Records Collection Submitted by Anna Going Friedman except where otherwise noted.
25 Aug 1802, Petition to Congress by Citizens of the Mississippi Territory. Pray that a land office be opened, and other subjects:
Signers to Petition, Sect 27: JOHN GOYNER
Signers to Petition, Sect 28: THOMAS GOWIN
(Carter, Clarence Edwin. The Territorial Papers of the United States, Vol V, The Territory of Mississippi, 1798-1817, GOP: 1937, p. 174)
Roots ‘n’ Records by Joyce Shannon Bridges
Letters at the Port Gibson Post Office – Oct 1807
Dr. Thomas Going
1810 Claiborne County, MS Census
Elizabeth Guin – 0-2-1-5-8 – 0-0
Thomas Going - 0-0-0-0-0-1-4 (1 FPC + 4 slaves)
Claiborne County, MS – Early Towns and Communities
All of the land deed to the down-town property, and much of the residential property, stem from the Spanish grant to Samuel Gibson.
“March 23, 1811, Samuel and Rebecca Gibson sold to Thomas Going the site for $25. February 25, 1819, Thomas Going sold to Israel Loring “tenements” for $6,000. December 30, 1839, Israel Loring sold to John C. Melchoir for $2,000. [This transaction was right after the great fire of 1839.]
At the December meeting of the Claiborne County Police Board in 1848, the Board entered into a contract with James Carothers to build a steel bridge across Bayou Pierre at the end of Farmer Street, Port Gibson, specifying the location as “near the old Goings bridge”.
Marriage Contracting Parties
Going, Nancy – Charles Stewart – Feb. 16, 1818
Going, Thomas – Salley Allen – Feb. 10, 1820
The American Beginnings In The Old Southwest by William Baskerville Hamilton
Page 392 - ….subscribed to it heartily, found in 1797 that there was a strong prejudice against bleeding around Natchez, and reported the recovery of Daniel Clark from a fever as a case in point. Clark had been reading a paper of Rush on yellow fever, bled himself, and fully recovered. But as Winans remembered the stat of practice in the territory when he arrived (1811) the prejudice had disappeared, and the doctors were murderous with their bleeding, purging, and evacuation. The only doctor he remembered who did not subscribe to the system was Dr. Going, a mulatto physician of Port Gibson.
An ACT for Thomas Going, a free man of color Thomas Going is authorized to give testimony in court. December 1, 1814. Dean's Stand William Dean patented 80.09 acres W1/2 NW1/4 Section 32 T5N R3W March 26, 1823. Hinds County Tract Book See Mrs. Ratliff, Raymond also, Phil Armintage, grandson of Wm Dean who operated stand at present site of Dillons. 55. pg 191 Dean's Stand. Site marked by family graveyard of Col. W.S. Dillon, who in 1839 acquired "a tract of land known as Dean's stand." Dillon's Stand formally Dean's Stand Francise B Lee, administrator of estate of Thomas Goeng..hath given, bargained and sold to Wilson F Dillon ass that tract of land W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of sec 33 T9R4E, also a tract of land N 1/2 of W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of sec 33 T9 R4E also a tract of land known as Dean's Stand lying and being in the situated in the county of Hinds and state aforesaid on the road leading from Port Gibson to Raymond Containing 850 acres. Feb 20, 1839 Hinds Co Deed Book, Vol 2. p227-78 Mrs. Margaret Dillon acquired the property from F. B. Lee adm. 1939 Thom. Going. Dillon's Stand Interrog "State whether or not Mrs. Margaret Dillon dec'd under the purchase as stated in the bill of complaint, had possesion of all land which were originally conveyed to you[her] by Francis B Lee as adm of Thomas Going which were then known as Dean's Stand" Ans "She had possesion of all said land from the time of her purchase up to the time of her death" Interrog. WF Dillion, Hinds Co chauncery Records. Nov 27, 1874 No 1141 New Series left section. Colonel Wilson F Dillon- Obituary, May 17, 1876. Hinds County Gazzette, Raymond, Miss., Wednesday, May 17 1876m No. 36, Page 1. "Death of Col. WF Dillon-We greatly regret to announce the death of Col. Wilson Dillon, which event occured at his residence near this place on 13th inst. Col. Dillon was one of the most subsantial citizens of the county of Hinds, one of our most valued friends, and a prompt paying subscriber to