From: http://www.sciway3.net/clark/freemoors/Indian.htm
Various American Indian Records Submitted By Steven Pony Hill
May 1765 - Halifax Co. VA
Grand jury presentment against William Chandler, Shadrack Gowin, Peter Rickman and Phillip Dennum for concealing a tithable.
Extracted from: Halifax County, Virginia Deed Books 2-6 1759-1767 by Marian Dodson Chiarito
p. 400 14 August 1765 – Joseph Tate of Rowan Co., North Carolina to David Going of Halifax Co., for £ 55, 270 acres on both sides of Russels Cr. A branch of Mayho Cr. beg. at John Hunter’s cor. thence south….crossing several branches… All trees, orchards, gardens….
Signed: Joseph Tate
Wit: Jeremia Perkins, Charles Perkins, John Jenings, Constant Perkins
Recorded 15 August 1765
Extracted from: Halifax County Virginia Deed Book 7 1767-1770 by Marian Dodson Chiarito
96. p. 223. 3 June 1768. Lewis Jenkins of Pittsylvania Co. to Shadrack Going of Halifax Co., for £ 35, 387 acres on b.s. of Great Polecat Cr., beg. At Echol’s cor. thence his line south…crossing a bold branch….crossing the main creek (several times), new lines…Robert Walton’s line on the creek, Anderson’s line…to the 1st station. All appurtenances.
Signed: Lewis (x) Jenkins
Witnesses: Thos. Lovelace , George Combs, Benajah Parker, William Mays
Recorded 18 Aug 1768
Extracted from: Halifax County Virginia Court Orders, 1764-1766 (Plea Book No. 5, Part 1) by TLC Genealogy
May Court 1765
William McDaniel, Foreman, Evan Ragland, Joshua Worsham, William Thomas, Haman Crite, Fulker Fulkerson, Edward Smith, John Royall, Richard Daniel, Anthony Colquit, Daniel Easly, James Davenport, John Payne, Edmund Floyd, Francis Luck, Joseph Faris, Richard Shockley, Peter Rogers
Page 46. were impaneled and sworn a Grand Jury, who withdrew from the bar to consult on their presentments and returning into Court, do present John Childress for getting drunk and swearing 1 oath, George Gray for getting drunk, the Surveyor of the Road from the South fork of Catawba Cr into Russells Road for not keeping the same in repair, by information of James Bates, Gent, Mary Blys, Ann Jennings, Aggy Blevins, Welthy Prewet, and Frances Hundley for having bastard children, William Chandler for concealing a tithable, Shadrach Gowin, Peter Rickman, for concealing, each 1, tithable, Phillip Dennum for the same by information of James Bates, Gent, Walter Coles for stopping the road between his plantations to Vaughans Ford by information of James Bates, Gent, the surveyor of the Road from Sandy River to Samuel Harris’ for not keeping the same in repair, the Surveyor of the Road from Saml Harris’ to Sandy Cr for the same, the Surveyor of the road from this “O House” to Alexander Caldwell’s ford for the same, the Surveyor of the road from Banister lower Bridge to Miery [Miry] Cr for the same, the Surveyor of the road from Banister lower Bridge to the North River for the same, the Surveyor of the road from Letherwood Hills to Thos Billings for the same, the builder of Banister lower bridge for no keeping it in repair, and Henry Hitt for concealing a tithable.
August Court 1765
Page 122. A deed from Joseph Tate to David Gowing was ack. And OR.
Extracted from Halifax County Virginia Court Orders, 1766-1767 (Pleas Book No. 5, Part 2) by TLC Genealogy
August Court 1766
James Bradley, Plt, vs Alexander Gowing, Deft, on a Petition. For reasons appearing to the Court, suit dismissed.
The presentment of the H Grand Jury against Shadrach Gowing, for reasons appearing, is ordered to be dismissed.
July Court 1767
Shadrach Gowing, Plt, vs John Bates Jr, Deft, On a Petition. This day came the Plt by Isaac Read, his atty, and the Deft not appearing, the Plt produced the sd
Page 455. Deft’s note of hand for 2 £ 4 shillings and 6 pence. Judgment for the Plt for his debt afd, with interest from Nov 3, 1764.
