th day of October, 1781, and was discharged the first day of De. 1781.which was in writting and returned home having served altogether 15 months. Sephaniah stated he didn't know his exact age but was born in Halifax County, Virginia.. He also names General Steven, Lawson and colonels Preston and Lynch and with Generals Eaton and Rutherford of NC and Virginia. Zepanaih said he had his discharged papers but they have since destroyed by having his house burnt. John Sullivan, E.S. Goodman John J. Walling all swore he was a Rev. War soldier. and a citizen of Hawkins County.

From the Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Statements: http://southerncampaign.org/pen/index.htm#g
With permission from C. Leon Harris.
Pension Application of Zephaniah Gowen: R4165
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
[Capitalization has been partially corrected to improve readability.]

State of Tennessee} On this 18th of December 1834 personally appeared before me
Hawkins County} John J Walling one of the Justices of the Court of pleas & quarter
Sessions and also a Justice for the County Zephaniah Gowen aged
about seventy six years old who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his Oath make
the following Declaration in order to obtain the Benefit of the act of Congress passed June the
7th 1832 that he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers
and served as therein stated to wit: about the sixth day of March 1779 he volunteered in the
County of Henry & State of Virginia in the company commanded by Captain John Coniganer[?] of the Regment of Militia commanded by Col Haston [sic: Hairston] & Major Sammons [sic: Salmon or Salmons] from s’d County he was marched to Gilford [sic: Guilford] County State of North Carolina and was in the Service of the United States until about the 10th day of August 1779 when he was discharged by his said Captain and Col and when about returning home his said Captain prevailed with him to continue with him in service longer which this declarant he
[illegible word] did volunteer other six months and entered the service of the United States
about the 12th day of August 1779 under the command of the said above named officers and
was marched to Henry County & state of Virginia & was in the service of the United States until
about the 20 of February 1780 when he was discharged by his said Captain & Colonel and that in
wrighting he was discharged this declarant states some time about the 28 of July 1781 he
entered the service of the United States by being drafted in the said county of Henry & state of
Virginia in the company commanded by Captain Rubel [sic: Owen Rubell] of the Militia
commanded by Colonel Haston & Major Sammons and from s’d county he was marched to
Yorktown in the state of Virginia and this declarant states he was there and in that siege and
was present at the surrender of Cornwallis which was about the 19 day of October 1781 this
Declarant states that he was he was discharged near york town about the first day of September
1781 which was in wrighting which he was discharged and returned home having served
altogether fifteen months and was discharged as afore said and this declarant states he was
acquanted with Gen’ls [Robert] Lawson & [Edward] Stevens & Cols [William] Preston and [Charles] Lynch and with Gen’ls [Thomas] Eaton and [Griffith] Rutherford of North Carolina and Virginia who commanded the militia from those states and with Gen’l Green [sic: Nathanael Greene] of the of the Regular Army and he is acquainted with William Walling a Revolutionary pensioner at the Jonesborough Agency and also with John Sillivant and E S Goodman and he states he was borne in the County of Halifax & state of Virginia and he has no record of his age and he was living in the County of Henry & state of Virginia when called into service and he had wrighten discharges as before stated but they have been long since destroyed by having his hous burnt and there is no clergyman in his neighborhood and he hereby relinquishes his every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension Role of any state whatever
Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid before me Zaphiniah hisXmark Gowen

Original documents for the above can be viewed at Footnote.
Start Your Free Trial with Footnote.com

Submitted by Lyle GibsonThere is a secondary reference to Betsey Goin in The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History with Documents by Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green. Pages 54-57 contain a partial transcript of the 1835 Hawkins County, TN census (Cherokee);
-Betsey Goins 2 females over 18; total Cherokee 2; Half-breeds 1; Full Blooded 1
*She was one of five female Head of Household enumerated--per the transcript. No male Goins were mentioned


Marriages from http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnhawkin/mar53b.htm

Gowin, George
Bunch, Lively
5 Aug 1839
Partial 1836 Tax list submitted by Jack Goins

1836 tax list, Hawkins Co., TN: 
District 3
Zack  Goins
Fountain Goins
District 4
Hasten Goin
Stephen Goin
Christain Goin

District 5
Jesse Going


1840 Hawkins, TN

Elizabeth Gowens Age 55-100 living next door to Guthrage and Peter below
Guthrage Gowens Age 24-36
Peter Gowens Age 36-55
Alexr Gowin Age 20-30
Chrispin Gowin Age 40-50
Elijah Gowin Age 50-60
George Gowen Age 20-30 with a female age 70-80 living with him
Joseph Gowin Age 70-80 living alone
William Gowin Age 60-70

Marriages from http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnhawkin/mar53b.htm

Goins, Elizabeth Sizemore, Owen 30 Aug 1856
Goins, Polly Ann Minor, Gilford (colore8 Jan 1854

Goan, William M
Hickes, Alley M
21 Aug 1865
31 Aug 1865

Submitted by Kevin Mullins

Contained in miscellaneous record book containing minutes of Mayor's Court, Knoxville (07 March 1838-January Term 1840) and minutes of meetings of Knoxville Mayor
and Aldermen May 1886-August 1889. Book is now in the
holdings of the Knox County Archives. Microfilm of volume is in the McClung Historical Collection.

James Goins

James Goins presented the following as the best evidence that he can
obtain of his Freedom

State of Tennessee }
Hawkins County }
County Court, May Term 1857
Personally appeared in open court Aaron Mooney & Rodham Chesnutt
residents of said county &
state who being duly sworn according to Law depose and say that they
are well acquainted with
James Goins a colored man who lately resided in Hawkins County
Tennessee and that they knew his
mother who was a white woman and his reputed Father was a mulatto, and
that the said James
Goins was born free.

State of Tennessee }
Hawkins County }
I James H. Vance Clerk of the County Court of said county do
certify that the foregoing is a true
[begin strike through] copy [end strike through] transcript from the
Record of my Court.
Given under my hand and official seal at office in Rogersville
the 7th day of May 1857.
J. H. Vance Clerk
Partial 1860 Census submitted by Louisa Goins.

1860 US Federal Census – District 3, Hawkins, TN
Family listed as Mulatto
Gowings, Rinda – 45 – NC
Gowings, Mathew – 14, NC
Gowings, John – 13, TN
Gowings, Alexander – 8, TN

1890 Special Census of Union Veterans and their Widows, Hancock County, TN, NARA M123, Roll 95
Extracted by Hallie Price Garner for Our Mountain Heritage
From http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnhawkin/1890vethan.html

Gowen, Zachariah [prob Goins] " Pvt G 1st TN Cav
Goins, John " Pvt A "
Goins, John " " H 24th KY Inf reenlisted
Goins, Elizabeth A. , widow of Morgan, William B. " " no information
Goins, Alfred " " A " chronic diarrhea, lungs

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cumberland County, NC Early Records

Cumberland County, North Carolina, was formed in 1754 from Bladen County.

Ann Gowen was in Cumberland County, North Carolina, in November 1761 when the court ordered her to "keep in her possession a Mulatto Boy which she now has in order that she may have him here next court" [Minutes 1759-65, 75].

9 Nov 1764, Crown to WILLIAM GOWEN, 300 ac in Cumberland on both sides of the Pocket (?) Cr. (Patent Bk 17, p 116, #7448) (Hofmann, Margaret M. Colony of NC, 1735-1764, Abstracts of Land Patents, Vol 1, 1982, p 527)

From the Cumberland County USGenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~nccumber/cumberland.htm
Index to Cumberland County, NC Estate Records
Goven, David 29 1775
Estate record for David Goven submitted by Carolyn Gibbons, Volunteer for the Cumberland County, NC web page.
Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison.

North Carolina
County of Cumberland

Know all men by these presents that we James Worth Thomas Rutherfurd & Robert Mylne are held and bound unto Josiah Martin Esqr. Governor & of said province………………….in the Just and full sum of Two hundred pounds……………..proclamation money to be paid 10. pounds………….the sd Governor.
His Sucessors or Assigns For the which payment well and truly to be made. We Bond Ourselves. Our heirs. Executors and Administrators. Jointly and severally. Formly by these presents. Seal with our Seal. This 28th Day of Jan. for Anno Dom. 1775 –
The condition of this Obligation is such that if the above Counsen James Worth –Administrator of all and Singular the Good and Chattels Rights and Credits of David Goven………………………….Deceased. do make or Cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the Deceased which have or Shall Come to the Hands knowledge or possession of the said James Worth.
Of into the Hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same to made do Exhibit or Cause to Exhibit into the Secretary’s Office and one attested copy thereof to the County Court where Orders for administration passed within ninty Days after the date of these presents and the same Goods Chattels and Credits and all others the Goods Chattels and Credits of the Deceased at the time of Death which at anytime hereafter shall Come into the Hands or possession of the Said James Worth………………..Or unto the Hands or possession of any other person or persons for do well and truly Administer According to Law and further do make or Cause to be made A true and Just account of his said Administration within one year after the date of these Presents and all the rest and Residue of the said Goods Chattels and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administras Account the same being first examined and allowed by the Govenor and Counsil General Court or County Court shall Deliver and pay unto such person or person Respectfully as the same shall be due pursuant to the true Intent and meaning of the Act in that Case made and provided and if it shall appear that any will and Testament was made by the said Deceased and the Executor or Executors Herein named do Exhibit the same into Court making Request to have it allowed and approved according by if the said James Worth
Above bounded being thereunto required to under and deliver the said Letters of Administration Approbation of such Testament being first had and made in the said Court. Then this Obligation to be paid and none Effect or Else to remain in full force and virtue
James Worth (Seal)
Tho Rutherford (Seal)
Robert Mylne (Seal)

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of Tho Gray


From the Cumberland County USGenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~nccumber/cumberland.htm
Gioton, James M Guion, Nancy A 12/24/1854
Goings, Charles Terry, Sarah 06/04/1851
Goings, Jacob Millender, Rosana 01/07/1857
Goings, Jacob Spencer, Elizabeth 05/28/1855

Cumberland County, N.C. Marriage Bonds to 1868 - Brides
Ellis, Sally Henry Guvin 12/15/1831 #000032538 Arthur Guvin
Guiton, Sarah Arthue Guins 09/02/1859 #000032544 W H Massey; Arthue Guin
Gain, Mary Elisha Hodge 05/23/1837 #000032785
John W WeisiMosley, Sarah Jackson Massey 04/17/1850 #000034109 David Guin

From the Cumberland County USGenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~nccumber/cumberland.htm
Election Returns - 1843
This document is found at the NC Archives CR 029.912.3 Election Records Folder: Election Returns, Constable 1843
A list of the polls of an election held for constable for Rockfish District at the house of Daniel McNeill in said district of the 28th January 1843.
Arthur Guion Sr.
Arthur Guion Jr.
Abram Guion
Submitted by Carolyn Gibbons, Volunteer for Cumberland County, NC
Left at the Post Office in Fayetteville
2 Dec 1851 Eliza Goins

Marriage licenses submitted by Cyndie Goins Hoelscher

June 14, 1869 Martin Goings, son of Neill Smith and Lucy Goings, married to Lydia Ann Goings, daughter of David Goings and Polly Goings by Findley Morrison, JP

July 7, 1872 Dougald Goings, son of Thos. & Selice Goings, married to Sarah Wood, daughter of Jim Wood & Lydia Goings by the Rev. Isham Williams.