the Gazette from it's first issue. He was born in Prize Edward County, Va, 1797, and, consequently died in the 79th year of his age. He removed to Mississippi in 1827, forty-nineyears ago, and settled on the palce where he died, 6 miles from Raymondwhen this country was a wilderness. Maby years ago he connected himself with the Methodist Church, of which he continued a highly useful and devoted member, and died with true christian fortitude and resignation. Col. Dillon was an upright and positive man; was a public spirited and well informed citizen; and in early times was a power and ever delighted in speaking of their characteristics and peculiaristies. For many years he was pr! esident of the board of Police of the county, and managed our public affairs most honestly, intelligently and satisfactorily. We mourn the death of our friend, but woe for the bright land 'beyond the sunset," and where he may be joined by his many kindred, friends and aquintances." It's a bit lengthy, but I hope it helps.
T. Stockdale
1816 Claiborne County, MS Census
Thomas Going – 0-0-0-0-0-1-3
Samuel Going – 0-0-0-0-0-10-0
1820 Claiborne County, MS Census
Samuel Going WF: 26-45=1
Tomas Going WF: 10-26=1, 16-26=1, 26-45=1
Record submitted by Anna Going Friedman and transcribed by Tracy Hutchison.
May Term 1823
Going vs Haring
State of Mississippi
Claiborne County
Pleas before the Worshipful Peter A. VanDorn, Presiding Justice of the County Court, and Daniel Burnet and Thomas Freeland his associates esquires. at a court holden in and for the County aforesaid at the court House thereof, on Tuesday the 13th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
Be it remembered that on the day and year aforesaid, James Cornell a Justice of the peace in and for the said county sent into our said court a transcript from his docket which is in the words and figures following to wit
“Thomas Going vs. C. Haring, I said 21st april 1823 Ret 1st May. Service acknd. C. Haring May 1st Judgment for Defendant and that plaintiff pay $1.25 cost. Appeal granted Plft – Transcript. James Cornell (seal) and the said Justice Cornell also sends therewith all the papers ascertaining to the Said cause, including a Bond executed by the said plantiff in the sum of two dollars and fifty cents with A. J. Walton his security conditioned as is directed by the Statute in such cases made and provided
And the said Thomas Going on this day and year above mentioned by Amos Whiting Esquire his Attorney comes into court and complains verbally to our said court for against the said C. Haring for this to wit. that he the said Going is entitled by law to the exclusion privilege of Keeping a ferry for the transportation of passengers and others across the Bayou Pierre at Port Gibson and for the distance of one mile above and below the foot (or post) of Main Street in the said town, and yet that the said Haring not regarding the provisions of the aforesaid Statute hath kept a ferry across the Said creek within the distance above mentioned, to the great damage of the plaintiff and the plaintiff further alleges that according to law, he is entitled to recover the sum of ten dollars for every offence in transporting passengers, which said sum the said defendant is justly indebted to him and neglects and refuses to pay, although often thereto requested:
And the plaintiff further alleges that the judgement of said Justice Cornell is erroneous and unjust and ought to be reversed and that said C. Haring by Joseph L. Gibbs esquire his attorney comes into court, and pleads and defends verbally and says, that he is not so indebted to the plaintiff as he hath declared against him, because he the said Going has forfeited and is not entitled to the exclusive privilege so as aforesaid alleged and of this he prays the court to inquir and the plantiff doth the like
Whereupon the said court proceeded to inquire diligently and particularly by into the matter in controversy, and it is finally considered by the Court, that the plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the sum of ten dollars together with his costs by him about his suit in his behalf expended as well before The said Justice as in this court and the defendant in mercy Ye.
