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James M. Gowing
The 1st page is a copy of a file folder with the following on the index:
Rept. #9 Office 1256 Gowing, J.M.
19079 Jan 30/73
James M. Gowing
Collierville, Shelby Co. Tenn.
For Horse, Corn,
Fodder, etc.
Gilbert Moyers
Attorney for Claimant
Memphis, Tenn.
(1.) Give names or names in full.
(2.) State where claimant resided when this claim accrued.
(3.) State whether or not this claim has ever been sold, assigned, or transferred to any person, and if so, give all the facts.
(4.) Insert “furnished” or “taken” as the case may be.
(5.) State by whom, when and where the property was taken, or furnished, write out the items of property, and their value, which carry out in figures in right hand columns, and number the item consecutively on left margin.
(6.) Here give full statement of all the circumstances attending the taking of the property, etc.; what command; where encamped; in what direction they went; how long they remained; whether or not officers were present; what was said; whether or not receipts were given or asked for; claimant’s P.O. address, etc., etc.
(7.) State whether or not this claim has ever been presented to any officer or department of the Government, for settlement, and if so, what action was had, when, and by what authority.
(8.) Insert name, or names, of claimant in full.
To the Honorable the Commissioner of Claims
\under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1871:
Your petitioner (1) James M. Gowing, respectfully represents that
he is a citizen and resident of Shelby County, State of (2) Tennessee
that he is the original owner of the hereinafter mentioned claim;
(3) That he had never sold, assigned, or transferred any interest in this claim
that there was (4) taken from the petitioner for the use of
the army of the United States, for which no payment has been made, or com-
pensation received in any manner of from any source for any part thereof,
the following described supplies, viz: (5) There was taken by Col Weaver of the
17th Iowa Infantry Vols. in the fall 1862.
No. 1. Four stacks of Fodder 2800 pounds at $1.50==$42.00
No. 2. Taken by Col. Grierson Camp Command 10 bu of corn at $1.=10.00
No. 3. About 1st of Jany 1863 by General Grants Command one hundred bushels of
Sweet-potatoes at $1. ==$100.00
No. 4. About 1st of Sept 1863 by Col Loomis Command one horse bridle and saddle, $150
No. 5. Taken by Col. Henderson of an Iowa Command in the fall of 1864.
No. 6. One valuable sow $25.00
No. 7. 2 Shoats at$10. ==$20.00
No. 8. About Dec. 1864 by Col Sheats Command fifty bushels of corn at $1.00=$50.00
No. 9. 1000pounds of fodder at 1.50==$15.00
No. 10. One fine cow, 2 yearlings and one calf, one hundred dollars==$100.00
No. 11. Feeding General Smith’s Command when on a raid, Thirty dollars==$20.00
No. 12. Feeding General Sturgis Command when on a raid into __? Thirty dollars=$30.00
Total $562.00
that the prices charged are the fair market value for the supplies at the time and place last mentioned, as your petitioner is informed and believes; that said supplies were (6) taken for the actual use of the United States army from his place about three _? _? of Collierville, Tenn. that this claim (7) has never been presented in any Department of the Gov’t and this is the first attempt made to collect.
Your petitioner further say that he hereby appoints Gilbert Moyers of Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, as his true and lawful attorney to appear before the Claims Commission appointed under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1871, or any court, Department or Bureau of the United States and prosecute his claim to final issue, with full power of substitution, hereby ratifying and confirming all said attorney shall lawfully do in virtue hereof, and hereby annulling and revoking all other powers of attorney in the premises. Your petitioner further states that he is now and was at the time the several items of his said claim accrued, as herein stated, a citizen of the United States; that he remained a loyal adherent to the cause and Government of the United States, during the war of 1861, &c.; and was so loyal before and at the time of the taking or furnishing of the property for which this claim is made.