July 13, 1872 John D Goins, son of John & Jane Goins, married to Eliza Goins, daughter of Neill & Polly Goins by A(?) G Thomston, JP.


To any regular Minister Of the Gospel Having The Cure Of Souls Or Any Justice Of The Peace For Said County.

You, or any of you, are hereby authorized to celebrate and solemnize the RITE OF MATRIMONY between John D. Goins, son of John and Jane Goins and Eliza Goins, daughter of Neill and Polly Goins and join them together as MAN AND WIFE.

Register of DEEDS at Office this 13th day of July A.D. of 1872
Thos. F. Campbell, Register of Deeds by A.E. Campbell, Deputy

This is to Certify that I performed the Rite of Matrimony between the above named parties, John D. Goins and Eliza Goins on the 13th day of July 1872. A. G. Thornton, J.P.

November 25, 1873 Daniel Goins, son of Henry Goins and Delila Goins, married Melisa Jane Goins, daughter of Lucy Goins by G W Graham, JP. Witnessed by Mathew Goins, Neill Goins, Eli Walden all of Quewhiffle, Cumberland Co.

From The Goins-Walden Settlements On Pocket Creek 1764-1910, A Disintegrated Indian Community by Forrest Hazel

March 12, 1888 - Lucian and Mary Goins, Martine and Lydia Goins, Eli and Rebecca (Goins) Walden and Ed and Sarah Goins donated one acre of land "west of the head of Silver Run Creek and north of the Morgantown Rd" to trustees of School #1 (colored), who were Martine Goins, J. R. Ransome and B. D. Goins for the purpose of constructing a school for the "colored" children of Little River and Quewhiffle Townships.


October 4, 1888 H W Goins, son of J W Goins and Lucy Ann Goins, married to Lottia J Walden, daughter of Henry Walden and Louiza Walden by Alex Leslie, JP

State of North Carolina CUMBERLAND COUNTY Office of Register of Deeds, September 29th 1888, To any Ordained Minister of any Denominations or any Justice of the Peace for said County: H.W. Goins of Cumberland County, aged 19 years, colored, the son of J. W. Goins and Lucy Ann Goins, the father now living, the mother now living, residents of Cumberland County having applied to me for a LICENCE OF MARRIAGE to be celebrated between him and Lottia J. Walden, aged 19 years, colored, daughter of Henry Walden and Louiza Walden, the father now ________, the mother now ________, residents of __________ and the written consent of ____________, the __________ of said ________, to the proposed marriage at any place within the said County. You are required within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage to return this license to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this license and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts under the penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to use of any person who shall sue for the same.

H.L. Hall, Register of Deeds

State of North Carolina,
Cumberland County

I Alex Leslie, Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony H.W. Goins and Littia J. Walden the parties licensed above on the 4th day of October 1888 at Henry Waldens in Quewhiffle Township in said county according to law.

Alex Leslie, J.P.

November 16, 1907 Wm Goins, son of Henry Goins and Mary Goins, married to S J McLeod, daughter of Sandy McLeod and Lidy McLeod by G A Wright, JP

June 16, 1906 William Goins, son of Lawrence Goins and Sarah Goins, married to Dora Whitehead, daughter of Mozes Whitehead and Annie J Whitehead by C T Simmons, Minister

The will is from the microfilm of the Archives' holdings of the original wills and/or the original will books of Cumberland County and was submitted by Carolyn Gibbons, volunteer for Cumberland County, NC. Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison.

North Carolina
Cumberland County

The will of the late Patsie Goings, deceased, of Silver Run, Cumberland County, NC who died March 25th 1909. Made and declared by her on the 24th day of March 1909 at and in her own residence at Silver Run, Cumberland County, N.C>, where was then residing and had been a resident continuously at said place for ten years or more next preceeding her death and next before the making of this her said will and in her last sickness, in the presence of us, who were specially required by her to hear witness thereto, and who have her unto subscribed our names as witnesses: - “My will is that Lucretia Walden, my beloved neice who served me and comforted me in my declining years, in sickness and health, shall have my house and lot situate in Southern Pines, Moore County, N.C. (being in that part of Southern Pines commonly known as Jimtown), and being the only lot of land owned by me in my own name and right and it being my separate property”.

These words or the like effect, the said deceased declared in the presence of the witnesses, whose names are herunto subscribed with the intention that the same should stand for and be her last will and testament and she, the said Patsie Goings bid the witnesses to ber witness that such was her last will and testament.
This the 29th Day of March, 1909.
Mary Tyson
Ida Goings

Sworn and Subscribed to before me this 8th day of July 1909
L P Finch, Notary Public
My commission expires Jan 11th 1911

North Carolina, Cumberland County
In Superior Court, Before the Clerk, 1909

Citation For next of Kin
In the matter of the Last Will & Testament of Patsie Goings, deceased, late of Cumberland County, N.C.

A paper writing purporting to contain num cupative will of Patsie Goings, deceased, and which in words and figures following, to wit: - “My will is that Lucretia Walden, my beloved neice who served me and comforted me in my declining years, in sickness and health, shall have my house and lot situate in Southern Pines, Moore County, N.C., lying and being in that part of Southern Pines commonly known as Jimtown and being the only lot of land owned by me in my own name and right and it being my separate property”, is exhibited for probate before me, the undersigned Clerk Superior Court in and for said County by J. A. Clark. It is there upon ordered that a citation issue to Luie Walden, Flora Manner, the next of kin of the said Patsie Goings, to appear before the undersigned at his office on the 11th day of Aug 1909, and contest said will if they think proper to do so.
This the 15 day of July 1909.
A. McKeithan
Clerk Superior Court of Cumberland County, N.C.

North Carolina, Cumberland County
In Superior Court, Before the Clerk, 1909

Probate of Nun Cupative Will
In the matter of the Last Will and Testament of Patsie Goings, deceased, late of Cumberland County, N.C.

A paper writing purporting to contain the nun cupative will of Patsie Goings, deceased, late of Cumberland County, N.C. and which is in words and figures following, to wit: - “My will is that Lucretia Walden, my beloved neice who served me and comforted me in my declining years, in sickness and health, shall have my house and lot situate in Southern Pines, Moore County, N.C., lying and being in that part of Southern Pines commonly known as Jimtown and being the only lot of land owned by me in my own name and right and it being my separate property,” is exhibited for probate before me, the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court in and for the State and County aforesaid – by J. A. Clark. And it is thereupon proved by evidence of Mary Tyson, Ida Goins, two competent and creditable witnesses that the said Patsie Goings in her last illness that the said Patsie Goings in her last illness, in her own dwelling house and when she was of sound mind and disposing memory, and in their presence, did make s num cupative will and did in the said will devise her estate in the town of Southern Pines, N.C. to the person and in the manner mentioned in the said writing and that they, the said Mary Tyson and Ida Goings, were especially required by the said Patsie Goings to hear witness thereto. And it is also proved by the said witnesses that the said Patsie Goings died on the 25th day of March 1909, that the said nun cupative will was reduced to writing as aforesaid on the 29th day of March 1909. And it further appears from the notices, information and returns to the citation issued by me the 15th Day of July 1909 to Luie Walden, Minor, being next of kin to said Patsie Goings, and to Ed. Walden, his guardian and father, and that process was suly accepted by said Ed. Walden, guardian and father of said Luie Walden, for his said ward next of kin & c, and that said next of kin and his said guardian and father failed to appear before the undersigned at his office on the 11th Day of August 1909 and contest said will and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the undersigned that the said devises, Lucretia Walden, named in the said nun cupative will is one of the two lineal heirs, being the grand child of the said Patsie Goings, deceased.
It is therefore adjudged that the paper writing doth contain the nun cupative will and testament of the said Patsie Goings as to her separate property in her County aforesaid and that the same as such is filed and recorded This Day of August 1909.
CSC Cumberland Co., N.C.


From the unpublished works by Jack Goins with permission.

W.B. Goins, et.al. vs. Board of Trustees Indian Normal School.
Filed October 12, 1915 in the Supreme Court of North Carolina.

Willie Goins testified that his father was William Goins. At this time Willie lived in Mallory, South Carolina and "the general reputation is we were Indian, we came from Cumberland County, North Carolina."

Deposition of William Goins introduced on the part of the Plaintiff. "I am the father of W.W. Goins (Willie) and W.B.. Goins the Plaintiffs. I'm going on 68 years of age; am a minister of the gospel. I have lived in Sumpter County most of my life they have always called us after Indian "red bones" and been raised so. There has been some reputation in our family that we were some relations to the Croatan Indians, my grandfather’s name was Fred Goins."

Lizzie Brown testified: "I am a sister to the plaintiffs. I was raised in Sumpter County, South Carolina. We are Indians in the north, but they gave us the name "Red Bones" down there. The reputation is, there is no Negro blood is any of us."

Myer Giddine, witness for the plaintiff, testified as follows: I live in Privateer Township, Sumpter County, South Carolina I live about 1/4 mile from William Goins, father of the Plaintiffs. for thirty years. The only talk I ever heard about the race of people the Plaintiff was that they were Indians. heard that talk ever since I was big enough to remember it. The mother of the plaintiff has long black hair.

Gaston Locklear testified for the defense. "I am a member of the board of trustees of the Cherokee Indian Normal School of Pembroke. I was not a member when some of these people were first permitted to attend the school. After this question arose I made an investigation about the time we were getting ready to exclude them or to pass on the question. I went to Sumpter County, South Carolina in the eastern part of Sumpter County. I went for the purpose of asserting what the general reputation was as to these people and to find out whether they were entitled to go to our school and saw a right smart of people. I have seen William Goins, the father of these plaintiffs. From my knowledge of the Indian people here and from my observation of him (William) he is not an Indian.
Q-Being appointed by member of the board state what you did for the purpose of ascertaining what the general reputation was down there?
A- I went to find out if they were entitled to go to our schools. Q-From this investigation you made what do you say is the general reputation as to whether or not they are people of Negro Blood. A-Their general reputation is they are colored people.
Q-Have you seen William Goins father of the Plaintiffs?
A-I have, and who they said was their father.
Q-From your general knowledge of the Indian people here and from your observation of him, state whether or not in your opinion he is a man of Negro blood.
A-He is of Negro blood.


