Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman except where otherwise noted.
25 Aug 1802, Petition to Congress by Citizens of the Mississippi Territory. Pray that a land office be opened, and other subjects:
Signers to Petition, Sect 27: JOHN GOYNER
Signers to Petition, Sect 28: THOMAS GOWIN
(Carter, Clarence Edwin. The Territorial Papers of the United States, Vol V, The Territory of Mississippi, 1798-1817, GOP: 1937, p. 174)
Roots ‘n’ Records by Joyce Shannon Bridges
Letters at the Port Gibson Post Office – Oct 1807
Dr. Thomas Going
1810 Claiborne County, MS Census
Elizabeth Guin – 0-2-1-5-8 – 0-0
Thomas Going - 0-0-0-0-0-1-4 (1 FPC + 4 slaves)
Claiborne County, MS – Early Towns and Communities
All of the land deed to the down-town property, and much of the residential property, stem from the Spanish grant to Samuel Gibson.
“March 23, 1811, Samuel and Rebecca Gibson sold to Thomas Going the site for $25. February 25, 1819, Thomas Going sold to Israel Loring “tenements” for $6,000. December 30, 1839, Israel Loring sold to John C. Melchoir for $2,000. [This transaction was right after the great fire of 1839.]
At the December meeting of the Claiborne County Police Board in 1848, the Board entered into a contract with James Carothers to build a steel bridge across Bayou Pierre at the end of Farmer Street, Port Gibson, specifying the location as “near the old Goings bridge”.
Marriage Contracting Parties
Going, Nancy – Charles Stewart – Feb. 16, 1818
Going, Thomas – Salley Allen – Feb. 10, 1820
The American Beginnings In The Old Southwest by William Baskerville Hamilton
Page 392 - ….subscribed to it heartily, found in 1797 that there was a strong prejudice against bleeding around Natchez, and reported the recovery of Daniel Clark from a fever as a case in point. Clark had been reading a paper of Rush on yellow fever, bled himself, and fully recovered. But as Winans remembered the stat of practice in the territory when he arrived (1811) the prejudice had disappeared, and the doctors were murderous with their bleeding, purging, and evacuation. The only doctor he remembered who did not subscribe to the system was Dr. Going, a mulatto physician of Port Gibson.
An ACT for Thomas Going, a free man of color Thomas Going is authorized to give testimony in court. December 1, 1814. Dean's Stand William Dean patented 80.09 acres W1/2 NW1/4 Section 32 T5N R3W March 26, 1823. Hinds County Tract Book See Mrs. Ratliff, Raymond also, Phil Armintage, grandson of Wm Dean who operated stand at present site of Dillons. 55. pg 191 Dean's Stand. Site marked by family graveyard of Col. W.S. Dillon, who in 1839 acquired "a tract of land known as Dean's stand." Dillon's Stand formally Dean's Stand Francise B Lee, administrator of estate of Thomas Goeng..hath given, bargained and sold to Wilson F Dillon ass that tract of land W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of sec 33 T9R4E, also a tract of land N 1/2 of W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of sec 33 T9 R4E also a tract of land known as Dean's Stand lying and being in the situated in the county of Hinds and state aforesaid on the road leading from Port Gibson to Raymond Containing 850 acres. Feb 20, 1839 Hinds Co Deed Book, Vol 2. p227-78 Mrs. Margaret Dillon acquired the property from F. B. Lee adm. 1939 Thom. Going. Dillon's Stand Interrog "State whether or not Mrs. Margaret Dillon dec'd under the purchase as stated in the bill of complaint, had possesion of all land which were originally conveyed to you[her] by Francis B Lee as adm of Thomas Going which were then known as Dean's Stand" Ans "She had possesion of all said land from the time of her purchase up to the time of her death" Interrog. WF Dillion, Hinds Co chauncery Records. Nov 27, 1874 No 1141 New Series left section. Colonel Wilson F Dillon- Obituary, May 17, 1876. Hinds County Gazzette, Raymond, Miss., Wednesday, May 17 1876m No. 36, Page 1. "Death of Col. WF Dillon-We greatly regret to announce the death of Col. Wilson Dillon, which event occured at his residence near this place on 13th inst. Col. Dillon was one of the most subsantial citizens of the county of Hinds, one of our most valued friends, and a prompt paying subscriber to the Gazette from it's first issue. He was born in Prize Edward County, Va, 1797, and, consequently died in the 79th year of his age. He removed to Mississippi in 1827, forty-nineyears ago, and settled on the palce where he died, 6 miles from Raymondwhen this country was a wilderness. Maby years ago he connected himself with the Methodist Church, of which he continued a highly useful and devoted member, and died with true christian fortitude and resignation. Col. Dillon was an upright and positive man; was a public spirited and well informed citizen; and in early times was a power and ever delighted in speaking of their characteristics and peculiaristies. For many years he was pr! esident of the board of Police of the county, and managed our public affairs most honestly, intelligently and satisfactorily. We mourn the death of our friend, but woe for the bright land 'beyond the sunset," and where he may be joined by his many kindred, friends and aquintances." It's a bit lengthy, but I hope it helps.