W.J. Buchanan Jas M. Gowing
Colin Reed Claimant’s Signature
(8) James M. Gowing, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, and who signed the same; that the matters therein stated are true of deponent’s own knowledge, except as to those matters which are sated on information and belief, and, as to those matters, he believes them to be true. And deponent further says that he did not voluntarily serve in the Confederate army or navy, either as an officer, soldier, or sailor, or in any other capacity, at any time during the rebellion; that he never voluntarily furnished any stores, supplies, or other material aid to said Confederate army or navy, or to the Confederate Government, or to any officer, department, or adherent of the same, in support thereof, and that he never voluntarily accepted or exercised the functions of any office whatsoever under, or yielded voluntary support to the said Confederate Government.
Jas M. Gowing
Subscribed to and sworn before me, this 24th day of January, 1873
David M. Philp?
United States Comm.
No. 19079
James M. Gowing
Shelby County
State of Tennessee
Virginia A. Gowing Page 1
Mary Robinson Page 11
Claimant Page 15
Henry F. Dix
Special Commissioner
G. Moyers
Of Memphis, Attorney
April 18/73
Filed Febr. 27, 1873
Henry F. Dix
Spl. Comm.
Office of GILBERT MOYERS, Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1878.
The existing rule upon the subject of taking testimony by special commission at or near the residence of claimants has been modified as to read as follows:
Claimants who whose do not exceed three thousand dollars may take their testimony before a special commissioner appointed by this Board, without making application to the Commissioner at Washington; but their petition must have been duly presented and filed with the clerk. They may apply in writing to such special commissioner within the State as it is most convenient to apply to. The application must state that the claimant has duly presented his petition to this Board, at Washington; must set forth the substance of the petition; must contain an account; by items, of the property taken or furnished,--the items being numbered in succession and their total value stated on the foot of the account; and must state as in the petition, when, where, and by whom such property was taken for the use of the army. The application must specify the names of the witnesses and their residence as given in the petition, and whether called to prove the loyalty of the claimant or the other facts. The commissioner will preserve such application, and will take the depositions of the witnesses named. He will affix the application to the depositions when taken, and send if with the depositions to the clerk.
Before the Commissioners of Claims.
(Under Act of Congress March 3, 1871)
In the matter of the claim of James M. Gowing of Collierville, in the County of Shelby and State of Tennessee.
Comes now the claimant before Henry F. Dix, Esq., Special Commissioner for the State of Tennessee, and represents that he had heretofore filed with the above-named Commissioners a petition for the allowance of a claim for property (2)……………..for the use of the army of the United States, which claims, as stated below, does not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars.
That the said claim, stated by items, and excluding therefrom all such items as refer to the
Damage, Destruction and Loss, and not the Use, of property; to unauthorized or unnecessary Depredations of troops or other persons upon the property, or to Rent or compensation for the occupation of buildings, grounds, or other real estate, is as follows:
No. Quantities and Articles Value
of Item Dollars---Cents
1 4 stacks Fodder-2,800 lbs @ 1.50 42.00
2 10 bu Corn 10.00
3 100 bu Sweet Potatoes 100.00
4 1 Horse, Saddle & Bridle 150.00
5 valuable Sow 25.00
6 2 Shoats @ 10. 20.00
7 50 bu Corn 50.00
8 1,000 lbs Fodder @ 1.50 15.00
9 1 fine Cow, 2 Yearlings & a Calf 100.00
10 Feeding of Gen. Smith’s Command 20.00
11 Feeding of Gen. Sturgis Command 30.00
Total $562.00
That, as stated in the petition referred to, the property in question was taken from or furnished by James M. Gowing of Collierville, in the State of Tennessee, for the use of a portion of the army of the United States, known as (3) the Army of Ctr, Tennessee, and commanded by Generals Grant, Hulbert? and others and that the persons who took or received the property, or who authorized or directed it to be taken or furnished, were the following:
Name Rank Co. Regiment, Corps, or Station
Weaver Col 17th Iowa
Grierson Col 6th Ills. Cav.