Alexander Gowing, Plt, vs Owen Brady, Deft, In case. The Plt not residing in this Colony, and failing to give security for costs, on the motion of the Deft by his atty, ordered that this suit be dismissed.
Note***The above same entry is then repeated in the book.
Thomas Spragins, Plt, vs Alexander Gowing, Deft, On an Attachment against the Deft’s estate. For reasons appearing, suit dismissed.
August Court 1767
John Rowland, assignee of George Watkins, Plt, vs Robert Hutchinson and Alexander Gowing, Defts, In Debt. For reasons appearing, suit dismissed.
Submitted by Cindy Young
Dodson, Thomas 26 Oct 1779 Halifax County
210 acres on the branches of Birches Creek, and adjoining Philip Going, Jacob Midriff &c.
Land office Grants A, 1779-1780 (v. 1 & 2 p. 1-685). p. 40 (Reel 42)
Extracted from: Halifax County Virginia Will Book 1 1773-1783 by Marian Dodson Chiarito
404 Stephen Wilson - will
“….being in perfect mind and memory….”
And as touching such wordly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with, I give to Elizabeth my dearly beloved wife who I constitute make & ordain my sole Exr. By her freely to be possessed and enojoyed.
WD 4 October 1780
Wit: Peter Wilson, David (x) Going, Shadrack (x) Going
WP 20 June 1782. Presented by Elizabeth Wilson Exr. & proved by two wit. O.R.
Sec: Luke Williams
Extracted from Halifax County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1791 by TLC Genealogy
1782 Tax List
Going, Guthridge – 1 0 2 0 8
Going, Shadrick – 1 0 3 0 18
Going, John – 1 0 1 0 3
Going, David – 1 0 1 0 4
1783 Tax List
Going, Shadrack – 1 0 0 4 11
Going, John – 1 0 0 2 2
1784 Tax List
Goeing, Shadrack – 1 0 0 4 13
1785 Tax List
Gowan, Shadrack – 1 0 0 4 13
Gowan, David – 1 0 0 1 4
1787 Tax List
Gowin, David – 1 0 0 0 2 5
1789 Tax List
Goin, David – 1 0 0 3
“1789c” Tax List – South District
Goen, David – 1 0 0 1
William Goings Revolutionary War pension application.
Transcribed by Tracy Hutchison
NOTE*** This is only a partial transcription. Please visit the Hawkins Co., TN page of this blog to view the entire pension application.
I have transcribed the documents to the best of my ability, however I am sure that there are mistakes.
State of Tennessee
Hawkins County
May Session 1819
Personally appeared in open court this twenty sixth day of May 1819 William Going or Goen and aged about fifty six years, a citizen of said County & Sate, & being first duly sworn in open court according to law maketh the following declaration was that he enlisted in the regular service of the united states during the War of the Revolution sometime in the year 1780 in the spring as near as this deponent now recollects at Halifax County Ct house state of Virginia under Captain Tilman Dixon of the 18th Regiment of light infantry commanded by Col Henry Dixon & major Donobro , attached to General George Washingtons command. ??? during the war that this deponent served under said Col Dixon in said first Regiment three years at one continued time without leaving said service at anytime and that having served his Country honorably and faithfully during said service was honorably discharged sometime in the year 1783 at York Town, State of Virginia (when Cornwallis was taking in the year 1781) by his Excellency General George Washington. This deponant further declarath on oath that he was in the following battles, was at the battle of Brandy Wine, when he was wounded in his knee and ancle by grape shot thrown by the enemy, at the battle of Camden, North Carolina when General Greene commanded, in the battle of the Cowpens, at the battle of Guilford, in the battle Eulany Springs, and at the Battle of York Town when Cornwallis with his army were taken by Genl George Washington. He further saith that he has suffered great hardships, pour rations and weapons fatigue while in said service of which he now feels the effects that he is in extreme poverty & distress and without the support of his Country he will suffer greatly that his circumstances are witch having nothing at all to support himself with . That he has never drawn any pension from his Country although he believes he was entitled there to on account of his wounds, but has hather to supported himself by his labour. Said is now compelled to apply for relief by reason of his feeble & debilitated state of health. He further states that his honorable discharge which he received from the commander in Chief. He has left sometime ago in Virginia & that he knows of no person in the County by whom he could prove his services and that having served faithfully & honorably more than nine months the said requests to be placed on the pension list, at one continued time he hopes to the benefit of the act, send to the relief of the soldier of the Revolution, whose case is comprehended by said act.