"Port Gibson, December, 1827"
"Messrs. REYNOLDS, BYRNE & Co."
"Gentlemen: Our friend, Mr. Chester Haring, to assist him in business, may require your aid from time to time, either by acceptance or endorsement of his paper or advances in cash. In order to save you from harm by so doing, we do hereby bind ourselves severally and jointly to be responsible to you at any time for a sum not exceeding $8,000 should the said Chester Haring fail to do so. Your obedient servants,"
1830 Claiborne County, MS Census
Thomas Going
Samuel Going
William Going
William Goins
Meredith Gowan
1833, Claiborne Co, Will of Samuel Going, Bk A, p 281. (Wiltshire, Betty Couch. MS Index of Wills, 1800-1900, 1989)
1834 Claiborne County, Tax List:
Thomas Going
(King, J Estelle Stewart, Ms Court Records, 1969)
1838, list of acts passed at the regular sessions of the MS Legislature
To authorize THOMAS GOING to erect and keep a toll bridge over the south fork of the Bayou Pierre at Port Gibson (The Souther Star, Vol I, No 17, Sat Mar 17, 1838 published at Gallatin, MS seen in Family Trails, Vol 6, No 2, Nov 1982)
The Lumbee Indians, The Lost Colony of Roanoke and The Goins Family Tree. This Blog will explore the relationships between them. Please note that the blog serves as a collection of all Goins/Going/Gowen early records and that there is no intention to suggest that all Goins are Lumbee related. Only by listing them all, tracking their migration routes and taking your comments on the families into consideration, can we study and determine what lines are related to others. Enjoy!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Marion County, SC Early Records
Records submitted by Joanne Pezzullo. Joanne has lost some records over the years and is not sure exactly of the sources. Several websites contain the some of the same records.
Note of Interest - Ashpole Swamp starts in North Carolina in the Robeson County, NC area and runs down through Marion and Dillion County, SC.
William Middleton Sr. left a sizeable estate (worth about 4,000
pounds not counting land), inventoried and appraised by William
Middleton, Jr., Gideon Gibson, Sr., and Gideon Gibson, Jr. on April 24,
1773. An interesting list of debtors to the estate includes:
Wm Alston due the Estate for Pork......55"--"-
Gideon Gibson Sr Note to the Estate...157"--"-<-----------------------------
George Gibson due to the Estate........26"--"-<-----------------------------
John Berry by Acct due the Estate.......5"--"-
Jordan Gibson Sr. Acct.................17"--"- <----------------------------
Benj. Blackmans acct.......96/3
Peter Keighleys acct.......25/
Isaac Nevils acct..........L 5
Thomas Brewintons acct.....60/
Frederick Jones acct...... L 10
Jacob Goings acct dues said Estate......7"10"- <----------------------------
1785. Will of Moses Bass of Prince Georges Parish, George Town Dist, Province of SC, being indisposed in Body.... to MOURNING GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked with a cross & over bit & undr bit in one ear and cross & whole under nick in the other ear; to SARAH GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked in the above mentioned mark; to ELIZABETH GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked with a cross & undr bit & over bit in each ear and branded ME; to ANNE GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one heifer marked with a cross and under bit & over bit in each ear branded ME; to CYNTHA GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one heifer yearling marked with a cross & over bit & under bit in each ear & branded ME; to my beloved cousin Jeremiah Bass, tract of 100 ac granted to John Smith, and one negro