Loomis Col Collierville
Henderson Col Iowa Regt
Sheats Col
Smith Gen on raid
Sturgis Gen on raid
That the property was removed to (4) (blank) and used for or by (5) (blank) all this on or about the following dates, as appears by the petition presented to the Commissioners:
Items 1, taken by Col.Weaver Fall/62
Items 2,3 taken by Col. Grierson Jan. 1/63
Items 4 taken by Col. Loomis Sept. 1/63
Items 5,6 taken by Col. Henderson Fall/64
Items 7,8,9 taken by Col. Sheats Dec./64
Items 10,11 taken at time of raids
That, by the following-named persons, the claimant expects to prove that from the beginning of hostilities against the United States, to the end thereof, his sympathies were constantly with the cause of the United States; that he never, of his own free will and accord, did anything, or offered, or sought, or attempted to do anything, by word or deed, to injure said cause or retard its success, and that he was, at all times ready and willing, when called upon, or if called upon, to aid and assist the cause of the Union, or its supporters, so far as his means and power and the circumstances of the case permitted:
That, by the following named persons, the claimant expects to prove the taking or furnishing of the property for the use of the army of the United States:
Virginia A. Gowing of Collierville, Tenn.
Mary Robinson of Collierville, Tenn.
The claimant now prays that the testimony of the witnesses just designated to be taken and recorded at such place, and at such time as the special commissioner may designate, at the reasonable cost of the said claimant; and that due notice of the time and place of the taking thereof be given to the claimant, or to his counsel.
Submitted on this 27th day of February, 1873.
James M. Gowing, Claimant.
Atty. G. Moyers, Attorney
P.O. Address of Attorney: Memphis, Tennessee.
Directions.-(1)-Insert number of claim, when known.
(2)-“Taken” or “furnished.”
(3)-Describe the military organization by name as fully and particularly as possible.
(4)-State as well as can be done the place to which the property was conveyed for the use of the army.
(5)-State as fully and minutely as is possible the particular persons or commands using the property, and to what particular use it was applied.
(6)-Give the reasons why the witnesses cannot be brought to Washington.
(7)-The claimant’s name should be signed here in person or by attorney.
[Front Page.]
Before the Commissioner of Claims
Act of Congress, March 3, 1871.
Case of James M. Gowing
No. 19079
It is hereby certified, that on the 27th day of February, 1873, at Memphis, in the county of Shelby, and State of Tennessee, personally came before me the following persons. viz:
James M. Gowing (marked out) Claimant,
B.J. Buchanan for G. Moyers, Counsel or Attorney,
and Virginia A. Gowing and Mary Robinson, Claimant’s Witnesses,
for the purpose of a hearing in the above entitled cause.
Each and every deponent, previous to his or her examination, was properly and duly sworn or affirmed by me to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, concerning the matters under examination; and the testimony of each deponent was written out by me, or in my presence, and as given before me, and subsequently read over to said deponent, by whom it was also subscribed in my ____?(Seal covers the word(s)
(Seal covers the word(s) __s? my hand and seal this 10th day of April 1873,
Henry F. Dix
Special Commissioner of the Commissioner of Claims.
(Seal covers the word(s) __ion? of Virginia A. Gowing
My name is Virginia A. Gowing, my age 42 years, my residence Collierville, Shelby County, in the State of Tennessee, and my occupation a house keeper; I am (line drawn)
related to the claimant, James M. Gowing, (faded spot on word(s) __? have a beneficial interest in the claim. I am the wife of claimant, no interest otherwise.
[Note: The Claimant should always be first examined when present, in which case the words “related to” as printed immediately above, should be stricken out.]
Examined by Claimant’s Counsel, Claimant being absent.