Sworn to & subscribed in open court the day & date above
William X (his mark) Going
S D Mitchell Clk
By W B Mitchell his deputy
David Gowen was head of Wythe County, Virginia household of 8 "other free" in 1810. He was about seventy-six years old on 26 February 1834 when he appeared in Hamilton County, Tennessee Court to apply for a pension for his services in the Revolution. He testified that he entered the service in Halifax County, Virginia, moved to Grayson County, Virginia, for three years, then to Wythe County for ten years, then to Grainger County, Tennessee, for fourteen years and lived in Hamilton County for one year. His younger brother Laban Goens testified on his behalf [M805-362, frames 27-30].
Additional note to the above record for David Gowen.
From Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families by Jack H. Goins
David Smith Going stated in his Revolutionary War Pension that he was born in Hanover County.
Submitted and transcribed by Jack Goins
Below is the main parts of Zephaniah Pension.
The Revolutionary Pension Declaration of Zephaniah Gowen;
State of Tennessee Hawkins County: 18th day of December 1834, Personally appeared before me John J. Walling one of the Justices of Peas for said County, Zephaniah Gowen age anbout 76 years old. About the sixth day of March 1779 he volunteered in the county of Henry and State of Virginia. in the Company commanded by Captain John Conigance of the Regiment commanded by Col. Haston and Major Sammons. And was discharged the 10th day of August, 1779 by his said captain, And when returning home his said Captain prevailed with him to continue and the declaraint volunteered about the 12th day of August 1779 and marched to Henry County, state of virginia. And was in the service of the nited States until about the 20th of Feb. 1780. and was discharged by said captain, which was in writting. The applicant further states he about the 28th of July 1781 he entered the service by being drafted in the said County of Henry, in a company commanded by Captain Rubel of the companu commanded by Col. Haston and Majort Sammon from said county he was marched to Yorktown in the state of Virginia and this declarant states he was there on that seige and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis which was about the 19th day of October, 1781, and was discharged the first day of De. 1781.which was in writting and returned home having served altogether 15 months. Sephaniah stated he didn't know his exact age but was born in Halifax County, Virginia.. He also names General Steven, Lawson and colonels Preston and Lynch and with Generals Eaton and Rutherford of NC and Virginia. Zepanaih said he had his discharged papers but they have since destroyed by having his house burnt. John Sullivan, E.S. Goodman John J. Walling all swore he was a Rev. War soldier. and a citizen of Hawkins County.
"Extracted from Halifax County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1791 by TLC Genealogy"
ReplyDeleteI also find David Gowin in 1785, with 1/0/0/1/4 (1 free male, 1 mule, 4 cattle. p119).
Mary Bondurant Warren's "Halifax County, Virginia Colonial Poll and Tithables Lists (1991) shows Shadrick Goin with 1 tithable in 1771, on Capt. James Turner's list.
Philip Gowing appears in two other Dodson works.
ReplyDelete"Footprints from the old survey books : of Halifax & Pittsylvania Counties in Virginia" (Pittsylvania Hist Soc, 1989) shows him having 349a surveyed on the branches of Birches Creek. surveyed 16 May 1767 (#263).
"Property lines from an old survey book : Halifax County, Virginia, 1741 to 1901" (VA-NC Piedmont Gen Soc, 1998) draws the plat for this land on p20.
"Halifax County, Virginia, Court Orders" by TLC Genealogy shows that in the March Court session for 1771, Philip Gowing (and others) were ordered to open and clear a road.