named Peter, one negro woman named Fann, one negro boy named Jack with their increase; my wife Elizabeth Bass to have the use of said plantation & tract of land granted to John Smith her lifetime and the use of negroes Peter, Fann & Jack & their increase her life time; to my beloved cousin Wright Bass, the plantation, mill, & tract of land containing 444 ac that I now live on, one negro woman Jane, my wife Elizabeth Bass to have the use of the plantation, mill & tract of land and negro woman her lifetime; to Henry Harison, son of James Harison, one negro woman Cate & increase, my wife to have the use of the negro woman her lifetime; to JOSEPH GOING, JUNR, one negro girl named Judah & increase, my wife to have the use her life time; to my beloved wife Elizabeth Bass, one negro man named Jack, one woman named Florah, one woman named Nan, one boy named Isum, one boy named Roger, and my cattle, about 110 head, branded ME, all my stock of horses & mares, all my household furniture & plantation tools, 26 head of sheep, and my hogs, also negro girl Violet; to JACOB GOING, a plantation of 50 ac granted to John Crawford; I appoint my wife Elizabeth Bass and my friend Luke Whitefield and James Harison, executors, dated 28 Feb 1777. Moses Bass (M) (LS), Wit: Malachi Murfee, Jeremiah Bass (x), Right Bass. A true copy taken from the original and examined by Hugh Horry, Ordinary G Town Dist. Whereas I, the within named Right Bass, am the eldest son of Edward Bass deceased, who was eldest brother of the within named Testator Moses Bass, which said Moses Bass departed this life without issue, whereby I, said Right Bass became his heir at law, and I am willing that all the several devises & bequests in the said will should have full effect, for the memory of my deceased uncle Moses Bass and for the several devisees in the within will, and five shillings, I confirm all the devises, legacies and bequests, 9 Nov 1785. Right Bass (LS), Wit: Chas Cotesworth Pinckney, Wm Smith. Proved in Charleston Dist by the oath of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 28 Jun 1786 before Dl. Mazyck, JP. Rec 28 Jun 1786. S-5, 283-284. (Holcomb, SC Deed Abstracts, 1783-1788, Bks I-5 thru Z-5, 1996. SML 975.7 Hol)
1804 Sumter County Deed... S.C. Marion Dist. Levi Gibson appeared, saith that he was personally acquainted with a certain elderly woman by the name of Franky Going or Taylor. That from her appearances he had cause to believe that she was not of Ethiopian extraction. She was generally reputed to have proceeded from the Indian. He was also acquainted with a certain Gowen Taylor who was said to be the son of aforesaid Franky Taylor and he never was considered in any other way than to have derived from the Indian extraction. Hardy Crawford attested to oath.
Hardy Crawford was married to Rhoda Gibson who is either dau of Jordan or Gibson --
John Gowen Sr. of SC to Solomon Page of Marion Dist.. 3 parties of land containing 250ac on Ashpole Swamp one tract 150 ac being granted to Ignatious Flowers 14 Ap 1774, one other tract 50ac granted to Archable Odom 6 June 1785--Line runs up *Ashpole Swamp to ....... the three tracts near of adj each other and include where John Gowen SR. lives. John Gowen Sr. [His mark] Wit; John Ford, Benj Rawls, proved before Robert Moody Qu 9 Jan 1808 Nancy Gowing [her mark] rdr 12 Oct 1804 before Jesse Bethea JQ .. Rec 7 June 1810
*James Adair, author of the History of American Indians in 1774 and Indian trader, had land in Ashpole Swamp -- his daughter married to John Gibson.
Note of Interest - Ashpole Swamp starts in North Carolina in the Robeson County, NC area and runs down through Marion and Dillion County, SC.