T. Stockdale
1816 Claiborne County, MS Census
Thomas Going – 0-0-0-0-0-1-3
Samuel Going – 0-0-0-0-0-10-0
1820 Claiborne County, MS Census
Samuel Going WF: 26-45=1
Tomas Going WF: 10-26=1, 16-26=1, 26-45=1
Record submitted by Anna Going Friedman and transcribed by Tracy Hutchison.
May Term 1823
Going vs Haring
State of Mississippi
Claiborne County
Pleas before the Worshipful Peter A. VanDorn, Presiding Justice of the County Court, and Daniel Burnet and Thomas Freeland his associates esquires. at a court holden in and for the County aforesaid at the court House thereof, on Tuesday the 13th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
Be it remembered that on the day and year aforesaid, James Cornell a Justice of the peace in and for the said county sent into our said court a transcript from his docket which is in the words and figures following to wit
“Thomas Going vs. C. Haring, I said 21st april 1823 Ret 1st May. Service acknd. C. Haring May 1st Judgment for Defendant and that plaintiff pay $1.25 cost. Appeal granted Plft – Transcript. James Cornell (seal) and the said Justice Cornell also sends therewith all the papers ascertaining to the Said cause, including a Bond executed by the said plantiff in the sum of two dollars and fifty cents with A. J. Walton his security conditioned as is directed by the Statute in such cases made and provided
And the said Thomas Going on this day and year above mentioned by Amos Whiting Esquire his Attorney comes into court and complains verbally to our said court for against the said C. Haring for this to wit. that he the said Going is entitled by law to the exclusion privilege of Keeping a ferry for the transportation of passengers and others across the Bayou Pierre at Port Gibson and for the distance of one mile above and below the foot (or post) of Main Street in the said town, and yet that the said Haring not regarding the provisions of the aforesaid Statute hath kept a ferry across the Said creek within the distance above mentioned, to the great damage of the plaintiff and the plaintiff further alleges that according to law, he is entitled to recover the sum of ten dollars for every offence in transporting passengers, which said sum the said defendant is justly indebted to him and neglects and refuses to pay, although often thereto requested:
And the plaintiff further alleges that the judgement of said Justice Cornell is erroneous and unjust and ought to be reversed and that said C. Haring by Joseph L. Gibbs esquire his attorney comes into court, and pleads and defends verbally and says, that he is not so indebted to the plaintiff as he hath declared against him, because he the said Going has forfeited and is not entitled to the exclusive privilege so as aforesaid alleged and of this he prays the court to inquir and the plantiff doth the like
Whereupon the said court proceeded to inquire diligently and particularly by into the matter in controversy, and it is finally considered by the Court, that the plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the sum of ten dollars together with his costs by him about his suit in his behalf expended as well before The said Justice as in this court and the defendant in mercy Ye.
"Port Gibson, December, 1827"
"Messrs. REYNOLDS, BYRNE & Co."
"Gentlemen: Our friend, Mr. Chester Haring, to assist him in business, may require your aid from time to time, either by acceptance or endorsement of his paper or advances in cash. In order to save you from harm by so doing, we do hereby bind ourselves severally and jointly to be responsible to you at any time for a sum not exceeding $8,000 should the said Chester Haring fail to do so. Your obedient servants,"
1830 Claiborne County, MS Census
Thomas Going
Samuel Going
William Going
William Goins
Meredith Gowan
1833, Claiborne Co, Will of Samuel Going, Bk A, p 281. (Wiltshire, Betty Couch. MS Index of Wills, 1800-1900, 1989)
1834 Claiborne County, Tax List:
Thomas Going
(King, J Estelle Stewart, Ms Court Records, 1969)
1838, list of acts passed at the regular sessions of the MS Legislature
To authorize THOMAS GOING to erect and keep a toll bridge over the south fork of the Bayou Pierre at Port Gibson (The Souther Star, Vol I, No 17, Sat Mar 17, 1838 published at Gallatin, MS seen in Family Trails, Vol 6, No 2, Nov 1982)
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