Records collected by Cindy Young
1778-1780 Tax Lists of Henry County, Virginia
By Lela C. Adams
Page 12 Going, John
Page 13 Going, David
Page 24 Going, John
Page 24 Going, Jessee
Page 25 Going, John
Page 25 Going, James
Page 25 Going, David
Page 37 Going, Jessee
Page 38 Going, David
Page 38 Going, John
Page 38 Going, James
Page 38 Going, James
Complete Index & Abstract of the Henry County, Virginia
Order Books #1 & #2, 1777-1782
By Charles P. Blunt IV
Page 5 Feb. 17, 1777
John Going is given permission to build a water grist mill over Blackberry Creek, he being the owner of the land on both sides.
Page 41 Aug. 17, 1778
Permission is given to David Going to build a water grist mill on Spoon Creek, he being the owner on both sides.
Page 103 (Sorry, I forgot to copy the date)
Moses Goin came into court and made oath that he served as a soldier under Captain James Gunn’s Company in Colonel Byrd’s regiment in the year 1760 and that he has never received his bounty.
Page 33 Going vs Rowland May 18, 1778
Page 39 Goings vs William Rowland June 16, 1778
Page 46 Going vs Rowland Sept 22, 1778
Page 119 Going vs East July 28, 1780
Page 136 Going vs East Nov 24, 1780
Page 137 Going vs Posey Nov 24, 1780
Henry County, Virginia Stray Book #1
Jan. 26, 1777-May 17, 1787
By R.P. Gravely Jr.
Section I Abstract
Finders Name: John Going
Page # 43
Date: April 27, 1780
Locality: Blackberry Creek
Finders Name: James Going
Page # 48
Date: July 26, 1780
Locality: Spoon Creek
A List of Tax in the County of Henry for Raising a Supply of Money for the Service of The United States, 20 day of Feb. 1780. By Lee Adams
Alexander District
Going, Jessee 3.
Lyon/Smith District
Going, David 3.
Going, John 3.
Going, James 3.
Waller/McCraw District
Going, John 3.
Henry County Personal Property Tax List 1782-1814
John Going
David Going
John Going
Moses Going
Going, John - Zephaniah Going, Claiborn Going, James Going
Going, David - William Going, Charles Going Jacob Going
Going, James
Going, Moses
GOING, Jesse
GOING, John & 2 sons
GOING, Moses
GOING, David - Wm, Chas. & Jacob
GOING, James
GOING, Moses
GOING, James
GOING, David & 3 sons
GOING, John - Claiborn GOING & Asaiah GOING
GOING, Zephaniah
Going, Shadrack
Going, James
Going, David
Going, Moses
Going, John & 4 sons
Going, David & 4 sons
Going, John Jr. & Ward Barrett
Going, John
1787 A
Going, John Senr.: Jno & Zephaniah
Going, Claiborne
Going, Shadrack
Going, Nathan
Going, James
Going, Jno (Mayo River)
Going, David & Wm & Jacob
Going, Jno (Dan River)
Going, Charles
1788 B
Gowing, David
Going, James, Junr.
Going, Claiborne (Dan River)
Going, Benjamin
Going, Shadrack
Going, James (Dan River)
Going, John (Mayo River)
Going, Nathan
Going, Charles
Going, John (Black Berry)
Going, Zephaniah
Gowing, William
Going, Benjamin
Going, Shadrack
Going, Nathan
Going, Claborne (Dan River)
Going, David
Going, James
Going, John (Black Berry)
Going, Isaiah 1
Going, John (Mayo River)
Going, Charles
1789 B
Going, Philip
Gowing, Charles
Gowing, Isaac
Gowing, David
Gowing, Shadrack
Gowing, Labon
Gowing, Benjamin
Gowing, Claborn
Gowing, John (Russell's Creek)
Gowing, William
Gowing, John (Black Berry)
Gowing, James
Going, John
Going, Zaphaniah
Going, Isaiah
Going, John
Going, John
Going, John
Going, Zephaniah
Going, John
Going, Zephaniah
Going, Zephaniah
Going, John
Going, John
Going, John
Going, John
Going, John
Going, John
Going, John, decd.