William Middleton Sr. left a sizeable estate (worth about 4,000
pounds not counting land), inventoried and appraised by William
Middleton, Jr., Gideon Gibson, Sr., and Gideon Gibson, Jr. on April 24,
1773. An interesting list of debtors to the estate includes:
Wm Alston due the Estate for Pork......55"--"-
Gideon Gibson Sr Note to the Estate...157"--"-<-----------------------------
George Gibson due to the Estate........26"--"-<-----------------------------
John Berry by Acct due the Estate.......5"--"-
Jordan Gibson Sr. Acct.................17"--"- <----------------------------
Benj. Blackmans acct.......96/3
Peter Keighleys acct.......25/
Isaac Nevils acct..........L 5
Thomas Brewintons acct.....60/
Frederick Jones acct...... L 10
Jacob Goings acct dues said Estate......7"10"- <----------------------------
1785. Will of Moses Bass of Prince Georges Parish, George Town Dist, Province of SC, being indisposed in Body.... to MOURNING GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked with a cross & over bit & undr bit in one ear and cross & whole under nick in the other ear; to SARAH GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked in the above mentioned mark; to ELIZABETH GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one cow marked with a cross & undr bit & over bit in each ear and branded ME; to ANNE GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one heifer marked with a cross and under bit & over bit in each ear branded ME; to CYNTHA GOING, dau of JACOB GOING, one heifer yearling marked with a cross & over bit & under bit in each ear & branded ME; to my beloved cousin Jeremiah Bass, tract of 100 ac granted to John Smith, and one negro named Peter, one negro woman named Fann, one negro boy named Jack with their increase; my wife Elizabeth Bass to have the use of said plantation & tract of land granted to John Smith her lifetime and the use of negroes Peter, Fann & Jack & their increase her life time; to my beloved cousin Wright Bass, the plantation, mill, & tract of land containing 444 ac that I now live on, one negro woman Jane, my wife Elizabeth Bass to have the use of the plantation, mill & tract of land and negro woman her lifetime; to Henry Harison, son of James Harison, one negro woman Cate & increase, my wife to have the use of the negro woman her lifetime; to JOSEPH GOING, JUNR, one negro girl named Judah & increase, my wife to have the use her life time; to my beloved wife Elizabeth Bass, one negro man named Jack, one woman named Florah, one woman named Nan, one boy named Isum, one boy named Roger, and my cattle, about 110 head, branded ME, all my stock of horses & mares, all my household furniture & plantation tools, 26 head of sheep, and my hogs, also negro girl Violet; to JACOB GOING, a plantation of 50 ac granted to John Crawford; I appoint my wife Elizabeth Bass and my friend Luke Whitefield and James Harison, executors, dated 28 Feb 1777. Moses Bass (M) (LS), Wit: Malachi Murfee, Jeremiah Bass (x), Right Bass. A true copy taken from the original and examined by Hugh Horry, Ordinary G Town Dist. Whereas I, the within named Right Bass, am the eldest son of Edward Bass deceased, who was eldest brother of the within named Testator Moses Bass, which said Moses Bass departed this life without issue, whereby I, said Right Bass became his heir at law, and I am willing that all the several devises & bequests in the said will should have full effect, for the memory of my deceased uncle Moses Bass and for the several devisees in the within will, and five shillings, I confirm all the devises, legacies and bequests, 9 Nov 1785. Right Bass (LS), Wit: Chas Cotesworth Pinckney, Wm Smith. Proved in Charleston Dist by the oath of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 28 Jun 1786 before Dl. Mazyck, JP. Rec 28 Jun 1786. S-5, 283-284. (Holcomb, SC Deed Abstracts, 1783-1788, Bks I-5 thru Z-5, 1996. SML 975.7 Hol)
1804 Sumter County Deed... S.C. Marion Dist. Levi Gibson appeared, saith that he was personally acquainted with a certain elderly woman by the name of Franky Going or Taylor. That from her appearances he had cause to believe that she was not of Ethiopian extraction. She was generally reputed to have proceeded from the Indian. He was also acquainted with a certain Gowen Taylor who was said to be the son of aforesaid Franky Taylor and he never was considered in any other way than to have derived from the Indian extraction. Hardy Crawford attested to oath.