1830 Bows Creek, Cumberland Co., NC

Arthur Guion
1 male 10-15
1 male 50-60
1 female under 5
1 female 10-15
1 female 15-20
1 female 20-30
1 female 40-50

Asa Guion
2 male under 5
1 male 5-10
1 male 10-15
2 male 15-20
1 male 60-70
1 female 10-15
1 female 15-20
1 female 40-50

1840 Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC

Arthur Guin
1 male 70-80
1 female 10-15
1 female 15-20
1 female 50-60

Abraham Guin
1 male 20-30
1 female 20-30

Asa Guin
1 male 10-15
1 male 15-20
1 male 20-30
1 male 50-60
1 female 50-60

1850 Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC

Dwelling 210
Goins, Henry 27 M M NC
Goins, Eliza 24 F M NC
Goins, Angelina 10 F M NC
Goins, Josephine 7 F M NC
Goins, Elizabeth 4 F M NC

Dwelling 395, Family 406
Goins, William 26 M NC
Goins, Catherine 25 F NC
Goins, Green 5 M NC
Goins, Quincey 4 M NC
Goins, Mary 2 F NC

1850 Northern District, Cumberland Co., NC

Dwelling 751, Family 751
Butler, John 60 M SC
Butler, Eliza 5 F NC
Butler, Isham 1 M NC
Guins, Nancy 50 F NC

1850 Western District, Cumberland Co., NC

Dwelling 765, Family
White, Burnwell 55 M NC
White, Rachel 55 F NC
White, Marley? 18 M NC
Guin, Patsey 25 F NC
Guin, Asa 1 M NC
Guin, David 23 M NC

Dwelling 792, Family 805
Guin, Arthur 40 M NC
Guin, Briney 40 F NC
Guin, Moriah 20 F NC
Guin, Eliza 18 F NC
Guin, Nancy 14 F NC
Guin, Jane 13 F NC
Guin, Martha 12 F NC
Guin, Arthur 9 M NC
Guin, Susan 5 F NC
Guin, Charlotte 2 F NC

Dwelling 956, Family 969
Guin, Arthur 92 M VA
Guin, Winney 51 F NC
Reeves, Jane 13 F NC
Reeves, Lavenia 5 F NC

Dwelling 957, Family 970
Guin, Abraham 39 M NC
Guin, Susan 31 F NC
Guin, Lewis 6 M NC
Guin, Thomas 4 M NC

1860 Cumberland, Cumberland Co., NC

Dwelling 729, Family 738-739
McMillian, Eliza 18 F NC
McMillian, Louisa 16 F NC
McMillian, Christian 13 F NC
Guion, Eliza 28 F NC
Guion, May J 23 F NC
Guion, Martha A 20 F NC
Guion, Charlotte 13 F NC
Guion, Mary C 3 F NC
Reves, Mary J 23 F NC
Reves, Susan 20 F NC
Guion, Mariah 30 F NC

1860 Western Division, Cumberland Co., NC

Dwelling 54, Family 50
Vaughn, Charity 62 F NC
Vaughn, Quincy 35 M NC
Vaughn, Ruffin 26 M NC
Vaughn, Fanny 22 F NC
Vaughn, Stephen 9 M NC
Guin, John 18 M NC

Dwelling 112, Family 104
Chavers, Edmund 40 M M NC
Chavers, Mary 25 F M NC
Chavers, Delphy 4 F M NC
Guins, Asa 16 M M NC

Dwelling 170, Family 164
Guin, Arthur 49 M NC
Guin, Sarah 36 F NC
Guin, Maria 32 F NC
Guin, Eliza 29 F NC
Guin, Mary 26 F NC
Guin, Arthur 19 M NC
Guin, Susan 17 F NC
Guin, Martha 16 F NC
Guin, Charlotte 13 F NC
Guin, Catherine 9 F NC
Guin, Calon 5 M NC

Dwelling 280, Family 273
Guions, Catherine 30 F NC
Guions, Quiney 14 M NC
Guions, Mary 12 F NC

Dwelling 281, Family 274
Guions, John 50 M NC
Guions, Mary 50 F NC
Guions, Apse 12 M NC

Dwelling 494, Family 478
Hodges, Elisha 45 M NC
Hodges, Mary 45 F NC
Hodges, Mary 21 F NC
Hodges, Elizabeth 18 F NC
Hodges, Archy 15 M NC
Hodges, William 6 M NC
Hodges, Sarah 4 F NC
Hodges, Elisha 2 M NC
Guions, Mary 72 F NC
Black, Daniel 5 M NC

Dwelling 524, Family 507
Gowan, Benjamin 23 M M NC
Gowan, Rebecca 24 M M NC
Gowan, Garner 6 M M NC
Gowan, Willey 3 M M NC
Gowan, Furman 6mo M M NC
Gowanes, James 9 M M NC
McDougald, Hugh 24 M M NC

1870 Quewhiffle, Cumberland, Census

Dwelling 10, Family 10
Goings, Edward 21 M B NC
Goings, Lucy 50 F B NC
Goings, Jane 15 F B NC
Goings, Joseph 12 F B NC
Goings, John 10 M B NC

Dwelling 11, Family 11
Goings, David 45 M B NC
Goings, Polly 60 F B NC

Dwelling 13, Family 13
Going, Martine 20 M B NC
Going, Lydia A 21 F B NC
Going, Washington 1 M B NC

Dwelling 34, Family 34
Goings, Arthur Sr. 60 M W NC
Goings, Sarah 42 F W NC
Goings, Mary 4 F W NC
Goings, Penny 6 F W NC

Dwelling 35, Family 35
Goings, Arthur Jr. 30 M W NC
Goings, Sarah 35 F W NC
Goings, William 5 M W NC
Goings, James 4 M W NC
Goings, Archibald 2 M W NC

Dwelling 45, Family 45
Goings, Thomas 45 M M NC
Goings, Delitha 48 F M NC
Goings, Green 22 M M NC
Goings, Watson 18 M M NC
Goings, Dougald 14 M M NC
Goings, King 12 M M NC
Goings, Caroline 10 M M NC
Goings, Lydia 75 F M NC

1870 Rockfish, Cumberland Co., NC Census
Dwelling 316, Family 318
Guines, Lance 35 M W NC
Guines, Sarah 35 F W NC
Guines, John 10 M W NC
Guines, Robert 5 M W NC

Dwelling 472, Family 477 - 478
Guing, Abram 60 M W NC
Guing, Susan 58 F W NC
Guing, Lewis 13 M W NC
Guing, Thomas 21 M W NC
Guing, Catherine 21 F W NC

Dwelling 504, Family 511
Goueg, Richard 34 M W NC
Goueg, Rebecca 26 F W NC
Goueg, Stephen 15 M W NC
Goueg, Betsy Ann 13 F W NC
Goueg, Archibald 11 M W NC
Goeug, John 8 M W NC
Goueg, Elizabeth 6 F W NC
Goueg, Eliza 4 F W NC

1880 Quewhiffle, Cumberland County Census

Dwelling 71 Family 71
Gowins, Arthur W M 69 NC NC NC
Gowins, Sarah W F 56 NC NC NC
Gowins, Penny W F 20 NC NC NC
Gowins, Mary W F 18 NC NC NC

Dwelling 72 Family 72
Gowens, John W M M 38 NC NC NC
Gowens, Lucy A W F 35 NC NC NC
Gowens, Mary J W F 14 NC NC NC
Gowens, William H W M 12 NC NC NC
Gowens, James T W M 9 NC NC NC
Gowens, Ann N W F 7 NC NC NC
Gowens, Evander W M 5 NC NC NC
Gowens, Daniel F W M 3 NC NC NC
Gowens, Lin K W M 2 NC NC NC

Dwelling 73 Family 73
Giton, Thomas W M 39 NC NC NC
Giton, William J W M 13 NC NC NC
Giton, John W W M 10 NC NC NC
Giton, David F W M 9 NC NC NC
Giton, Mary C W F 6 NC NC NC
Gitin, Charlet A W F 4 NC NC NC
Gowens, Charlotte W F 31 NC NC NC

Dwelling 74 Family 74
Gowens, Neill M M 69 NC NC NC
Gowens, Mary M F 69 NC NC NC
Gowens, William M M 5 NC NC NC
Gowens, Colan M M 2 NC NC NC

Dwelling 75 Family 75
Gowens, Neill Jr M M 26 NC NC NC
Gowens, Francis M F 26 NC NC NC
Gowens, Tyson M M 7 NC NC NC
Gowens, George E M M 4 NC NC NC

Dwelling 86 Family 86
Gowens, Tomas W M 37 NC NC NC
Gowens, Catharine W F 27 NC NC NC
Gowens, George W M 8 NC NC NC

Dwelling 88 Family 88
Guens, Arthur D W M 39 NC NC NC
Guens, Sarah W F 47 NC NC NC
Guens, William C W M 14 NC NC NC
Guens, Duncan J W M 13 NC NC NC
Guens, Arthur A W M 11 NC NC NC
Guens, Sarah L W F 9 NC NC NC
Guens, Francis L W F 6 NC NC NC
Guens, Flora P W F 4 NC NC NC
Guens, John H W M 3 NC NC NC

Dwelling 96 Family 96
Bethune, Max W M 37 NC NC NC
Bethune, Margaret W F 36 NC NC NC
Bethune, Calvin A W M 9 NC NC NC
Bethune, Robert L W M 7 NC NC NC
Bethune, Flora J W F 5 NC NC NC
Bethune, William L W M 3 NC NC NC
Holiday, Mag W F 11 NC NC NC
Gowens, June W F 44 NC NC NC

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rockingham County, North Carolina Early Records

Collection of Records posted by Cindy Young.


Rockingham County was organized in 1785 with land from Guilford County. It adjoined Henry County, Virginia and Pitt¬sylvania County, Virginia on the south, and the settlers moved freely back and forth the state line as if in one community. Rockingham County was in the heart of Melungeon country in North Carolina.
Jim Hall wrote August 18, 1999 regarding Goinstown, North Carolina:

"There exists no formal or legal designation for the Goinstown area that I have found. There are no "Goinstown" road signs to guide you or to let you know when you are there. There is no "Goinstown" on any map that I found. There is no town of Goinstown. There is a rural area which is referred to as Goinstown. The Goinstown area still exists in Rockingham County today but I doubt that anyone could say with any accuracy where it begins or ends. So let me tell you in general terms where I think "Goinstown" was and is.

From my research I think that the area came to be referred to as Goinstown in the mid to late 1800s. But the seeds for Goinstown were planted in the 1700s. My opinion is that Goinstown historically included the NW corner of Rockingham County, NC, the NE corner of Stokes County, NC, and the southern portions of Henry County, VA, and Patrick County, VA. Many of the early Goins, Moore, Gibson and Harris families (whose descendants were listed as mulatto on later census records) lived along Buffalo Creek and Hickory Creek which runs east and west across the county line of present day Rockingham and Stokes County.