Item 1. In the fall of 1862 we lived on the M. & C. R.R. about 3 miles from Collierville. Several wagons in charge of some Federals, I don’t know there command went over to a lot and took 4 stacks of fodder. The soldiers were encamped all along the Rail Road at the different stations. We lived at Bray’s station, there was no fence, I think, right at the station but there was one about ¼ of a mile west. The fodder was in a field, my husband marked g, I think, Miles? over?. I do not know how many (faded area) acres there were in the field. His fodder was pulled from the corn raised in that field. I suppose there were 25 or 30 acres in that field but I am not certain. I had seen the 4 stacks-I saw the soldiers go over with 3 or 4 wagons and an escort of Calvary-They passed within 50 yards of the barn as they went for the fodder-There was one officer with them. I saw him, he rode up to the house, I do not know what his name was-he asked where our provider was, I mean for age-and said he wanted some-I told him what he (wanted is crossed out) is was in the field-I do not remember whether my husband was at home-The negroes were there-it was in the day time, I can not tell the hour. About an hour or two afterwards they returned with their wagons loaded and went west towards their camp-I can’t say how much fodder there was-It was piled up in the wagons-His fodder was the corn blades, I do not remember the take of this and can’t tell whether it was the first thing taken. It was among the first.
Item 2. His corn was taken by Genl. Grierson Cavly. He was encamped down below us-He used to send the men up there to get corn, I do not know how much they took-It was kept in a crib not very far from the house-I saw them take it. The corn was in the shuck-in the crib. They came several times, an officer came the first time and looked into the crib and then his men came and got corn-Nothing was said to him- he was on a horse.
Item 3. There was a large hill of sweet potatoes taken by, I think by Grants army. I think this was in October or November, 1862 or 1863. There were nine large ones. My husband put it down at the time as 100 bushels- I thought there was more-we raised more than an acre that year.
Item 4. They took the horse saddle & bridle-he was a splendid horse-my husband bought him before the war of a neighbor, Wm Moncrief.? I don’t know what he paid-he could have sold him during the war for $200.-I don’t know who took him-but I saw him taken-and begged for him, I think these soldiers went toward Collierville, they were Calvary, a good many, 25 or 30 and there was an officer with them-He was a the fence and I asked him if he was going to let the soldiers take my horse. He said he was going to take all that was on the road.
Item 5 & 6. All I know is the soldiers killed the hogs. We had a fine blooded sow which we raised. The little hogs were kept in the yard, the soldiers shot them and dragged them off-They were encamped within 50 yards of where the hogs were-There were 3 or 4 hogs-good sized ones-in pretty good order-I saw them shoot the hogs and carry them off.
Item 7. This was taken by Col. Sheats command. He had been off South on a raid and on their return. I should think there were a thousand came along about Christmas-in the afternoon-I had company at the time, neighbors visiting, Mrs. Mearchan? and Miss Mollie Biggs, and they could not get home through the lines. They drove their teams in where the crib was and loaded it while the soldiers were shooting the cows and heifer-They camped about ¼ of a mile away-West of me. The corn was in the crib, we had raised it-I reckon they took 10 or 12 barrels of corn-It was in the shuck-They carried if of in teams-and the soldiers would come in and get some in sacks and carry it off on their horses. They were encamped there about 2 days.
Item 8. At the same time they took some fodder. I don’t know how much-The soldiers will fill a sack with corn and then strap on to it some fodder.
Item 9. This was a large red cow-we raised her-she was 3 years old-did not give milk-she was in good condition. There were 2 yearlings and 2 calves taken at the same time.
Item 10 & 11. I fed the troops of Genl Smith’s command all day long-as they were passing. Mary a colored woman assisted me. I can’t tell how many got meals then that day- I kept an open house- a public __? that day-I did not have time to talk with any of them-I do not remember the day of the month-It was about Christmas, 1864.
Examined by Court
Item 1. Those stacks were not in sight of the barn and I did not see the soldiers take them, but I saw the soldiers go that way with empty wagons and come back with them loaded with fodder.
