Digital Library on American Slavery
Petition 21384554 Details
Location: Union, South Carolina
Salutation: To the Chancellors of the said State (, )
Filing Court and Date: Equity, 1845-October-27
Ending Court and Date: Equity, 1845-October-27
General Petition Information
Abstract: The minor sisters Margarett and Mary Dillard sue by their next friend to collect money owed them by their guardian. In 1838, Charles Dillard "entered into bond and security for the discharge of his trust as" the sisters' guardian; John Craig stood as security. To perfect the bond, Dillard conveyed a total of nine slaves to Craig. During his guardianship, Dillard has “received at different times” $3308 from the girls’ estate. Recently, a number of creditors "have obtained Judgments against" Dillard, who is now insolvent. Sheriff Robert Macbeth has levied on the mortgaged slaves and intends to sell them "on the next sale day" to satisfy the creditors. The petitioners argue that their debt against Dillard takes preeminence over the other creditors. In order to protect their interests, the petitioners pray that the sheriff be enjoined from selling the slaves for the benefit of the other creditors and that, instead, they be sold and the proceeds "applied in the first place to satisfy the amount which" is owed to the sisters. They further pray that Dillard's letters of guardianship be revoked and "that some fit & proper person may be appointed the guardian."
Document mention sthe name CHARLES GOWEN
Result: partially granted
# of Petition Pages: 5
Related Documents: Order, 27 October 1845
Pages of Related Documents: 1
From the Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Statements:
With permission from C. Leon Harris.
Pension application of Merry McGuire R22752 fn29SC
Transcribed by Will Graves 3/21/09
[Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and/or grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original.]
State of Mississippi Panola County
On this the 14th day of April A.D. 1872 personally appeared S B Hollinshead a citizen and resident of the County of Panola and State aforesaid before me __ a Justice of the Peace within and for said County and State aforesaid who on being duly sworn according to law deposes and says on his oath that sometime during the year 1854 he was engaged in processing testimony to establish a claim in behalf of the heirs of Lieut. Merry McGuire a reputed soldier in the Revolutionary War of 1776 with Great Britain &c -- That he affiant was placed in possession of a writing purporting to be a certificate of one Isaac Goings dated 14th of July 1854, made out before an officer in the State of South Carolina duly qualified to administer oaths and authenticated by (or according to) the act of Congress in which said Certificate, said affiant Goings averred own oath that he said Isaac Goings, was personally acquainted with and knew said Lieut. Merry McGuire, and that he knew him in the said War of the Revolution, that he knew him to be a soldier in said war of the Revolution because he saw and knew him as such in said Service.
And further said affiant Isaac Goings certified on oath that he knew Abner McGuire of Union District South Carolina to be a son of the said Soldier Lieut. Merry McGuire, and further that Lieut. Merry McGuire married one James Smith of Union District South Carolina further averred on oath that Lieut. Merry McGuire died in the year A.D. 1796, that Isaac Goings the Affiant was a citizen and resident of Union District (now Union County) State of South Carolina. I also certify on oath that I procured a certificate from Mrs. Rebecca Goins of Pickens County Alabama in which she stated on oath that she knew Lieut. Merry McGuire of Union District South Carolina to be a Soldier of the Revolutionary War from general rumors, although she did not see him in the Service, that she knew Lieut. Merry McGuire and his wife, that she also knew Abner McGuire to be a son of the said Lieut. Merry McGuire and that she knew A. J. McGuire to be a son of Abner McGuire. I further certify on oath that I inspected the Records of the Military Service of the Revolutionary War in the office of the Comptroller General of South Carolina in the City of Columbia State of South Carolina in the year 1854 and found by the assistance of the Comptroller the record showing that the United States were in arrears with the said Lieut. Merry McGuire (who was also a Sgt. Major) in a large amount of money stated in pounds shillings & pence according to the Concurrency of Great Britain the precise amount of which I do not remember for his services in the Revolutionary War; and I procured a Copied from the said Records certified by the Comptroller General of South Carolina certifying under oath that the copy was a true copy of the Records in his office, the name of the Comptroller General was one Jacobs to the best of my recollection.
I certify further that I and my partner in the Practice of law to wit C. B. Sullivan, Esquire wrote out a Declaration in behalf of the heirs of Lieut. Merry McGuire and file the same in the office of the Commissioner of Pensions claiming for said Arrearages that the Commissioner of
Pensions either decided on it or referred it to the 2nd All returned in Washington DC or to some other officers, I do not remember distinctly to whom who decided that the [indecipherable word or words] heirs of Lieut. Merry McGuire were not entitled under the then Existing laws of Congress because they were not minor heirs or words of that import.
S/ S. B. Hollinshead
Personally appeared the above S. B. Hollinshead before me
& made oath that the matters & things
Stated in the above & foregoing affidavit
R. true to the best of his Knowledge,
information, remembrance & belief
This the 14th day of April 1872
S/ L. B. McHenry [?], Magt.
Original documents for the above can be viewed at Footnote.
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