Halifax Co VA Deeds, by TLC Genealogy
p18. 14 Feb 1765. Lewis Jenkins to Shadrack Going (see above)
p50. 18 Feb 1778. Land of Shadrack Goings is a boundary for a sale of 205a on Boyds Rd by Thomas Loveleace of Antrim Parish.
p33. 17 Mar 1779. Shadrack Gowings' land is a boundary for sale by Nicholas Metlock of land on Boyds Rd.
p85. 12 Nov 1781. "Aaron Goings' Spring branch" is a boundary for a sale by David Hudlestone of land on the branches of Burches Creek.
p127. 08 Mar 1784. From Alexander Hitson of Antrim Parish to Shadrick Going of same, for £32, abt 78.5a in Antrim Parish on the branch of Pole Cat Creek bounded by Walton, Heriford's old line...conveyed to said Hitson by Henry Heriford by Halifax deed dated 15 Jan 1784.
p37. 17 Nov 1785. Recorded sale from Shadrack Going of Halifax Co to Henry Hopson Sr of Halifax Co for £450, abt 451a on eacg side of Pole Cat Cr, bounded by sd Goings' fence, Robert Walton's line on the Creek, Boyd Old Rd, Anderson's line on Pettices, a bold branch, it being a tract of land conveyed to the sd Going by patents ans 2nd from Henry Hereford to Alexander Eidson and from him to sd Going by deed. Signed Shadrack Going. No witnesses.
p349. 03 Nov 1785. "Aaron Goings' old spring branch" is a boundary for a sale by John Noble on a branch of Burches Creek.
Chiarito, Marian Dodson. Vestry book of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia, 1752-1817. Clarkton, 1983.
ReplyDeletep98. Philip Gowin was present at the processioning of his land [the public inspection and renewal of property lines] "since the 2nd day of November last, in 1768."
I found no Goins references in Chiarito's edition of Halifax Co Va Plea Book 1, nor in TLC's of deed book 2, but they appear from book 3. Page numbers are for the TLC Genealogy editions.
ReplyDeleteFeb Court 1762
Alexander Gowing Plt vs Wm Williams Dft on a petition. Plt not appearing, suit dismissed.
Mar Court 1762
James Norrell Plt vs John Gowin Jr Dft on a petition. For reasons appearing, suit dismissed.
Book 4
Jun Court 1763
p35. Joseph Aiken Plt vs Alexander Gowing Dft. The parties having agreed, suit dismissed.
p40. Thomas Spraggins Plt vs Alexander Gowing Dft in case. The parties having agreed, suit dismissed.
Sep Court 1763
p80. On the motion of Shadrack Going, ordered that his list of tithables be added to the General list returned by Nathanael Terry Gent.
Dec Court 1763
p90. Male laboring titheables belonging to…Shadrack Going…to be added to the gang and work on the road whereof Moses Echols is surveyor.
Feb Court 1764
p97. John Wimbish + Co. Plt vs Alexander Gowing Dft in debt/. For their costs, according to an agreement made btwn the sd petitioners.
The entries from Book 5 were already posted above. References continue in Books 6 and 7, from TLC.
ReplyDeleteBook 6
Aug Court 1768
p141. A deed from Lewis Jenkins to Shadrack Gowins was proved by the oaths of the witnesses and [ordered recorded]
Mar Court 1769
p203. James Spradling Plt vs Aaron Gowing Dft on a petition. Dft not appearing, Plt proves his account of £2 1s to be just. Ordered against Dft.
Apr Court 1769
p323. (A John “Gowin” who is called Godwin in the other references to the case.)
Jul Court 1770
p344. James Roberts Jr Plt vs Aaron Gowing Dft on petition. Plt came by atty Isaac Reed. Dft not appearing. Bill for £4, ordered discharged by payment of £2 with legal interest from 19 Aug 1767.
Book 7 Part 1
Aug Court 1770
James Spradling Plt vs Aaron Gowing Dft on petition. Ordered Plt recover £2 and costs from Dft. [Costs include payments to Spradling’s witnesses: 2 days for Thomas Spencer and 13 days for John Spradling, witnesses for James Spradling; and to Gowing’s witnesses, 8 days to the wife of Em Echols, 11 days for Benjamin Echols.] Witness Thomas Woods failed to appear for Aaron Gowing.
Mar Court 1771
p51. George Combs appointed Surveyor of the Road from Boyds Rd to Roberts Rd. He and male tithables of…Shadrach Gowing…order to lay open and clear the said road.