Item 2. I saw the soldiers getting corn but don’t know how much they got each soldier came up and got what he wanted.
Item 3. I saw them take the sweet potatoes, there was a whole regiment of soldiers. They had just came off a raid. There were officers all about them. As the wagons were passing they stopped an hour perhaps and the soldiers put the potatoes into their and hauled them to then their camp or at least away. I do not know when they were encamped particularly-but they were all along the road.
Item 4. I saw the horse taken under the circumstances stated.
Item 5 & 6. I saw the fine sow killed-do not know whether there was an officer. Mr Gowing went over to the camp to see about it—I saw the two shoats shot by the soldiers. There was no officer with the men, I did not say anything to them.
Item 7 & 8. I saw the corn taken, it was in the crib about 50 yards from the house. There was an officer with the men but I do not know his name. The soldiers carried it off in bags-I saw them take the fodder at the same time.
Item 9. I saw the soldier shoot the cow-she was in the lot. Officers were all about them. I did not hear any order given about the cow, I heard the officer tell the men to help themselves and take what they wanted and they tried to do it.
And further deponent saith not.
V.A. Gowing
Deposition of Mary Robinson (Cold)—(colored)
Examined by Claimants Counsel
My name is Mary Robinson-age I reckon about 50 years-residence Collierville, Tenn. and occupation a house keeper-I am a colored woman, I have no beneficial interest in this claim.
I was the slave of James M. Gowing the claimant before the war. He had some property taken by the U.S. Army during the war-I do not know the dates when it was taken-or what the officers or soldiers were-they took some corn once and at another time some fodder-I helped make the corn and fodder. The corn was in the shuck and the fodder in bundles-the corn was in a crib near the house and the fodder in a lot some distance away-I do not know how many acres we had that year in corn-The soldiers were encamped all along the Rail Road and the other road, I saw them take the corn. The soldiers had horses-some of the corn was taken in the day time and some in the night.
Item 3. I saw them take the sweet potatoes. I can’t tell how many soldiers there was, a great many. They carried them off on a wagon and some on their horses.
Item 4. I saw them take the horse, he was hitched with a saddle and bridle an, He was light brown I should think, I was at the door in the cook house when they took the horse. I can’t say any body but myself with me, Wm Gowing was at the house-also Mrs. Gowing. I do not know what they did with him.
Item 5 & 6. They took a sow and 2 shoats-They was in the lot, I saw them living then along dead, I did not see them kill the hogs-they dragged them out to their wagons-The sow was larger, the others small-I used to feed the hogs some.
Item 9. They killed a likely cow and a young calf. I heard the gun and went down there where they were skinning her, they carried her up to camp, she had never had a calf, but was full grown- a large cow. The calf was not more than two days old. They must have carried the cow off-for she went some where.
Item 10 & 11. I don’t know what soldiers they were but I cooked for them-They came to the house and ate Mr Gowing and Mrs Gowing told me to cook, she gave it all up to me to cook, she stayed in the house-I cooked for them a long time.
Examined By Court
I do not live with claimant now or on his land-he did not tell me he would buy my anything for testifying. I have not talked with him about this claim.
Item 1. I saw the soldiers going towards the field where the stacks of fodder were and saw them come away. I was at the house and could not see them load the fodder.
Item 3. I think they got about 200 bushels of sweet potatoes-I did not hear the officers or men speak about the sweet potatoes, except Mrs. Gowing told the soldiers who was getting them, not to take them all, one of them told her that if she did not go into the house and hush he would shoot her-that so “flustrated” me that I got away as soon as I could.
Item 4. I saw a soldier get on the horse and ride him away-I don’t know which way they went with him-I went back into the house.
Item 9. I did not see them kill the cow, all I know about it is that I heard a gun go off and the next day I was up where I supposed they killed her-I did not see what they did with her.
And further deponent saith not.