Today, Goinstown is an area referred to almost exclusively as being in NW Rockingham County [Madison Township]. Goinstown Road still runs through NE Stokes County and changes to Schoolhouse Road at the Rockingham County line. The Goinstown Road is still a dirt road.

Many of these mulatto families [Goins, Moore, Gibson, Harris] lived close to the NC/VA border and moved across the state line often leading to research confusion. I think that sometimes it was easier to travel to the county seat in Martinsville, Henry Co., VA, than to the county seat in NC.

Many of these families migrated west in the first half of the 1800s century. Some moved to Scott and Hancock County VA. Others moved to eastern KY, primarily Floyd County.

However, if you drive through the area [there are only a few paved roads as this is still one of the poorest areas of the county], you will find many Goins, Gibson and Harris mailboxes. Most of the mulatto Moores moved away by 1860.

I found the old Gibson and Harris Cemetaries. In both cemetaries there appeared to be more Goins grave markers that any other family, some dating to the early 1800s.

In the 1800s some of these families also moved south and east in the county. Some lived along the Mayo River others moved to Stoneville and Madison. I am not sure where these families migrated from. John Moore, the earliest of my Moores that I have verified, was born in Orange County, NC, in 1758. But Orange County at that time included part of present day Rockingham County so the Moores may have been in this area at the time of John's birth. Many mulatto Gibson families also lived in Orange County, NC. in the 1750s. I don't know where the Goins families migrated from. They may have migrated south from VA.

One of the few written articles that I have found about Goinstown is an article in in the book, "The Heritage of Rockingham County," by the Rockingham County Historical Society, published in 1983. It is a very short article written by Zelma Joyce Scott. The introduction written by the editor reads as follows:

'Goinstown as a community has a special story to tell. Mysterious in it's origin, it's natives tend to insulate themselves against intrusion. The roots of that clannishness may be found in the process of acculturation forced on the Indian society of North America. Historically the repeated choice for the Indian has been to join another still functioning Indian group elsewhere or merge within the conventions and associations of either the white or black man's way of life. Many of the families of Goinstown consider themselves Indian. A letter written by Douglas Rights, a noted authority on North Carolina Indians, which is preserved in the Smithsonian Institute archives, speaks of Goinstown as a mixed blood settlement in Rockingham. He points out that among the principal families are Harris, Goins and Hickman, and that Harris is one of the most familiar surviving family names among the Catawba Indians. A member of the Harris family of Goinstown had told Dr. Rights that his people had drifted off in two directions, the lighter color drifting out and associating with the whites, and the darker taking places in Negro society.'

In the article Ms. Scott states, 'These people have many features of Indian, Portuguese and other nationalities. Some local people believe they are part of the Lost Colony of Manteo....'

I talked to Ms. Scott in an attempt to get more information but she couldn't give any more details than was given in the article.

During the 1930s one of the WPA projects was to preserve old cemetery inscriptions by recording information on grave markers. Some WPA workers recorded information on the markers in the John Foy Cemetery located three miles west of Madison. This information can be found in WPA Pre-1914 Cemetery Inscriptions. I have looked at all the cards and found no other useful information. One of the typewritten cards pertains to the Walker I. Gibson family. Walker Gibson was probably in C.S.A. but his widow could not get a pension as he was regarded as a Negro.

All this family of Gibson were up to about 1895 listed by tax listers as Negroes; they called themselves East Indians [from the Indies or Indians from the East], else assumed by some to be Melanoe."

Louise Nunn, candidate for a master's degree, wrote in 1937 "A Comparison of the Social Situation of Two Isolated Indian Groups in Northern North Carolina." In her dissertation, she described a Rockingham County group that showed on the tax rolls of the county as "9 Goins families, 3 Harris families and 2 Richardson families." The group was concentrated around "Gointown, North Carolina."

Miss Nunn wrote that the Rockingham group was very unstable in 1937. The white-appearing part of the group was trying to exclude the children of dark-appearing part of the group from attending the special "Indian School" that had been built for them. She reported a definite Negroid appearance in the darker children.
"The Goinstown community is located in the northwest corner of Rockingham County, North Carolina, on the border with Stokes County. The prominent family names are Goins, Hickman, Harris, Richardson, and Kimmons. These related families can be traced back at least to the early 1800s in the area as free colored persons. The tradition is that they are descended either from 'Croatan' Indians [there was a period in the 1930s and 1940s when it was popular to describe any group of Indian people of uncertain origin as descendants of the 'Croatans'] or from remnants of the Saura tribe who mixed with non-Indians in the area. The community had a school until the early 1960s that was officially classed as Indian and has gradually merged with the white community. There is still a perception among the local whites that the Goinstown people are of Indian descent. With the location of the old Saura Town nearby on the Dan River, it is possible that these people possess, to some degree, Saura ancestry.

Of course, it is impossible to know for certain know whether Ezekiel Joines of Wilkes County was related to the Goinstown Indians of nearby Surry County. However, a number of "free colored persons" named Goins lived in the general vicinity.

Supporting the Melungeon theory, Ezekiel's son Thomas Joines married a woman named Mary Caudill. The name Caudill, like Goins, is closely associated with the Melungeons.
For that matter, so is Pruitt, the name of Ezekiel's [possible] first wife. And consider this description of Shadrack Joines, one of Thomas Joines' grandsons, as recalled by an elderly member of the family in 1960: "'Shade Joines' as he was known was a well built medium size man, had almost black hair and deep brown eyes." Shadrack's parents were cousins, Ezekiel Joines and Pheraby Caudill.

October 6, 1786
Deed Book E, Page 33
James Goings to Thomas Henderson for 100 pds (no land
Wit :Joshua Smith, Turbyfield Barns, James Pratt

May 16, 1787
Deed Book A, Page 33
State of North Carolina to Aron Going 410 acres head of Matrimony Creek of Dan River on Papa Creek of Mayo River, adjoining former line of Samuel Gates & Hamiltons line.

November 8, 1788
Deed Book C, Page 13
Aaron Going to Turbyfield Barns for 200 pds, 410 acres on head of
Matrimony Creek and head of Popaye Creek adjoining Hamilton.
Wit: Gibeon Johnson, Luci Thomas, Hardy Piner

February 21, 1789
Deed Book C, Page 37
James Going, Patrick Neely and W. Hamilton were witnesses to a Rockingham County deed in which Hance McKeen of Guilford County, North Carolina sold land to George Harston of Henry County, Virginia. Conveyed for £25 was 155 acres on Paw Paw Creek of Mayo River, adjoining the Virginia line. James Goings was mentioned as the owner of adjoining land.

September 30, 1792
Deed Book C, Page 310
Robert Goins was mentioned as the owner of adjacent land on Jeffs Creek.

November 10, 1792
Deed Book C, Page 251
Robert Goins was witness to a deed of Batte C. Lacy which conveyed 437 acres on Dan River.

September 3, 1793
Deed Book C, Page 321
Henry Goins was mentioned in a deed by Abraham Phillips as the owner of adjoining land on Troublesome Creek.

May 30, 1794
Deed Book D, Page 31
Robert Goins was mentioned as the owner of adjacent land in a deed written by Hance Laremore [Lowrimore?]

January 23, 1795
Deed Book D, Page 333
Robert Goins acquired the land of Nicholas Larimore [Lowrimore?] which was "seized by order of the Court for debt," the described the Lari¬more land as adjoining that of Robert Goins.

October 27, 1797
Deed Book E, Page 209
Jesse Gowen paid £50 to Thomas Crawley of Stokes County, North Carolina for land located "on Dalton's Creek and Hick¬ory Creek and on the Stokes County line.
Wit: John Amos, Sr., Daniel Cardwell, Rich. Wheeler

February Session 1812
Deed Book O, Page 264
Jesse Going to William Hutchison of Stokes County, NC
Bill of Sale
Gray stud, Colt, Red Cow, & Spotted Cow
Wit: ? David, William Gill

Index, Wentworth Courthouse, North Carolina
1812 Going, Jesse to Hutchison, William DB O Pg 299
125a Dalton & Hickory Creek of Mayo River
1815 Going, Jesse to Martin, Jeremiah DB P Pg 400
125a Dalton & Hickory Creek of Mayo River
1822 Gowing, Johnson to Fewel, Mason C. DB W Pg 126
1831 Going, Johnson to Harris, James DB 2dc Pg 71
James & Pleasant, 19a on Gibsons line
1831 Going, Johnson & Jane to Martin, Andrew DB 2dc Pg 72
Right of Dowery of Elizabeth Gibson to Champ Gibson
1841 Goin, William to Rhodes, Epaphrodites DB 2dl Pg 161
Pers. Prop.
1843 Going, Anderson to Rhodes, Epaphrodites DB 2dn Pg 56
Pers. Prop.
1843 Going, Winny to Martin, Andrew DB 2dn Pg 62
12 ½ acres on Buffalo Creek
1843 Going, John to Smith, John P. DB 2dn Pg 88
100a Hickory Creek
1845 Goin, Johnson to Smith, Walker DB 2do Pg 133
283a Hickory Creek
1849 Goin, William to Goin, Johnson DB 2dp Pg 452
50a Hickory Creek
1861 Going, John to Martin, Nicholas DB 2dv Pg 665
60 3/4a

Rockingham and Stokes Counties, North Carolina, Listing of Estate Papers from the
North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC. Published by The Genealogical Society
Of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC
Page 39
Goin, Anderson 1893
Goin, James 1906
Goin, Morgan 1882
Goings, Phebe 1838

1790 Census Rockingham County, NC, Roll M637-7
Name Page Data
Gowing, Jas 530B 1-3-3-0-0
Gwin, Nathan 531A 2-5-2-0-0
Gains, Robert 531B 2-2-3-0-4
Gwin, Hugh 533A 2-3-4-0-0

1800 Census Rockingham County, NC, Roll 32-32
Name Page Data
Guinn, Hugh 451 11001/112010
Guinn, Ivy 451 00010/101000

1810 Census Rockingham County, NC, Roll M252-43
Name Page Data
Goines, Thomas 8 1-1-1-0-1/1-2-1-1-2-0-0
Gains, Thomas 9 2-0-1-1-1/1-1-2-3-0-0-0
Going, Jesse 24 2-1-0-0-1/2-1-1-0-1-0-0
Goines, Johnson 25 2-0-0-1-0/1-0-0-1-0-0-0
Gains, Zeph 26 2-3-1-0-1/3-1-1-1-0-0-0
Going, Zephincah 35 0-2-1-0-1/5-3-2-1-0-0-0