Going, Zedekiah
Going, Hezekiah
Going, Caleb
Going, John decd.
Going, John dec.
Going, Elizabeth
Going, Elizabeth
Going, Littleberry
Going, Elizabeth
Going, Simeon
Going, Berry
Going, Simeon
Going Elizabeth
Going, Littleberry
Going, Elizabeth
Going, Elizabeth
Going, Berry
frame 641, "A List of free Negroes & Mulattoes with their tax annexed"
John Going
Sukey Going
Elizabeth Going
Nancy Going
Berry Going
frame 656, List of free Negroes & Mulattoes
Jacob Mann, Ephram Moore, Jeremiah Moore, Hoza Moore, Ansell Rodgers, Christopher Mann, James Mann, Henry Valentine, George Green, Shadrach Moore, Titus Roberts, Berry Going, John Going, James Lyle, Arhibald McCown, Daniel McCawn, David Cousins, James Jenkins, Miles Finney, John Jackson, Oliver Jenkins & son Wm, Jas Jenkins & son John, Willm Jenkins, Hezekiah Jenkins
Records Collected by Cindy Young
The Personal Property Tax Lists for the Year 1787 for Henry County, Virginia
By Netti Schreiner-Yantis & Florene Speakman Love
Page 670
1787 B
Gowing, John Sr. self 2-0-0-11-30
Gowing, Zephaniah – John Gowing, Sr.
Gowing, Claborne self 0-0-0-0-0
Page 671
Gowing, Shadrack self 1-0-0-9-13
Gowing, Nathan self 0-0-0-1-0
Gowing, James self 0-0-0-2-5
Gowing, John self 1-0-0-1-4 (Mayo River)
Gowing, David self 2-0-0-10-5
Gowing, William- David Gowing
Gowing, Jacob – David Gowing
Gowing, Jno. self 0-0-0-1-5 (Dan River)
Gowing, Charles self 0-0-0-1-0
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books I And II 1776-1784 Compiled by Lela C. Adams
A list of surveys made from June 10, 1780 to June 10, 1783
John Gowin – 374 acres
John Gowin – 79 acres
David Gowen – 94 acres
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books III AND IV August 1784-June 1792 – Compiled by Lela C. Adams
Pages 62-63: 21 Aug 1784. WILLIAM HIGGENBOTTOM of Henry County to JAMES GOWING of same for the sum of five pounds sells and conveys land on both sides of the Dan River by estimate to be 201 acres. Signed: WILLIAM (X) HIGGENBOTTOM. Wit: EDWARD TATUM, JAMES LYON, ELIPHAZ SHELTON, JACOB MANES…MARY HIGGENBOTTOM, wife of WILLIAM HIGGONBOTTOM relinquishes her right of dower. Proved: 25 Nov 1784 at a Court held for Henry Co.
Witt, John.
7 February 1784.
Other Format
Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.
Location: Henry County.
Description: 222 acres on the branches of Blackberry Creek adjoining John Gowin.
Source: Land Office Grants I, 1783-1784, p. 349 (Reel 50).
Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
Library of Virginia. Archives.
System Number
Gowin, John.
1 March 1784.
Other Format
Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.
See also the following surname(s): Going.
Location: Henry County.
Description: 374 acres on both sides of Blackberry Creek adjoing his own land.
Source: Land Office Grants K, 1783-1784, p. 326 (Reel 51).
Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
Library of Virginia. Archives.
System Number
Gowin, John.
16 April 1788.
Other Format
Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.
See also the following surname(s): Going.
Location: Henry County.
Description: 79 acres on the waters of Blackberry Creek.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 16, 1787-1788, p. 589 (Reel 82).
Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
Library of Virginia. Archives.
System Number
Submitted by Cindy Young
Gowin, Daivid 30 Mar 1789 Henry County
185 acres on the south side of Spoon Creek adjoining Colliers line
Land office grants # 19, 1788-1789, p. 309 (Reel 85)
Gowin, David 30 Mar 1789 Henry County
94 acres on Spoon Creek adjoining John Wards land
Land office grants # 19, 1788-1789, p. 297 (Reel 85)
Henry County Virginia Will Abstracts Vol. I & II 1777-1820 – Abstracted and Compiled by: Lela C. Adams
I:181-182 Accts estate DAVID REYNOLDS 20 Nov 1789
Pd John Marr, A. Hughes, George Hairston, John Clark, Henry Lyne, Andrew Woolverton, John Staples, Isaac Mc Daniel, Moses Reynolds, Sheriff David Reynolds.
Receipts; David Reynolds his debts of Solomon Stevens, David Going (of Moses Hanks), Jacob Adams, Abraham Penn, John Gates.
Moses Reynolds, Adm.
I: 205-206 Acct estate MORDECAI HORD 15 May 1791 with exors William Hord and George Waller.
1789-May 1791
Pd: Jesse Maupin, James Baker, John Redd, Eusebus Stone, Thomas Cunningham, Junor Meredith, William Thompson, Stanwix Hord, John Hord, William Martin for service in South Carolina, Tax 1786; William Elkins waggoner, Sherriff of Franklin Co. tax 1789, Peter Rickman, Zack. Going, Joseph Phifer, to Henry Lyne for Mathe Mullings, William Chandler, George Penn, Samuel Crutcher, to Thomas Jett a legatee, William Hord.
Receipts: James Baker, John Hord, William Hord, Stanwx Hord, Thomas Jett, Peter Rickman, Henry Lyne.
Records Collected by Cindy Young
Henry County Minister Returns
By Mrs. Roy L. Adams
Page 15 Zhaphaniah Going & Elizabeth Tompson, June 1790, Day 20
Submitted by Joseph Anthony, Minister
Henry County Overseers of the Poor, 1778 thru 1902
By Beverly Merritt
Page 3 & 4 Jan. 18, 1793
Court Order Book 6, Page 65
Its ordered that John Going give sec’y (security) for the maintianance (sic) of a bastard begot by him on the body of Elenor Byse six pounds per year until the overseers of the poor give further orders. And with Henry Lyne his sec’y entered into bond and ack’d the same.
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books III AND IV August 1784-June 1792 – Compiled by Lela C. Adams
Page 81: 22 Jan 1790. HENRY SUMPTER of Henry County to ISHAM CRADOCK of the same, for the sum of twenty pounds conveys 300 acres of land on Rock Run Creek and the plantation whereon the said CRADOCK now lives…joins ABSOLUM ADAMS, JOHN GOING. Signed: HNERY SUMPTER. Wit: GEORGE PENN, BENJAMIN COOPER, HENRY LYNE.
Pages 182-183: 24 Feb 1791. ALEXANDER HUNTER of Henry County to JAMES BAKER of the same sells and conveys for the sum of seven pounds ten shillings a tract of land containing 100 acres on the branches of Blackberry Creek…on the north side up the branch of the south fork of the branch to HUNTER’S old line to JOHN GOINGS. Signed: ALEXANDER HUNTER. Wit: none. Proved 28 Feb 1791.
Henry County, Virginia Marriage Bonds, 1778-1849 – Compiled by Virginia Anderton Dodd
Aug. 29, 1795 – Moore, Charles, and Elizabeth Going.