Mary (her x mark) Robinson
In the presence of Henry F. Dix
Feby 28th, 1873
Deposition of James M. Gowing
Claimant taken in absence of his attorney. Examined by court.
Attorney was not present during the examination of witness in any case yesterday.
To 1st the Deponent says-
My name is James M. Gowing, age 59 years, residence Collierville, Shelby County, Tenn.-occupation is a farmer, I am the claimant.
To 2nd the Deponent says-
From the 1st of April 1861, to the 1st of June 1865, I resided about three miles west of Collierville, Shelby County, Tennessee on the Memphis & Charleston Rail Road, at Bray’s Station, 22 miles from Memphis-I resided on land I rented from Miles Owen, who lived at Memphis, and does now- I rented 50 acres all under cultivation, I paid him $25.00 per acre rent, it was right at Bray’s Station a few hundred yards from the Rail Road. I was a farmer-I did not change my occupation during that time, and did not change my residence except in 1862 or 1863. I moved from the place I rented from Owen as above stated to a place containing 500 acres belonging to Capt. Frank Hicks. It was about half a mile from the Owens place and on the Rail Road West of the Owens place. Capt. Hicks moved to Memphis and got me to go there and stay. He did not charge me any rent. Part of the property for which this claim is made was taken while I lived on the Owens farm and part while I lived on the Hicks place.
To 3rd the Deponent says. No.
To 4th the Deponent says. No.
To 5th the Deponent says I do not know whether I ever took any amnesty oath. I have never been pardoned by the President.
To 6th the Deponent says. No.
To 7th the Deponent says. No.
To 8th the Deponent says. No.
To 9th the Deponent says. No.
To 10th the Deponent says. No.
To 11th the Deponent says. No.
To 12th the Deponent says. No.
To 13th the Deponent says. No.
To 14th the Deponent says. No.
To 15th the Deponent says. No.
To 16th the Deponent says. No.
To 17th the Deponent says. No.
To 18th the Deponent says No except, Confederate soldiers ate at my house, I can’t tell how many times they came-one or two would come at a time and I gave them a meal of ___als? the same as I afterwards did to the Federals.
To 19th the Deponent says never except about the time the war broke out I helped make some mattresses for the sick, I was living at Bray’s Station, and the citizens used to meet at the store house and make mattresses, I do not think they met more than once and then they stayed 2 or 3 days. I was not a regular worker then but was called in one or two days and worked on the mattresses. I do not know how many mattresses were made then-I can’t say how many people worked, not more than a dozen though, I think.
To 20th the Deponent says. No.
To 21st the Deponent says. No.
To 22nd the Deponent says. No.
To 23rd the Deponent says. No.
To 24th the Deponent says the Confederates ambushed me in 1863 or 1863. I had just started from home for Memphis with a bale of cotton, and a company of soldiers came up and said I was giving aid and comfort to the Federals, and they would arrest me. They burned my bale of cotton and held me under arrest about half a day-and was released, I did not take any oath. I was arrested by the M.S. authorities in 1863 or 1864 I think. Genl?(faded area) Chalmen? had made a raid in Collierville and Capt Frank Hicks and myself were out looking about and listening-a regiment of Federals (I don’t know what Regiment it was) came along and arrested me and sent me to Memphis and I was confined in the Irving Block, I do not know what charges was made against me-I was released the next morning. Josiah Deloash? now Post Master at Memphis and Capt. Frank Hicks got me out. I took no oath of any kind-none was required of me. I was arrested several times by the Federals while on the road near my house and kept an hour or so and then released as soon as they learned who I was-no charge was made against me and I was released each time without taking any oath by the Federals on their motion.
To 25th the Deponent says. No.
To 26th the Deponent says. No.
To 27th the Deponent says. No.
To 28th the Deponent says. No only in the way of occasionally feeding soldiers when they come to my house one or two or half a dozen at a time. I used to invite the officers to my house for dinner.