1820 Census Rockingham County, NC, Roll M33-82
Name Page Data
Gaines, Thomas 592 1-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-3-0-1-0-1-0-0
Gains, John B. 594 2-0-0-2-1-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0
Going, Jonson 594 3-0-0-1-4-0-0-0 (Free Persons)
Going, Jesse 602 1-2-0-1-2-0-0-1 (Free Persons)
Going, Winnafred 602 0-0-0-0-2-1-0-0 (Free Persons)

1830 Census Rockingham County, NC, Roll M19-124
Name Page
Gaines, Norman? 337
Gaines, Thomas 338
Going, Agnes 338 Free Persons
Going, Eliza 338 Free Persons
Going, Johnson 338 Free Persons
Going, William 338 Free Persons

1840 Census Rockingham County, NC, Roll M704-369
Name Page
Gaine, G.W. 134
Gowing, Henry 135 Free Persons
Going, A. 165 Free Persons
Going, M. 165 Free Persons
Going, J. 165 Free Persons
Going, I. 165 Free Persons
Going, G. 165 Free Persons
Going, N. 165 Free Persons
Going, A. 166 Free Persons

1850 Census Rockingham County, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society,
Daughters of American Revolution of Madison, North Carolina Roll M432-643
(No Goin or variants listed in index, I am sure it was an oversight)

Eastern Division
Page 30
#353 Guin, R. 36m Farmer $150 NC (mulatto)
Guin, Polly 28f NC (mulatto)
Guin, John 4m NC (mulatto)
Guin, M.E. 2f NC (mulatto)
Guin, S.J. 1f NC (mulatto)
Oakley, J.W. 14m NC (mulatto)

Page 43
#534 Pearson, Anny 85f $300 MD
Pearson, Eliza 53f NC
Pearson, Durither 31f NC
Pearson, R.A. 7f NC
Guin, Ranson 35m Laborer NC

Western Division
Page 67
#138 Poorhouse
Goings, Elizabeth 26f NC (mulatto)
(numerous others; but not any other Goings)

Page 97
#530 Smith, Drury Esq. 54m Merchant, $8,500 NC
Smith, Sarah 52f NC
Smith, Darien 26m Physician NC
Smith, Lafayette 18m Att Sch NC
Smith, Perlina 16f Att Sch NC
Smith, Jane 13f Att Sch NC
Smith, Franklin 11m Att Sch NC
Smith, Edward 10m Att Sch NC
Barnes, Sanford 21m Laborer NC
Pratt, John 21m Laborer NC
Kelly, Joseph W. 19m Clerk NC
Goings, Joseph 45m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Stewart, John 20m Laborer NC (mulatto)

Page 104
#624 Martin, Hamilton 32m Trader $200 NC
Martin, Mary J. 25f NC
Martin, Katherine 5f NC
Martin, Mary A.E. 8/12 NC
Gibson, F. 27m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Hughes, Benjamin 25m NC (mulatto)
Goings, William 18m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Martin, Alexander 23m Trader NC

Page 105
#630 Goings, Preston 48m Shoe Maker NC (mulatto)
Goings, Lucinda 38f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Mary J. 16f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Francis 15f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Elizabeth 8f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Margaret 7f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Columbus 4m NC (mulatto)
Goings, John 2m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Caroline 7/12f NC (mulatto)

#634 Goings, A. 37m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Goings, Panker 27f VA (mulatto)
Goings, William A. 9m NC (mulatto)
Goings, George 8m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Adeline 6f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Franklin 4m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Henry 2m NC (mulatto)
Fraser, Edward 60m VA (mulatto)

Page 106
#638 Goings, Johnson 78m $375 VA (mulatto)
Goings, Jane 67f NC (mulatto)
Goings, William 36m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Goings, Jackson 17m Laborer NC (mulatto)

#644 Goings, Marinda 33f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Josiah 18m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Goings, Elizabeth 12f NC (mulatto)
Goings, William 10m NC (mulatto)
Goings, George 8m NC (mulatto)
Goings, John 6m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Mathew 4m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Alexander 1m NC (mulatto)

#645 Goings, Gilbert 46m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Goings, Deliah 30f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Wesley 14m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Nancy 12f NC (mulatto)
Goings, George W. 10m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Mary J. 8f NC (mulatto)
Goings, William N. 6m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Spencer 4m NC (mulatto)
Goings, William R. 3m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Eliza 1f NC (mulatto)

#646 Goings, John 25m Laborer NC (mulatto)
Goings, Franky 19f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Polly 4f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Frances 1/12f NC (mulatto)

Page 115
#755 Goings, Lewis 40m Wagoner NC (mulatto)
Goings, Elizabeth 33f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Polly 9f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Heneriet 7f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Elizabeth 5f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Sarah 3f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Nathan 1m NC (mulatto)

#756 Goings, Elijah 33m Black Smith NC (mulatto)
Goings, Mary 32f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Sally 5f NC (mulatto)
Goings, James 3m NC (mulatto)
Goings, Francis 1f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Elizabeth 27f NC (mulatto)

#758 Goings, Matilda 35f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Mary 7f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Nancy 4f NC (mulatto)
Goings, Henry 2m NC (mulatto)

Page 116
#770 Goings, Henry 39m Laborer NC (black)
Goings, Polly 33f NC (black)
Goings, Theophalus 11m NC (black)
Goings, Scipio 8m NC (black)
Goings, Ellen 6f NC (black)
Goings, Edward 4m NC (black)

1860 Census Rockingham County, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society
Daughters of American Revolution of Madison, North Carolina, RollM653-912

Northern Division
Page 5
#43 Watt, James 71m Farmer $7000 $3500 NC
Watt, John 34m Farmer $3000 $10,750 NC
Watt, Margaret 25f NC
Watt, Mary 1f NC
Guyn, Pamelia A. 46f $0 $7000 NC

Page 22
#310 Dalton, N. 42m Tobacconist $2300 $9500 NC
Dalton, Mary A. 30f NC
Dalton, Pleasant 14mNC School
Dalton, David 8m NC School
Dalton, Nicholas 5m NC
Dalton, James 1m NC
Dalton, John 1m NC
Patrick, David S. 24m NC School Teacher $0 $7000
Gowin, Ellen 15m NC Mulatto

#330 Shuck, L.H. 23m Minister Bap $1400 $0 b. India Singapore
Shuck, M.A. 21f NC
Shuck, L.G. 3m NC
Shuck, M.T. 1f NC
Coleman, P. 25f NC
Going, Corene 16f NC

Page 23
#333 Scales, William L. 46m Tobacconist $16,000 $20,000 NC
Scales, Mary P. 36f NC
Scales, Calvin 20m Tobacconist NC
Scales, Cora 18f NC
Crews, Joseph A. 25m Mechanic NC
Roberson, Edward 21m Tobacco Sorter VA
Cler, Anthony 15m Tobacco Sorter GA
Cler, Phillips 30m Wagoner NC (mulatto)
Goins, George 20m Tobacco Roler VA (black)
Carter, William 26m Tobacco Roler VA (black)
Martin, Marshal 18m Wagoner NC (black)
Gowin, Seipes 20m Farm Laborer NC (black)

#344 Goin, Washington 29m Cabinet Maker NC (black)
Goin, Annie 35f NC (black)
Martin, Pega 10f NC (black)

Page 25
#370 Martin, Pleasant 52m $100 $0 NC (black)
Martin, Lucinda 51f NC (black)
Goin, Edmond 14m NC (black)
Goin, Scipio 17m NC (black)

Page 28
#428 Goin, William 26m Farm Laborer NC
Goin, Sallie 17f NC

Page 29
#451 Goin, Johnson 87m Farmer $580 $0 VA (mulatto)
Goin, Jane 80f NC (mulatto)
Goin, William 47m Farmer $0 $225 NC (mulatto)
Goin, Elizabeth 55f VA (mulatto)

#459 Goin, Joseph 30m Farm Laborer $0 $30 VA (mulatto)
Goin, Polly 25f NC (mulatto)

Page 30
#462 Goin, John 53m Farm Laborer NC
Goin, Amanda 28f NC
Goin, Lucy A. 5f NC
Goin, Jesse 3m NC
Goin, John 2m NC
Goin, Agga 10/12f NC
Goin, Winnie 65f NC

#472 Goin, John 38m NC (mulatto)
Goin, Franky 28f NC (mulatto)
Goin, Polly 12f NC (mulatto)
Goin, Nancy 10f NC (mulatto)
Goin, John 7m NC (mulatto)
Goin, James 4m NC (mulatto)
Goin, Lucinda 2f NC (mulatto)
Goin, Infant 1/12m NC (mulatto)

Page 31
#475 Goin, Joseph 26m Farm Laborer $0 $125 NC (mulatto)
Goin, Mary 26f NC (mulatto)
Goin, Samuel 6m NC (mulatto)
Goin, Mary 3f NC (mulatto)
Goin, William 20m NC (mulatto)

#482 Goin, Elizabeth 20f NC
Goin, William 4m NC
Goin, Joseph 1f NC

#483 Goin, Anderson 45m Wagoner NC
Goin, Parka 31f VA
Goin, George 17m NC
Goin, Sarah 15f NC
Goin, Henry 11m NC
Goin, Sam 9m NC
Goin, Nathan 4m NC
Goin, Thomas 11/12m NC

#484 Goin, Gilbert 52m $0 $200 NC
Goin, Polina 42f NC
Goin, John 25m NC
Goin, Nancy 23f NC
Goin, George 20m NC
Goin, Mary 18f NC
Goin, Spencer 17m NC
Goin, Winnie 14f NC
Goin, William 13m NC
Goin, Elizabeth 10f NC
Goin, Tempy 9f NC
Goin, Evaline 8f NC
Goin, Josiphine 8f NC
Goin, Victoria 5f NC
Goin, Pendleton 3m NC
Goin, David 1m NC

Page 38
#601 Goin, Carr 48m Blacksmith VA (mulatto)
Goin, Polly 50f VA (mulatto)
Goin, Martha 15f NC (mulatto)
Goin, James 12m NC (mulatto)
Goin, Ellen 10f NC (mulatto)
Goin, Rachel 7f NC (mulatto)

#602 Goin, Presly 60m VA (mulatto)
Goin, Lucinda 58f VA (mulatto)
Goin, Francis 20f NC (mulatto)
Goin, Margaret 16f NC (mulatto)
Goin, William 14m NC (mulatto)
Goin, John 11m NC (mulatto)
Goin, Alfred 22m NC Deranged (mulatto)

Southern Division
Page 77
#284 Gwin, John W. 26m Farmer $0 $200 NC
Gwin, Frances E. 21f NC
Gwin, George W. 3m NC
Gwin, William R. 8/12m NC

