With permission from C. Leon Harris.
Pension Application of Daniel Going: S38744
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
State of Tennessee}
Campbell County} On this 3 day of June 1818 before me the rd subscriber presiding Justice of
the Quorum Court for said county of Campbell (which Court is a Court of record) personally
appears Daniel Going aged sixty years resident in said county of Campbell who being by me first
duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain
the provision made by the late act of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons
engaged in the land & naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War. That he the
said Daniel Going enlisted in February 1777 in the State of Virginia in the company commanded
by Captain Scruggs [probably Gross Scruggs of Bedford County] of the 5th Virginia Regiment
commanded by Colonel Josiah Parker for two years, that he continued in said Regiment in the
United States service until the month of February 1778. when he was discharged at the Valley
forge in Pennsylvania – that he was in the battle at Germantown [4 Oct 1777] and the battle at
Brandywine [11 Sep 1777] – that he is in reduced circumstances and needs the assistance of his
country for support. that he has lost his discharge. that he has no other evidence now in his
power of his said services. that he never has been a pensioner, and does hereby relinquish all
claim to pensions heretofore provided for.
Daniel hisXmark Going
[The following is a printed form; parts filled in by hand shown in italics.]
STATE OF TENNESSEE,} SS. December Sessions 1820
On this 4th day of December 1820, personally appeared in open court, being a court of
record, (having the power of fine and imprisonment and also having been made a court of record
by the laws of said state,) for the said county, Daniel Going aged sixty five years, resident in the
county of Campbell aforesaid, who, being duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath, declare
that he served in the revolutionary war as follows: that he served the United two years in the
regular service during the Revolutionary war in the 5th Virginia Regt. comm’d. by Josiah Parker in the comp’y comman’d. by Capt. Scruggs. And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States, on the 18th day of March, 1818, and that I have not, since that time, by gift, sale or in any manner, disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled “An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the Revolutionary war,” passed on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property, or securities, contracts or debts, due to me: nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed.
2 Cows & Calves & one Mare & Colt $79–
1 Sow & Seven Shoats 4
2 Chairs 1 Dish & Doz. Plates 2
Has no family but himself & wife
that his wife is aged sixty seven years and unable to labor
That he has no trade –
That he is now a pensioner. that his pension certificate is of No. 13.571.
Swore to & subscribed in open Court 4th Dec. 1820 signed Daniel his mark Going
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Daniel was not a Lumbee Indian. But thanks for the information.
ReplyDeleteVarious words, tribes, regions and peoples have contributed to the Lumbee Tribe, including the "Goingsnake," or "Goinsnake," and other variations of these words for a snake moving forward, swimming, or moving on, or going into its' hole. There is a Goingsnake District associated with Cherokee Nation in old Oklahoma Indian Territory. Some Cherokee do have Lumbee links and vice versa.