Sept. 19, 1795 – Miner, Heyekiah, and Elizabeth Going
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books V AND V Oct. 1792 through Dec. 1805 – Compiled by Lela C. Adams
Pages 224-225. 3 Oct. 1795. BARTLETT WASHINGTON of the county of Henry to JOHN GOING of the same sells 100 acres on Rock Rum Creek, joins HENRY SUMPTER, DAVIS BRANCH, JAMES BAKER, ISHAM CRADOCK. Wit: JAMES BAKER, WILLIAM BARKSDALE, JOHN WITT, SUSANAH (X) DILLION, HENRY SUMPTER, JR. (X). Signed: BARLETT WASHINGTON. Proved: 28 Dec. 1795.
Submitted by Cindy Young
Gowin, James 2 Aug 1797 Henry County
61 Acres on both sides of Little Dan River adjoining Augustine Brown &c.
Land office grants # 37, 1796-1798, p. 343 (Reel) 103
Going, John.
14 April 1796.
Other Format
Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.
See also the following surname(s): Gowin.
Location: Henry County.
Description: 153 acres on both sides of Little Blackberry Creek adjoining his own land.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 35, 1795-1796, p. 153 (Reel 101).
Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
Library of Virginia. Archives.
System Number
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books V AND V Oct. 1792 through Dec. 1805 – Compiled by Lela C. Adams
Pages 130-131. 26 Nov 1798. JOHN GOING of Henry County to JOHN STONE of the same, for the sum of Sixty pounds sells 100 acres on the Rock Run Creek joins HENRY SUMPTER, now GEORGE HAIRSTON, DAVIS’ Branch, JAMES BAKER and ISHAM CRADDOCK. No wit. Signed: JOHN GOING. Proved: 26 Nov. 1798.
27 Mar 1801 - Pr 25 May 1801
Will of John Going *Henry Co,Va * The Last Will and Testament of John Going, 1801 In the Name of God amen I John Going, Sen., of the County and State of Virginia being sick & weak in body but of sound mind & memory and calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Viz. First I recommend my Soul unto the hands (of) Almighty God who (gave it) not in the least doubting I shall receive the same at the great day of the Resurrection & as to the worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give as follows: Items I give & bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Nancy Goin one Sorrel Horse Coult, one Cow & Calf also one feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs for ever. Items I give & bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Sussanna Goin one Roan Mare one Cow & Calf also one feather bed & furniture to her & her heirs forever. Items I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Simeon Goin one cow & calf & one feather bed & furniture to him and his heirs for ever. Items I give & bequeath unto my well beloved son Zedikiah Goin one cow & calf also one feather bed & furniture to him & his heirs for ever. Items I give & bequeath to my well beloved son John Goin one cow & calf & one feather bed & furniture to him & his heirs for ever. Items I give & bequeath unto my well beloved son Iasiah (sic) Goin one feather bed & furniture to him & his heirs for ever. Items I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Zacheriah Goin one feather bed & furniture to him & his heirs for ever. Items I give & bequeath unto my well beloved son Littleberry Goin one feather bed and furniture to him & his heirs for ever.. Items I give & bequeath unto my well beloved son Clabourn Goin one feather bed & furniture to him and his heirs for ever. Items I lend unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth Goin during her natural life all my stock of all kind my household & kitchen furniture together with all my land & plantations whereon I now live & after her decease my will and desire is that all my land lying in the Countys of Henry and Patrick be sold & the money arising from the said sale to be equally divided amongst all my children that be then living that is to say Zephiniah Goin Nancy Goan Susanna Goin Zedikiah Goin Simeon Goin John Goin Isaah Goin Zacheriah Goin Clabourn Goin Littleberry Goan Elizabeth Minor wife of Hezekiah Minor to them and their heirs for ever & I do hereby appoint my Friend John Stone & John Cox, Jr. my executors of this my last will & testament revoking and disannulling all wills heretofore by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 17th Day of March One thousand eight hundred and one. his John X Goin Seal mark Signed Sealed Published and Declared for the Said John Goin's last Will & Testament In the Presence of John Cox Thibias Stone Mary (X) Stone
27 Jul 1801
Elizabeth Going Admn with John Cox and Henry Clark sur.