Page 93
#566 Fagg, Jenny 80f Pauper NC (black)
Wilson, Mary 80f Pauper SC (mulatto)
Goings, Elizabeth 40f Helpless NC (mulatto)

Page 105
#766 Foy, Pleasant 46m Tobacconist $1500(2500) $700 NC
Foy, Nancy E. 19f NC
Foy, Samuel F. 17m Laborer in Factory NC
Foy, Martha J. 16f NC
Foy, Mary A. 12f NC
Foy, Metitia 9f NC
Foy, Lucy A. 7f NC
Foy, Joseph B. 4m NC
Goings, Henry 45m Laborer on Farm NC (mulatto)

Page 109
#840 Gwyn, Robert 45m Farmer $600 $1500 NC (mulatto)
Gwyn, Mary 44f NC (mulatto)
Gwyn, John 14m NC (mulatto)
Gwyn, Mary 12f NC (mulatto)
Gwyn, Sarah 9f NC (mulatto)

1870 Census Rockingham County, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society
Daughters of American Revolution of Madison, North Carolina Vol. I

Page 27
255/241 Goings, Henry 53mm Farm Laborer NC
Goings, Lucinda 52fb Keeping house NC
Goings, Nancy B. 20fb at home NC
Goings, Lucy 8fb NC

Page 100
164/153 Cardwell, Walker 33mw Framer 0/300 NC
Cardwell, Nancy 21f Keeping house NC
Cardwell, William 2m NC
Cardwell, George T. 1m NC
Goings, Nickolus 18mm Farmer Laborer NC

Page 101
177/166 Goings, Alexander 20 mm Farm laborer NC
Goings, Martha 21fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Nancy 2fm NC
Goings, William R. 1mm NC

178/167 Goings, Frankie 40fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Mary 22fm Day laborer NC
Goings, Monroe 13mm Day laborer NC
Goings, Nis 11fm at home NC
Goings, Nathanuel 9mm NC
Goings, Bunk 7mm NC
Goings, Marietta 3mm NC
Goings, William 58mm Day laborer NC

Page 102
183/172 Goings, Lucinda 60fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Mary J. 28fm At home NC
Goings, William 23mm Day laborer NC
Goings, William 9mm NC
Goings, Joseph 7mm NC

184/173 Goings, Gilbert 62mm Farmer 0/200 NC
Goings, Paulina 50fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Nash 24fm at home NC
Goings, Annie 20fm farm laborer NC
Goings, Elizabeth 22fm farm laborer NC
Goings, Josephine 18fm farm laborer NC
Goings, Victoria 16fm farm laborer NC
Goings, Pendelton 14mm farm laborer NC
Goings, Samuel 11mm farm laborer NC

189/176 Stephens, Sally 60fw Keeping house NC
Goings, Wesley 32mm Day laborer NC

Page 104
200/187 Gann, Nathaniel 38mw Farmer 0/250 NC
Gann, Lucy 26f Keeping house NC
Gann, Adelade 9f NC
Gann, Lenard 7m NC
Gann, Samuel 2m NC
Goings, Columbus 24mm Farm laborer NC

202/189 Goings, Spencer 26mm Farmer 0/100 NC
Goings, Margrett 24fm Keeping house NC

204/191 Goings, Anderson 59mm Farmer 0/200 NC
Goings, Paska 47fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Sarah A. 24fm at home NC
Goings, Samuel 19mm Farm laborer NC
Goings, Nathen M. 14mm Farm laborer NC
Goings, Thomas 10mm Farm laborer NC
Goings, George W. 3mm NC
Goings, Marietta F. 1fm NC

205/192 Goings, George T. 25mm Farmer NC
Goings, Ellen 21fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Sarah E. 1fm NC

206/193 Goings, Joseph 37mm Farmer NC
207 Goings, Mary 39fm Keeping house NC
Goings, Samuel 16mm Farm laborer NC
Goings, Mary A. 13fm Farm laborer NC
Goings, Mintora 7fm NC

Page 113
290/266 Going, George 30mm Farm laborer NC
Going, Martha 25fm Farm laborer NC
Going, William 4mm NC

Page 140
546/502 Going, Henry 20mm Farm laborer NC
Going, Sarah 20fm Keeping house NC
Going, John 2mm NC

547/503 Going, William 19mm Farm laborer NC
Going, Francis 20fm Keeping house NC

Page 141
561/516 Going, Keer 58mm Miller NC
Going, Mary 58fm Keeping house NC
Going, Mourning 18fm At home NC

Page 142
566/521 Going, George 30mm Farm laborer NC
Going, Martha 25fm Keeping house NC
Going, James 4mm NC
Going, Robert 3/12 mm NC

Rockingham County, North Carolina Marriages

Alexander Goin (son of Marinda) was married to Martha Harris (dau.of Alexander & Fereby) July 4, 1867, Record #1089, witness W. M. Ellington, Bond No. 19724.

Frances Goin married Joseph Henry Harris, Jan. 13, 1873 according to record 1873-0062.

George Goin was married to Martha A. Goin April 15, 1864, according to Record #1089, bondsman James Goin, witness W. M. Ellington, Bond No. 119725. The marriage was performed by W. C. Gannon.

Henry Goin was married to Sarah Wheeler July 31, 1867, ac¬cording to record No. 1089, witness W. M. Ellington, Bond No. 119726. The marriage was performed by A. G. Rakstraw, J.P. Henry Goin was the son of Anderson Goin and Parkie Goin.

Jane Goin was married to Alexander Liles April 28, 1847, according to record 1151, bondsman John Rickmon, witness Joseph Norman, Bond No.120569.

John Wesley Goin was married to Biby, Appy, Nov. 4, 1879 according to record No. 1879-0047.

Joseph Goin, Jr. was married to Mary Pursel [Purcell?] March 31, 1852, according to Record 1090, witness T. B. Wheeler, Court Clerk, Bond No. 119728. The marriage was performed by Samuel Martin, J.P.

Lewis Goin was married to Elizabeth Harris February 19, 1839, according to Record 1091, bondsman William More, witnesses R. J. Martin and Jeremiah Martin, Bond 119741. Their marriage date was also shown as February 19, 1829.

Mariah Goin was married to John Rickman September 16, 1849, according to Record 1220, bondsman William Goin, witness Joseph Norman, JP, Bond No. 121515.

Nancy Goin married Joseph Kye, Mar 26, 1885 according to record 1885-0091.

Peter Goin was married to Docia Vernon November 8, 1849, according to record 1090, bondsman William More, Jr., witness Joe Norman, JP, Bond No. 119729. Docia Vernon was the daughter of Gilbert Vernon and Sally Vernon.

Sally Goin was married to Peter L. Rickman September 16, 1849, according to record 1220, bondsman William Moore, witness T. B. Wheeler, Court Clerk, Bond No. 121513.

W. P. Goin was married to Mary Ann Riddle September 22, 1863 in Rockingham County according to Record 1090, bondsman Alexander Harie, witness A. P. Smith, Deputy Clerk, Bond No. 119730.

William Goin was married March 18, 1851 to Salley Moor [Moore], according record 1090, bondsman Shaderack Goin, witness Joseph Norman, JP, Bond No. 119731.

William Goin was married July 16, 1852 to Adeline Moor [Moore], according to record 1090, bondsman Pleasant Belton, witness Joseph Norman, JP, Bond No. 119732.

William Goin (son of Gilbert & Lina) was married June 15, 1867 to Frances Goin, (dau. of Preston & Cinda) according to record 01090, witness W. M. Ellington, Bond 119733.

Annie Going was married to William Z. Edwards September 21, 1863 in Rockingham County according to record 1069, bondsman Thomas Luellen, witness W. M. Ellington, Bond No. 119464.

Anna Smith Going married Calvin Smith, Jan. 3, 1872 according to record 1872-0132.

Clabern Going was married to Elizabeth Bird May 10, 1838 according to record 1115, bondsman Ruben Folger, witness D. Stockton, Bond No. 138878.

Elizabeth Going married Joseph H. Harris, Jan. 3, 1871 according to record 1875-0072.

Elizabeth Going was married to Robert Vernon December 28, 1859 in Rockingham County, by record 1264, bondsman Alexander Harie, witness W. M. Ellington, Bond No. 122099.

Geffison [Jefferson?] Going was married to Marthaan [Martha Ann?] Going June 15, 1837, according to record 1090 John Brann, witnesses N. Dalton and John Martin, Bond 119735.

Harriett Going was married to James A. Ridley October 24, 1856 according to record 1220, bondsman Isaac Moore, witness J. W. Martin, JP, Bond No. 121520. The marriage was performed by Samuel Martin.

Henry Going was married to Poley [Polly?] Marten Aapril 25, 1830, according to record No. 1090, bondsman Thomas M. Davis, witness Richard Wall, Bond No. 119736.

James Going was married to Tiby Curry March 16, 1867, ac¬cording to Record 1090, bondsman, Starling Moore, witness Allen P. Smith, Bond No. 119737. The marriage was performed by A. G. Rakstraw, J.P.

James Going was married to Melissa Hickman, Feb. 13, 1876 according to record No. 1876-0041.

James M. Going was married to Jinnie Harris, Nov. 25, 1873 according to record 1873-0052.

John Going was married to Francis Going December 19, 1845, according to record 1090, bondsman Lewis Going, witness James Scales, Bond No. 119738.

John Going was married to Julian Moore November 6, 1858, according to record 1090, bondsman Josiah Going, witness J. W. Martin, Bond No. 119739. The marriage was performed by Samuel Martin, J.P.

John P. Going (Goin?) was married June 28, 1845 to Lucinda Going, according to Record 1090, bondsman William Moore, Bond No. 119727.

Joseph Going was married to Mary Jane Going December 25, 1858, according to record 1090, bondsman William Moore, witness J. W. Martin, Bond 119740. The marriage was performed by Samuel Martin.

"Lewis Going" was married October 24, 1844 to Elizabeth Going, according to record 1091, bondsman Johnson Going, witness E. W. Hancock, Bond 119742.

Minta Going married Pearce Joyce Dec. 11, 1877 according to record 1877-0087.

Mollie Going married Robert Rickman May 18, 1890 according to record 1890-0126.

Nancy Going was married to Fountain Liles January 23, 1839 in Rockingham County according to record 1151, bondsman Henry Banks, witness J. Holderby, Bond No.120570.

Nancy Going was married to William R. Riddle March 29, 1836 in Rockingham County according to record 1220, bondsman John Brown, witnesses John Martin and William Dodson, Bond No. 121519.

Nancy L. Going was married March 29, 1836 to William Riley Ridley. Multto.

Nat Going married Biddy Kelly on Nov. 11, 1879 according to record 1879-0052.

Nicholas Going was married to Louisa Liles May 21, 1835, according to record 1091, bondsman Richard Martin, witnesses Richard Martin and N. Dalton, Bond No. 119743.

