With permission from C. Leon Harris.
Pension Application of Joseph Goine (Gowin): S35979
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
[A printed form with handwritten entries shown in italics.]
On this 11th day fo September 1818, before me the subscriber, one of the Judges of the
circuit court, in and for the state aforesaid, personally appeared Joseph Goine aged fifty eight
years; – who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following
statement and declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late law of Congress
entitled, “an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the
United States in the Revolutionary War;” that he is a citizen of the state of Kentucky, and
resident in the county of Madison; and that he was enlisted for eighteen months at Bedford in the state of Virginia on or about the first day of Jany 1777 by one George Lambert Capt. and served in the company commanded by captain G. Lambert of the 14 Virginia Re th giment on continental establishment, Virginia line that he continued to serve in the said corps, or in the service of the United States, in the continental army, against the common enemy, until about three[?] days after the battle of Monmouth [on 28 June 1778] in the state of [blank]; that he was in service 18 months and was in the battles of Germantown [4 Oct 1777] and Monmouth and with the army at Brandiwine [sic: Brandywine, 11 Sep 1777], and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support; and that he has lost his discharge, and has no evidence in his power, of his services and discharge, other than that which is here transmitted.
Sworn and declared before me the day and year aforesaid. Jas. Clark Circuit Judge
[The following all handwritten]
State of Kentucky Sct Madison County
On this 5th day of November 1821 personally appeared in Open Court being a court of record for
the said state and County of Madison, Joseph Gowin aged sixty three years resident in madison
County and state aforesaid who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath declare
that he served in the revolutionary war as follows He belonged to Capt George Lamberts
company of the fourteenth Regiment of the virginia Line that his original declaration is dated
the 11th day of September 1818 and that the number of his pension Certificate is 10,256. and he
further solemly swore that he was a resident Citizen of the united states on the 18th day of
march 1818 and that he has not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of any
property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring himself within the
provisions of an act of congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the
land naval service of the united states in the revolutionary war passed on the 18th day of March
1818 and that he has not, nor has any person in trust for him any property or securities
contracts or debts due to him nor has he any income other than what is contained in the
schedule hereto annexed and by him subscribed Schedule viz one old horse of the value of
three cows and one calf of the value of ........................ 30.00
40 head of hogs ................................................................. 20.00
He states that he is by occupation a farmer but from old age disease and a stiff knee is unable to
make a support by said occupation. That he has four children living with him the oldest living
with him named Elizabeth aged about 22 years the second named Polly aged about 20 years the
third named Susan aged about 18 years the fourth named Jenny aged about 16 or 17 years
That his said children are all able to support themselves by their own labour That he has a wife
living with him aged about 63 years and very infirm for that age. Sworn and declared in open
Court the date above and it is ordered by said court that it be certified that the said Goins
property is of the value of seventy dollars—
Original documents for the above can be viewed at Footnote.
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Great Post. Joseph is my Great X 7 Grandfather. He, Daniel & Sherwood (Sherod) were brothers.
ReplyDeletePlease explain how Sherod got in there as being a brother of my Joseph? Too many people are laying claim to my Joseph and his parents, William and Anester.
ReplyDeleteI plead with family genealogist to make sure they prove their lineage before putting it out on the internet as gosple.
June Smith
Why is Joseph's information aligned with Lumbee Indians and Goins family? Please remove this from this website since there is fact that he was NOT Lumbee.
ReplyDeleteThis man may have been connected to D. Boone, since Daniel Boone was a supply wagon driver from North Carolina linked to George Washington and the Battle of Brandywine in the U.S. Revolution. Boone's daughter, Jemimah, was abducted by Cherokee on the Kentucky River. Boone had signed the Treaty of the Green River Wilderness with Cherokee Chiefs promising Kentucky to the Cherokee for as long as the waters flow or the rivers run. Boone had Cherokee and other Indian guides from various tribes like the Mingo. Boone served the Virginia Legislature, but was also a Spanish official at times. Boone turns up a Indian Trial, NC and Sugar Creek, Charlotte, NC, meeting with Combs family members on his way to Florida.
ReplyDeleteMississippi Territory. Adams County. Williamson Toole of Madison County, State of Kentucky this day appeared before the undersigned Justice of the Peace in & for the said County and made oath that he has known Canaan Going, a free man of Color upwards of four years - during which time he has never heard his freedom disputed - that he has served a camp [faded] in the Michigan Territory and on command of Gen'l Harrison in the years 1812 and 1813 in the same regiment with the said Going - Going is six feet high, stout built, complexion if a yellowish cast, is going to Madison County in the State aforesaid in company with the deponent. Sworn to & subscribed this 3d April 1814, Andrew Marschalk.
ReplyDeletePotter, Dorothy Williams. Passports of Southeastern Pioneers 1770-1823,1982 (Baltimore: GPC), pg. 153.