To 29th the Deponent says I cannot say I did, I stood as nearly still as I could, and have nothing to do with it either way.
To 30th the Deponent says. Only some nephews- Thos. W. Allen, who now lives at Commerce, Miss. and Ben Allen who was killed in the army. I did not furnish either of them with any military equipments, clothing, or money. I did not contribute anything in any way to aid or support either of them while in the Rebel service. Except Thos. W. stayed at my house one night once-He was alone-That was while the Federals occupied that section of county. He belonged to Forest Cavalry-
To 31st the Deponent says. No.
To 32nd the Deponent says not that I know of.
To 33rd the Deponent says. No.
To 34th the Deponent says No.
To 35th the Deponent says No.
To 36th the Deponent says No.
To 37th the Deponent says No.
To 38th the Deponent says No.
To 39th the Deponent says No.
To 40th the Deponent says I have always sympathized with the Union-If I could tell my feelings I would, I now believe we should have any war-I thought if we had any cause for war, we should fight in the Union and not out of it-I always contended that we ought not go to war-because it would break up the Union and we never would have peace-I talked with J.R. Maddox, now a merchant in Collierville, and others whose names I cannot now remember, I do remember Davis Biggs, who is now dead. We were both Douglas Democrats-I exerted my influence on the side of the Union-that is on the Douglas side. At the time the war broke out I was about neutral so far as my influence was concerned-I sympathized with the Union cause all the time.
I voted for secession and will explain why-I think I voted for secession at both elections, one in February 1861, and one in June 1861. My reason for doing so was this…There was a conservative sitting at Washington D.C.to compromise the difficulties. They were at words a long time and it was contended by the people in my section, that if Tennessee would vote to go out, the Convention would settle the matter at once, and we would have no war. They said the Convention was waiting to see what Tennessee would do-Under this impression, wishing to avoid the war, I voted for secession, had it not been for that I never would have done it-I remember about the two elections in Tennessee and I think I voted for secession both times. After the Ordinance of Secession was adopted I tried to remain as neutral as I could.
To 41st the Deponent says I had sympathy for the people among whom I resided, but as between the Union cause and the Southern cause my sympathies were for the former-I determined to take a neutral stand and did so. I never did anything to injure said cause or retard its successes further than I have stated-I did not want to do anything either way.
As to Property—
Item 1. I was at my house when this fodder was taken. It was not in sight of the house-I did not see them take it, but believe they did. There were 4 stacks and I think there was 2800 pounds-It was worth $1.50 per hundred.
Item 2. I saw Grierson Cavly take this corn. Pickets were at my gate and got corn every night to feed their horses until the officer in command of the force then gave me a guard, to keep them from getting it. None was taken after that.
Item 3. I was not at home when these sweet potatoes were taken. I had fully 100 bushels. I went away one morning and got back in the evening and found them all gone, They were worth more than what I have charged.
Item 4. I was at home when the horse, saddle & bridle were taken. He was in the lot, and a squad of soldiers came up when I was in my yard and asked me for a bridle and I gave them a bridle and saddle. Several of them went down into the field and caught the horse-There had been a raid by the Confederates who tore up the Rail Road and Col. Loomis.( I don’t know what his command was) ordered all the horses in that section taken. They took two horses from me at the time this one was taken. It was in the month of June 1863 or 1864. We were plowing corn-A soldier rode on one of my horses and led the other. About a week afterwards I saw Col. Loomis and he gave me a written order for the horses if I could find them. He did not say whether the soldiers had any right to take my horses. I do not remember whether there was any officer with the soldiers who took my horses. I looked through the camp for my horses after Col. Loomis gave me the order for them but could find only one, the other one for which I have claims pay, I never did find. It was a bay horse 9 years old and was worth at that time $150.. I could have sold him for that.