Richard L. Going married Mourning Going on Dec. 5, 1875, according to record 1875-0049.

Samuel A. Going married Louisa Kelly Jan. 10, 1876 according to record 1876-0043.

Susie Going married George Hickman, Dec 10, 1889 according to record 1889-0063.

Victoria Going married William Kye, Aug 24, 1890 according to record 1890-0082.

William Going was married to Frances Bridgmon December 4, 1827, according to record 1091, bondsman Andrew Martin, witnesses P. Gibson and Jeremiah Martin, Bond No. 119744.

William Goings married Frances Hickman, Mar. 17, 1876 according to record 1876-0040.

Reed Goins married Lottie Gibson, May 26, 1874 according to record 1874-0052.

Sarah Goins was married to William Wright December 24, 1866 in Rockingham County, Record No. 1293, bondsman Peter Clemmons, Bond No. 122501.

Sarah Goins was married to Pleasant Vernon February 16, 1864 in Rockingham County according to record 1263, bondsman Alexander Harie, witness William M. Ellington, Bond No. 122095. The marriage was performed by Winston Kallam, JP.

Wesley Goins was married to Martha Jane Valentine December 29, 1865, according to record 1091, bondsman Frank Roberts, witness A. P. Smith, Clerk, Bond 119745. The marriage was performed by Samuel Martin, J.P.

Cemetery Records of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution of Madison, NC, 1992 Volume I

Page 37-40, Glenn's Chapel Church Cemetery-Madison Township-located on Glenn's Chapel Road (1347) in the Ayersville Community
Rockingham County
Goin, George D. s/o G.W. & Sarah, 13 Oct 1899-11 May 1918
Goin, John Willie s/o G.W. & Sarah, 30 Nov 1894-8 Nov 1896

Page 85-86, Gibson Cemetery-Madison Township-located on left of road #1354, going north before crossing Hickory Creek; there is a marker on the road with the name of cemetery. ( Includes all headstones)
Rockingham County
Goin(s), Polly 1846-1872 mother
Goin(s), Joe Kyle 1842-1866 father
Goin(s), Preston, aged about 60 years
Goin(s), Sindy w/o Preston, aged about 80 years
Goin(s) George Washington, 5 Feb 1840-15July 1896 (56y 5m 10d)
Goin(s) Martha An, Mar 1845-4 Dec 1930 (age 54y)
Goin(s) John Press, aged 72y
Goin(s) Dora Jee, 1870-1956
Goin(s) Tempie Ann, 14 Dec 1851-20 Jan 1935 (aged 83y 1m 6d)
Goin(s) Cornelius, 12 Sept 1864-10 May 1915
Goin(s) Polina, 3 Oct 1817 Aged 74y
Goin(s) Gilbert, 19 Sept 1803 Ages 70y
Goin(s) Flint, 21 May 1892-4 May 1961 – Father
Goin(s) Ressie Vernon, 26 Oct 1890-8 Apr 1966-Mother
Goin(s) Bud 1866-1953-Father
Goin(s) Mary 1867-1930-Mother
Goin(s) W.R., May 25, 1847-Dec 8, 1910 (hand carved)
Goin(s) Frances, July 4, 1837-June 30, 1925 (hand carved)
Johnson, John Wesley, 1828-1918
Johnson, Emiley Frances, his wife 1854-1934
Vernon, Charles Robert 1878-1970 (father)
Vernon, Lannie K., his wife 1854-1934
Vernon, Mossury W. Kemmons, wife of Robert, 6 Mar 1871-25 Dec 1938 (mother)
Kimmons, Leatha J., 6 May 1868-4 May 1938 –Aunt (same stone as
Mossury Vernon)
Kimmons, John H., 18 June 1872-24 Nov 1945
Kimmons, Maston Bradshaw, Infant s/o Rob & Edna, 9 June 1947
Kimmons, John Henry, 15 Mar 1846-26 Jan 1925
Kimmons, Mary Matilda, his wife 17 Nov 1848-3 Jan 1923
Liles, Jane, m/o Mary & James, Died 1896
Liles, John Alexander, 5 Mar 1859-5 Dec 1926
Beliles, Mary Ann, 14 May 1850-29 Nov 1930
Baliles, Emma S. 1885-1966
Liles, Ruff 1867-1932
Gibson, Champen 1746-1820 (Hand carved on soapstone. It is said that this stone was originally across the road in an earlier Gibson Cemetery.)

Page 21, Cox & Goins Cemetery, Madison Township, Ayersville Community, going north, turn first right after passing Ayersville Church; take another right onto hard service road; cemetery is on left before coming to Victor Hill Church. (Includes all headstones)
Rockingham County
Cox, David 4 Jan 1865-
Cox, Sarah Lloyd w/o David 2 June, 1863 – 2 July 1913
Cox, William 18 June 1896 (aged about 75 years)
Goins, Nannie G. 1862-1928 (mother)

Cemetery Records of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution of Madison, NC, 1994 Volume II

Page 76-87, Pleasantville Primitive Baptist Church-located in Wentworth township on the north side of Hwy 704 east of Madison.
Rockingham County
Goins, George B. 5 June 1906-16 Mar 1983, Daddy
Goins, Annie Manring 3 Jan 1906-21 Mar 1994
(same stone as George B. Goins)

Page 12-14, Dan Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, located in Mayo township on Hwy 135 near Rt. 220 bypass.
Rockingham County
Goins, Frances Creger 16 Feb 1922-2 Sep 1982

Page 52, Kelley Family Cemetery-located in Leaksville township, north of Eden city limits. Take Hwy 87 north and turn left on a gravel driveway beside the Benson Cabinet Shop. The cemetery is located behind the house at the end of the driveway in the woods.
Rockingham County (Includes all headstones)
Kelley, H.B. 16 Mar 1883-3 Oct 1949 (Strutton carved on the backside of the stone.)
Kelley, Martha E. 12 Nov 1879-24 Jan 1931
Kelley, Joe M. 3 Aug 1941-13 Aug 1941
Goins, Samuel A. 4 Apr 1851-8 Dec 1929
Goins, Lue Isa Kelly 1 Jun 1855-29 Jul 1941 (same stone as Samuel A. Goins)
Murphy, Sanford, son of Tom & Ellen Murphy, Feb 1909-Dec 1909
Strutton, William H. 31 Jan 1829-13 Jul 1912
Strutton, Mary A. 8 May 1860-14 Aug 1933
Sires, Lillie Strutton Jan 1894-Dec 1917
Caudle, William A. 1884-1962
Note: probably as many as 15 graves marked with field stones.

Page 129-137, Aaron's Corner Primitive Baptist Church-located in Big Creek township near the Patrick County, VA line on Aaron's Corner Road #1436.
Stokes County
Goins, Ransey W. 3 Oct 1918-6 Jul 1968
N.C. Pvt U.S. Army WW II
Goins, George W. 1870-1926
Goins, Lenora G. 1880-1957 (same stone as George W. Goins)
Goins, Robert F. 28 Nov 1902-5 Jul 1989
Goins, Dolly E. 10 Apr 1911-1 Nov 1980
(same stone as Robert F. Goins
Goins, Opal 4 Apr 1934-11 Aug 1977

Cemetery Records of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution of Madison, NC, 1995 Volume III

Page 147-157, Big Creek Primitive Baptist Church (Established 1903) located in Big Creek township, at the intersection of Horseshoe Road #1467 and Big Creek Church Road #1511, off Hwy 89.
Stokes County
Goin, Frank 7 Nov 1894-19 Nov 1968 Father
Goin, Ida Fulp 8 Nov 1894-16 Aug 1980 Mother (same stone as Frank Goin)
Goin, Paul Davis 1 Aug 1919-29 Sep 1974, PFC U.S. Army
Goin, Infant son & daughter of Mr. & Mrs. L.V. Goin, no dates
Goin, Levi S. 1874-1944
Goin, Liler G. 1874-1955 (same stone as Levi S. Goin)
Goins, Charlie V. 1893-1971
Goins, Lula V. Hooker 1897-1987 Mother (same stone as Charlie V. Goins)
Goins, Roger Kenneth 13 Aug 1953-24 Sep 1972
Goin, Lillian Lolean 18 Sep 1920-28 Aug 1988
Goin, James Edward 30 May 1918-16 May 1977
Goin, Elzie Abe 26 Mar 1925-28 May 1960
Goin, Abe 25 Dec 1884-30 Dec 1970 Father
Goin, Hester A. 24 Feb 1891-1 Sep 1956 Mother (same stone as Abe Goin)
Goins, Billy Eddie 1 Jan 1955-only date
Goins, Bobby Freddie 1 Jan 1955-only date (same stone as Billy Eddie Goins)
Goins, Raymond L. 7 Sep 1917-28 Nov 1973
Goins, Payton Eratus 6 Nov 1910-7 May 1988, Father
Goins, Mary Elsie 11 Oct 1911-4 Mar 1989 Mother (same stone as Payton Eratus Goins)
Goin, Jesse F. no dates

Page 157, Flippen Cemetery, located in Big Creek township in the Asbury Community off Asbury Road #1400 on Asbury Speedway Road #1431. About one mile and cemetery is on the left on a hill above the old speedway in a grove of trees. (Includes all headstones)
Stokes County
Rogers, William Vernon 1 Jun 1935-1 Jun 1935
Collins, Elisha 3 Dec 1848-27 Feb 1920
Collins, Tessie 18 May 1854-19 Feb 1936 (same stone as Elisha Collins)
Beasley, Frances 12 May 1843-5 Apr 1903
Beasley, Jessie F. 20 Mar 1865-7 Jul 1941
Beasley, Elizabeth B. 18 Jul 1867-19 May 1907 (same stone as Jessie F. Beasley)
Goin, Ada Beasley 1902-1930
Arrington, Laura J. 12 Mar 1901-5 Aug 1902 daughter of George C. & A.B. Arrington.
Arrington, George C. 11 Aug 1877-10 Jun 1912
Arrington, Caleb, no dates on fieldstone, but told to us by an elderly gentleman, this was the grave of Caleb Arrington.
Flippen, Boys, could not read stones.
About ten graves marked with fieldstones, no inscriptions. Four of these said to be children of Jessie F. Beasley.