Hardy Crawford was married to Rhoda Gibson who is either dau of Jordan or Gibson --
John Gowen Sr. of SC to Solomon Page of Marion Dist.. 3 parties of land containing 250ac on Ashpole Swamp one tract 150 ac being granted to Ignatious Flowers 14 Ap 1774, one other tract 50ac granted to Archable Odom 6 June 1785--Line runs up *Ashpole Swamp to ....... the three tracts near of adj each other and include where John Gowen SR. lives. John Gowen Sr. [His mark] Wit; John Ford, Benj Rawls, proved before Robert Moody Qu 9 Jan 1808 Nancy Gowing [her mark] rdr 12 Oct 1804 before Jesse Bethea JQ .. Rec 7 June 1810
*James Adair, author of the History of American Indians in 1774 and Indian trader, had land in Ashpole Swamp -- his daughter married to John Gibson.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Northumberland County, VA Early Records
Northumberland County, Virginia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northumberland County is a county located on the Northern Neck in the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state in the United States. In 2000, its population was 12,259. Its county seat is Heathsville[1]. The county is located on the Northern Neck peninsula and is part of the Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace AVA winemaking appellation.
The county was created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1648 during a period of rapid population growth and geographic expansion. Settlement began in this area of the Northern Neck around 1635. Originally known as the Indian district Chickacoan, the first appearance of the name Northumberland in the colonial records was in 1644. The following year, John Mottrom served as the first burgess for the territory in the House of Burgesses which met at the capital of the Virginia Colony at Jamestown.
The size of the county was drastically reduced in 1652 and 1653 as Lancaster County and Westmoreland County, respectively, were carved out of Northumberland County.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 286 square miles (740 km²), of which, 192 square miles (498 km²) of it is land and 93 square miles (242 km²) of it (32.68%) is water. The county is located between the Rappahannock River and Potomac River.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
****Note added by Tracy Hutchison – Since Lancaster and Westmoreland counties were not established until a later date, I have opted to place some of the early records with no county listed in Northumberland County until further research proves otherwise.
CAPT. SAMUEL MATHEWES, 4000 acs. a neck of land on the N. side of Rappanhannock River, bounded on the W. by Cassatawoman Cr. which runs E. N. E. towards head of Wiccokomocca River, on N. by Wiccocomocco Riv., on S. by Rappa. Riv. & on the E. with the main bay. Aug. 1, 1643, Page 882. Trans of fowerscore pers:
John Loyd, John Davis, Tho. Chambers, Edw. Clarke, Hen. Townson, Robert Graves, Joseph Jolly, Fr. Dowling, Henry Cosen, Fr. Rosser, Hopkin Griffin, Wm. Peake, John Drewett, Jon. Seager, Jon. Carrow. Jon. Lewis, Junr., Walter Powell, John Roch, Robert Walcoke, John Knighton, James Kate, Arthur Mackworth, Jossy (Jessy (?) Lasting, Silvester Smith, Henry Sanders, Jon. Bathropp (or Lathropp), Walter Jackson, Jon. Pooly, Rich. Vanson, Wm. Thomas, Richard Bradshaw, John Thomas, Jr., John Phillips, Walter Langford, Andrew Hallack, Thomas Clocke, John Robins, Kather. Tresilian, Richard Stephens, Geor. Dowson (or Dawson), Geo. Browson, Christ. Chamberlin, Geo. Austin, Robert Ives, Tho. Beedle, Mathew Biscoe, Richard Christian, Richard Woodruffe, Walter Bowman, Richard Williams, Robert Parrey, Tho. Methold, Peter Fletcher, Georg Harleston, James Jones, Christ. Evans, John Turner, Isaac Hack, Tho. Evans, Junr., Geo. Read, Edward Harrington, Jon. Moore, Georg Austin, Benard Gaying, Jon. Figg, Jon. Smith, Jon. King, Jon. Williams, Jon. Williamson, Thomas -------, &c.
ROBERT BIRD, 1400 acs. lyeing on N. side of Rappa. Riv., next above land of Silvester Thacker & Thomas Whitlock, 29 July 1650, p. 218. Trans of 28 pers: Perregrine Williams, Thomas Paine, William Edmonds, Robert Clerke, Wm. Banister, Eliza. Clubb, Hum. Clarke, Hen. Draper, Anne Guyne (or Gayne), Tho. Goardon, Wm. James, John Lane, Hugh Powell, James Davis, Richd. Steevens, Henry Barlye, Anne White, Wm. Wood, Geo. Ashall, Maselin Bennett, Ann Deany, William Goddin, Hester Carrar, Mary Pitcher, Walter Heard, Robert Medley, Richd. Dowing, Jane Williams.