Henry County Virginia Will Abstracts Vol. I & II 1777-1820 – Abstracted and Compiled by: Lela C. Adams
II:39-40 Inv est JOHN GOING 11 Aug 1801 Ret 31 Aug 1801
Livestock, blacksmith tools, plantation tools, furniture, coper still T 325.7.3 by John Hord, Bartlett Wade, Stanwix Hord, John Cox Jr.
Henry County, Virginia Marriage Bonds, 1778-1849 – Compiled by Virginia Anderton Dodd
Sept. 2, 1801 – Going, Simeon, and Keziah Tabb.
Records Collected by Cindy Young
Henry County Marriage Bonds 1800-1810
By Mrs. Roy L.Adams
Pge 283 Simeon Going & Keziah Tabb, 2 Sept. 1801
Bond: Hezekiah Minor
Henry County, Virginia Will Abstracts Vol. I & II, 1777-1820
By Lela C. Adams
Page 74
GOIN, ELIZABETH Will Book II: 205-206
Inv. ELIZABETH GOIN, Ret. March Court 1816
Livestock, furniture, household effects, plantation tools.
Total: $546.78 by John Morris, James Baker Jr., Guy Smallman.
Jacob Going, head of a Stokes County household of 6 "other free" in 1800 [NC:495], was about seventy years of age and living in Vermillion County, Illinois, on 7 June 1832 when applied for a Revolutionary War pension, stating that he was born in Henry County, Virginia, that he lived in Kentucky for about thirty years, then lived for seven years in Vincennes, Indiana [M805, reel 368, frame 0115, reel 368].
Charles Gowens was taxable in Henry County from 1783 to 1790 [PPTL, 1782-1830, frames 302, 352] and taxable in Patrick County from 1791 to 1795 [PPTL, 1791-1823, frames 151, 177, 207]. He was about seventy years old on 22 October 1833 when he applied for a Revolutionary War pension, stating that he had been born in Henry County, lived there until 1797, then moved to Kentucky and moved to Gallatin in 1815 [M805, reel 368, frame 0144]
Zephaniah Gowens was taxable in Henry County from 1783 to 1796 and in 1802: listed with 2 tithables in 1794 [PPTL, 1782-1830, frames 159, 302, 402, 428, 504], taxable in Patrick County from 1797 to 1799 [PPTL, 1791-1823, frames 234, 268]. He was about seventy-six years old and living in Hawkins County, Tennessee on 18 December 1834 when he applied for a Revolutionary War pension, stating that he had entered the service in Henry County [M805, reel 368, frame 0134].
Submitted by Cindy Young
Henry County Overseers of the Poor, 1778 thru 1902
By Beverly Merritt
Page 16 Aug. 15, 1843
Ordered that the overseers of the poor bind out Rhoda Going now 7 years old, Carolina now 5 years old and Preston now one year old, free children of color and the bastard children of Sally Going to Hal Peerson and that the said Peerson be required by indentures to pay to the mother of the said Rhoda and Carolina, an annual hire for each five dollars from the time they attain the age of 12 years of their
apprenticeship and that he pay to the mother of Preston Going from and after he attains the age of 12 years an annual hire of sixteen dollars until he attains the age of twenty years, and to the said apprentice $20 for the last year of his servitude.
Abstracts of Henry County & Martinsville Order Books, Minute Books and Loose Papers 1777-1904
Volume 13
MB 4, p. 119
April 14, 1851
Ordered that the name Martha Goings be stricken out of the list of free person of color ordered this day to be registered till further examined into.
Volume 13
MB 6, p. 33
June 13, 1859
Norman Going produced satisfactory evidence to the court that he was born free in the county of Henry and that he is not descendants of a female negro emancipated since May 1806 whereupon it is ordered that they be registered as free persons of color.