Cemetery Records of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC by James Hunter Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution of Madison, NC, 1996 Volume IV

Page 161-179 State Line Primitive Baptist Church, (Organized 1798) located in Big Creek township on State Line Church Road #1426, near the Virginia State line.
Stokes County
Goins, Harmie Lee 14 May 1911-29 Sep 1975 Father
Goins, Mary Jane 16 Feb 1915-no date (same stone as Harmie Lee Goins)
Goins, Barba Ann 17 Nov 1944-20 Nov 1944
Goins, Virginia L. 25 Aug 1947-28 Aug 1947 (same stone as Barba Ann Goins)
Goins, James W. 24 Mar 1915-14 Jun 1994
Goins, Myrtle 31 Aug 1917-no date (same stone as James W. Goins)
Goins, William L. 28 Oct 1941-29 Oct 1941
Goins, Carlice Lee, son of William & Myrtle Goins, 2 Jun 1949-31 May 1963
Goins, Herman Theron Sr. 23 Apr 1936-27 Oct 1993 U.S. Army
Goins, Bobby Lester "Bob" 1 May 1908-13 Aug 1962 Father
Goins, Agnes 13 May 1908-no date (same stone as Bobby Lester Goins) Mother
Goin, Will 13 Aug 1896-9 Jun 1954
Goin, Verda 5 Aug 1900-8 Mar 1980 (same stone as Will Goin)
Goins, Roland L. 16 Apr 1904-8 Oct 1978
Goins, Bertie Beasley, 18 Apr 1905-no date (same stone as Roland L. Goins)
Goins, William F. 30 Apr 1880-31 Jul 1950 Father
Goins, Doskie 23 Aug 1881-10 May 1960 Mother (same stone as William F. Goins)
Goins, J. Lester 31 Jul 1910-12 Feb 1981 Husband
Goins, Lelia B. 11 Sep 1915-no date (same stone as J. Lester Goins)
Goins, Jim M. 24 Sep 1891-30 Nov 1954 Father
Goins, Maggie L. 10 May 1893-10 Nov 1969 Mother (same stone as Jim M. Goins)
Goins, Betty Woods 18 Jun 1875-5 Jul 1947
Goins, Gene 1 Nov 1898-9 Aug 1968 (same stone as Betty Woods Goins)
Goin, Grover Lee 7 Jun 1903-3 Apr 1982
Goin, Mary B. 6 Jul 1912-28 May 1992 (same stone as Grover Lee Goin-married 16 Oct 1927)

Page 1-8, Oak Level Baptist Church-located in Huntsville township on the west side of Oak Level Church Road (#1112) near the Guilford county line.
Rockingham County
Goins, Roscoe L. son of Charlie & Darcas Goins, 14 May 1916-17 Nov 1916.
Goins, Dorcas K. 13 May 1891-1 May 1931
Goins, Charlie H. 30 Sep 1881-8 Jan 1949 (same stone as Dorcas K. Goins)

Page 141, Goins Cemetery-located in Big Creek township on Asbury Road #1416. About .2 mile southwest of Asbury Pentecostal Holiness Church. (Includes all headstones)
Stokes County
Jones, Hester 19 Jul 1909-1913 (dtr of R. & Mary Jones)
Hensdel, Jacob 25 Dec 1842-27 May 1908
Wilson, Martha E. 28 Apr 1966-25 Feb 1973 (dtr of J.H. & Polly Wilson)
Wilson, Minnie 20 Apr 1902-10 Jun 1904 (dtr of H.W. & Mary Wilson)
Wilson, Dovie 8 Jun 1898-15 Sep 1899
Goins, Lucy Ann 1890-1963 Mother
Goins, Jimmie Lee 1881-1962 Father (same stone as Lucy Ann Goins)
Goins, Junior 1926-19793
Goins, Irne L. 1924-no date (same stone as Junior Goins)

Page 80-81, Goins Family Cemetery, located in Madison township in the Ayersville community near the Rockingham-Stokes county line. Take Hwy 770 west to Thornton Road #1522. Turn left on Thornton Road and go .2 of a mile to a farm road. The cemetery is at the end of the farm road. (Includes all headstones)
Rockingham County
Brown, J.W. 2 Dec 1867-13 Nov 1927
Fields, Dorothy Goins 1941-1967 (funeral home marker)
Goin, James Car 4 Jul 1849-18 Jan 1928
Goin, Joe Kye no date Oct 1935, age 70y
Goin, Koy 2 Jul 1914-5May 1936
Goin, Malissa 15 Jan 1840-1 Feb 1915
Goin, Nannie 9 Jan 1865-9 Mar 1935, wife of Joe Kye Goin
Goin, Nellie Grace 6 Feb 1910-8 Sep 1916, daughter of Pink & Mary Goin
Goin, Robert Lee 18 Jan 1896-10 Oct 1918, died in his country's cause.
Goins, Clarence H. 1908-1984 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Claues Jane Mar 1942-Nov 1944, daughter
Goins, Dick 1873-1937 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Dorothy 1941-1967
Goins, Emma Hickman 27 Jun 1874-26 May 1935, Mother (same stone as Robert Jackson Goins)
Goins, Fletcher Lee 1922-1988 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Infant, 6 May 1959, only date, daughter of Russell & Viola Goins,
Goins, Johnny 1916-1918
Goins, Johnny F. 25 Feb 1944-29 Jun 1988, Father (same stone as Lena G. Goins)
Goins, Koy 4 Apr 1934-29 Jan 1944
Goins, Lena G. 21 Nov 1947-8 Aug 1978
Goins, Nerve 1881-1940 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Ollie G. 1918-1974 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Robert 2 Jun 1929-31 May 1948
Goins, Robert Jackson 28 May 1870-22 Feb 1949 (same stone as Emma Hickman Goins)
Goins, Roxie Ann 26 Apr 1951-6 Feb 1956
Goins, Sweet 1896-1941
Goins, T. Russell 10 Mar 1907-23 Apr 1963 Father
Goins, Viola G. 14 Jun 1917-15 Jul 1970 Mother
Hickman, Gordon 18 Feb 1923-10 Oct 1975 Father
Hickman, Jim 24 Dec 1898-26 Sep 1964 Mother
Hickman, Lillie 20 Sep 1923-no date
Hygram. Rosa 12 Jul 1898-18 Mar 1932
Martin, Nat A. 9 Apr 1864-15 May 1918
Rickman, Frances 17 May 1858-15 Jul 1927
Rickman, George 7 May 1861-14 Aug 1918
Rickman, Maggie 2 Mar 1861-27 May 1926
Rickman, Mariah 12 Feb 1831-24 Mar 1913
Rickman, Peter no date-1 Aug 1919 age 75y
Rickman, Susie 4 Mar 1869-6 Mar 1914
Thomas, infant daughter of Burl & Chaney Thomas 1923
Vernon, Lizzie Craig 15 Feb 1879-no date
Vernon, Robert Lee 15 May 1869-1 Mar 1951 (same stone as Lizzie Craig Vernon
Eleven fieldstones & one funeral home marker, could not read.

Page 82-84, Harris Cemetery, located in Madison township on the north side of Victory Hill Church Road #1348 near the junction with Means Creek Road #1352 near the Stokes County line. Look for the Harris Cemetery marker, indicating that the cemetery is at the end of a dirt road.
Goin, Birnice 15 Dec 1919-20 Nov 1920 son of Mr & Mrs Walter Goin
Goin, Jim Wm 6 Aug 1865-27 Apr 1914
Goins, Mary 1873-1960 age 87y
Goins, Rosa 1860-1900, wife of Pink Gions
Goins, Alex 5 Nov 1846-15 Apr 1937 Father
Goins, Martha 20 Feb 1848-21 Apr 1911
Goins, Mary M. 3 Aug 1911-6 Aug 1911, dtr of Flint & Ressie Goins
Goins, Ella 24 Feb 1878-29 Sep 1931, wife of Jim Goins
Goins, Infant daughter of Jim & Ella Goins (no dates)
Goins, Infant daughter of Jim & Ella Goins (no dates)
Goins, Infant daughter of Jim & Ella Gons (no dates)
Goins, Pink 4 Feb 1873-14 May 1957 Father
Goins, Mary 2 Jun 1880-22 Nov 1952 Mother (same stone as Pink Goins)
Goins, Harry L. 2 Jun 1901-1 Feb 1981 Father
Goins, Florence G. 6 May 1913-no date (same stone as Harry L. Goins)
Goins, Lizzie Ridtle 12 Jul 1847-18 Jul 1928 Mother, wife of Anson Goins
Goins, June David 25 Aug 1957, baby
Goins, Odis Clemon 22 Jul 1950-26 Jul 1950 , son of Odis & Eva Goins
Goins, Infant son of Odis & Eva Goins, 26 Jul 1940
Goins, Joe Lewis (Junior) 6 May 1937-16 Mar 1988
Goins, Otis 15 Apr 1920-24 Dec 1988, Father
Goins, Eva K. 10 Sep 1917-no date (same stone as Otis Goins)
Goins, Florence W. 1913-1984 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Aven Lee 12 Sep 1913-no date Father
Goins, Emma Rose 14 Jan 1937-27 Jun 1982 Mother (same stone as Aven Lee Goins)
Goins, Urel 22 Feb 1930-no date Father
Goins, Laura L. 1 Apr 1928-25 Jan 1985 Mother (same stone as Urel Goins)
Goins, Gary M. 15 Apr 1982-28 Apr 1984
Goins, Infant son of S.P. & J. Goins 20 May & died 17 Jun 1903
Goins, Josephine, 4 Dec 1860-9 Apr 1908, wife of Samuel P. Goin
Goins, Sam P. 1860-1950

Page 1-39, Mayodan Municipal Cemetery-located in Madison township on Ayersville Road in the town of Mayodan.
Rockingham County
Goins, Ransom Monroe 25 May 1944-29 Oct 1985
Goins, Annie H. 1914-1988 (funeral home marker)
Goins, Arnold A. 1 May 1920-29 Nov 1992, PVT U.S. Army WW II
Goins, Lois Evon 10 Feb 1941-21 Nov 1959
Goins, Mary Howard 19 May 1921-no date, wife of Arnold A. Goins
Goins, J. Saunders 15 Jun 1897-13 Jan 1983 Father
Goins, Ellen J. 27 Sep 1900-3 Sep 1974 Mother (same stone as J. Saunders Goins)
Goins, Jesse Willie 21 Oct 1928-6 Oct 1981 U.S. Navy WW II
Goins, Coedell William 1 Sep 1926-30 Nov 1990, U.S. Merchant Marine WW II
Goins, Monroe 20 Jul 1913-9 Feb 1990

Page 198-201, Collinstown Pres. Church Cemetery-located at the inter-section of Collinstown & Puckett Roads #s 1433 & 1432 in Big Creek township, near the VA state line.
Stokes County
Goins, Oliver 1 Dec 1917-7 Feb 1989 Father
Goins, Bessie 13 Oct 1921-no date (same stone as Oliver Goins)

Page 175-177, Beasley-Frans-George Cemetery, located in the Big Creek township, on Leo Smith road #1213, off Hwy 89, near the Surry County line.
Stokes County
Goins, Zollie D. 23 Feb 1910-24 Oct 1993