Item 5. Lt. Col. Derbin (Col. Henderson’s Regt of the 100 day men I think) I can’t tell his regiment) had a stockade near my home, He told me the soldiers should not departake? on me, but they would-He told me to keep my stock in my lot. One Sunday morning a fine sow was found outside turned out by the soldiers I think, and the soldiers shot her-I told Col. Derbin about and he said to excuse it-saying the soldiers were not allowed to departake on me and if I would keep my stock in the lot, they should not any more-I did not see them shoot the sow but saw them dragging her to camp. They pretended they did not know she belonged to me.
Item 6. I saw the shoats killed. The soldiers shot them. I don’t know as they had any authority to shoot them. They were going along the road and half a dozen got over into the lot where the shoats were and shot two. I did not say anything to them-I did not notice any officer. The soldiers were on the march aiming towards Memphis.
Item 7. Col. Sheats, I don’t know his Regiment come back from a raid down in Mississippi and camped right at my house. He had a Regiment of Infantry and Cavalry. They got to my house late in the afternoon and stayed until 10 o’clock the next day. Soon after they came I saw they were getting my corm from my crib, the soldiers put it into sacks and carried it off on their mules-I saw Col. Sheats and he said he was compelled to feed on me that night, and he did-I think they took more than 10 barrels of corn-A barrel is 5 bushels. I paid just afterwards $7.00 per barrel.
Item 8. They took a lot of fodder at the same time, under the same circumstances-I had it packed in a large crib and judged there was 1000 pounds-I estimated the quantity from the amount of land I cultivated and as it looked in the crib. I suppose I had about 30 barrels of corn. 12 to 15 acres. That would make more than 1000 pounds of fodder. It was worth $1.50 per hundred pounds.
Item 9. I did not see them take the cow but think I saw her after she was shot. I did not say anything to the soldiers about her-She was killed by Col. Sheats men.
I never got receipts for any of this property and never asked for any. I have never received pay for any property taken by the United States Government.
I set down in a memorandum book, a list of the property I had taken a while after it was taken, I can’t say just how long-I have that book at home-I have lately refreshed my memory by examining that book-
And further deponent saith not.
Jas M. Gowing
John M. Gowing (sic)
James M. Gowing
Claimant voted for secession and “explains” why:
See Page 22
Washington, D.C., May 25th, 1874.
James M. Gowing
Shelby Co.
No. 19079
On list of Bankrupts
from Memphis, Tenn.
Act March 3D, 1871.
No. 19.079
James M. Gowing.
Shelby County,
State of Tennessee
Summary Report
Amount allowed, $ (line drawn-no amount)
187_(no date entered)
No. 19.079
The Claim of James M. Gowing, of Shelby Co., in the State of Tennessee.
No. of Nature of Claim Amount Claimed Amount Allowed Amount Disallowed
Item Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents
1 4 Stacks of fodder 42.00 ------- 42.00
2 10 bushels of Corn 10.00 ------- 10.00
3 100 bushels sweet potatoes 150.00 ------- 150.00
4 1 horse, bridle & saddle 150.00 ------- 150.00
5 1 Sow 25.00 ------- 25.00
6 2 Shoats 20.00 ------- 20.00
7 50 bushels of Corn 50.00 ------- 50.00
8 1000 lbs of fodder 15.00 ------- 15.00
9 1 Cow, 2 yearlings & 1 calf 100.00 ------- 100.00
10 Feeding federal soldiers 30.00 ------- 30.00
11 Feeding federal soldiers 30.00 ------- 30.00
$562.00 ------- 562.00
I. Claimant is on the list of Bankrupt’s from Memphis. Tennessee.
II. He opted for secession at both elections. Feb. & June 1861. After secession he claims to be neutral & to have had nothing to do with it either way. At the beginning of the war he worked in an Aid Society-making mattresses for a confederate hospital. After Memphis he was taken he was arrested several times by the federals.
Loyalty not proved and claim disallowed.
A.O. Aldes
O. Ferriss
Comm’s of Claims
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