Volume 13
MB 6, p. 426
May 11 1863
James Mann, Nancy Goin this day produced to the court satisfactory evidence that they were born free oin the county of Henry and Patrick that they are not descendants of female negroes emancipated since 1st May 1806, whereupon it is ordered that they be registered as free persons of color.
Volume 13
1856 A List of Free Negroes over 12 years of age
Only Goins are listed ( total of 56 names)
# Name Age Occupation
14 John Goin 46 Waggoner
15 Manda Goin 22 Housekeeper
16 Peter Goin 24 Worker in factory
17 Detia Goin 26 Housekeeper
18 Margret Goin 19 Housekeeper
The Death Register of Henry County, Virginia Volume I 1853-1874 – Transcribed by Anne Vestal-Miller Copr. 1992
Mary Goin
Race: c
Sex: f
Died: 1867 Jun 28
Place Died: Henry Co.
Cause of Death: heart dropsy
Age: 50
Parents: Susan Jones
Born: Patrick
Informative: Norman Gowan
Related By: husband
William Goin
Race: c
Sex: m
Died: 1867 Sep 29
Place Died: Henry Co.
Cause of Death: scrofula
Age: 04
Parents: Jacob & Chasity Gowan
Born: Henry Co.
Informative: Jacob Gowan
Related By: father
Gowin, Mary Eliza.
Gen. note
Race: Black.
Gender: Female.
Date of death: May 30, 1874.
Place of death: Horse Pasture.
Cause of death: Unknown.
Age at death: 29 day(s).
Place of birth: Horse Pasture.
Source of information: Henry County, 1874, line 14.
Part of the Death Records Indexing Project which is sponsored by the Virginia Genealogical Society.
Subject - Personal
Gowin, Mary Eliza.
Gowin, Judy, parent.
Gowin, Jacob, parent.
Goin, Jacob, informant (Father).
Subject - Topical
Deaths -- Virginia -- Henry County.
Added Entry
Death Records Indexing Project.
Virginia Genealogical Society.
System Number
"(Sorry, I forgot to copy the date) Moses Goin came into court and made oath that he served as a soldier under Captain James Gunn’s Company"
ReplyDeleteIt was 23 Apr 1780
In "The Death Register of Henry County, Virginia Volume I 1853-1874 – Transcribed by Anne Vestal-Miller Copr. 1992" I also find entries for:
ReplyDeleteJohn Goins, colored male, d 03 Dec 1880, at Leatherwood, of pneumonia, age 18y, s/o Docia & Peter Goins, informant father Peter Goins (p28)
John Goan (?), colored male, d 11 Mar 1885, age 707, family unknown, informant the overseer of the poor.
Sorry about that last, it was Volume II.
ReplyDeleteVestal-Miller, Anne. "The marriage register of Henry County, Virginia." (Old Mill Printers, 1998)
ReplyDelete09 Apr 1868. Lucy A Goin (col) age 13, b Henry Co, d/o John & Mandy Goin, to Simon Hairston (col) age 22,
b Henry Co, s/o Simon & Julia Hairston, by Rev. Turner (p32)
11 Jan 1872. Jacob Goins, age 38, b Henry Co, s/o Sally Goin, to Judy Wilson, age 17,
b Henry Co, d/o Green & Eliza Wilson, by Rev. Lee (p48)
21 Oct 1873. Parthena Going, age 21, b Rockingham, d/o Peter & Dora Going, to Jos. Gravelly, age 20,
b Henry Co, s/o Catherine Hendiman, by Rev. Pinkard (colored) (p56)
28 Feb 1874. Mary S Going, age 21, b Henry Co, d/o Peter & Docia Going, by Rev. Smith (colored) (p58)
09 Jul 1878. Thomas Goin, age 21, of Rockingham, s/o A. & P. Goin, to Lizzie Belton, age 18,
b Rockingham, d/o Mary Belton, by Rev. Lancaster (colored) (p81)
Watt Shelton ridgeway,va