JOHN COX, 1000 acs., 150 acs. being marsh, on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 22 May 1650, p. 220. Standing on a point of an island running to the mouth of Cedar Creek, etc. Trans. of 20 pers: John Cox twice, Eliza. Cox, Francis Stankey, Robert Lewis, Fra. Little, Richard Hickes, Edward Britton, Allen Mackbitt, Samll. Farmer, his wife ----, Hester Brown, James Goninon (or Gonnion), Mary Wilson, John Greene, Mary Rassell, Richard Shipp, Robert Gonnyon, Bennett Cooper, Xtophr. Holleman, Judeth Halloman, Ellis Newman.
ANDREW GILSON, 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. On the S. side of Tigners Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 243. Trans. of 12 pers: Watt the Plowman, Ann Price, John Charles, Samll. Sloper, Wm. Wignall, Geo. Whitle, Jane Gaynes, Tho. Carter, Andrew Gilson, Mary Gilson, Wm. Spooner, Tho. Baylye, Elizabeth Peter, land due for the last name.
EDWARD WALKER, 900 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Sept. 1650, p. 248. abutting Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., Nly. upon land of Thomas Hoyles (or Hoyley), Sly. towards Yeacomico Riv. & Wly. upon a br. issuing out of River. Trans. of 18 pers: Himself, Sarah his wife, John Walker, Tho. Foote, Edw. Gaynes, Tho. Kerbys wife, Tho. Ball, Wm. Wood, Richd. Taylor, Richd. Hopkins, Nat. Moore, Jno. Greenfield, Richd. Holding, Grace his wife, Wm. Hinam, Mary Batts, Geo. Smith, Wm. Garnett.
WALTER BROADHURST, Gent., 500 acs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. at a point on the W. side of Poore Jack Cr., extending nigh the main river course N. W. to a point on the mouth of Conawoman Cr., which divides same from land of William Hardigg etc. to an Indian cleerefield, etc. 18 Oct . 1650, p. 249. Trans of 10 pers: Robert Beard, William Enson, Ann Knowles, Richard Broadman, Hump. Farmer, John Piper, John Goane, Richard Sabrell, 2 Indians.
R. (ROWLAND) LAWSON, 400 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Eastmost extent of the land of Geo. Eaton, etc. unto sd. Lawson’s former grant &c. 6 Oct. 1654, p. 299. Trans. of 8 pers: Bernard Geines, Eliz. Geines, Mary Palmet, Rose Love, Fra. Plumer, Thomas Jones, Roger Clatworth, Dennis Foard.
RICE JONES & ANTHONY JACKMAN, 1040 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv. , 17 May 1658, p. 277, (378). Beg. nigh the edge of the great swampe or main pocoson, part of same bounded with marked trees belonging to Mr. Miles Dixon, nigh Mattapany path, near head of Dedmans Cr. &c. Trans. of 21 pers: Edward Howgrave, John Anderton, James Payne, Christian Gorein, James Fossett, Tho. Bowman, Prescilla Hollaway, Alice Kinge, Mary Floyd, Mary ----, Eliz. Farme, Edward Allen, Tho. Gill, Robert Doore, John Cox, Fra. Overton, Susanna Nurse, Wm. Mathewes, Gran. Morgans, Doris (?) Williams, Adam Higgison. Renewed 13 Jan. 1661.
**** Note for the above record – The old Rappahannock County was founded 1656 from part of Lancaster County (formed from Northumbeland County), and became extinct in 1692 when it was separated to form Essex and Richmond Counties. The currently existing Rappahannock County was founded by an act of the Virginia General Assembly in 1833. The county's land was carved from Culpeper County. The county was named for the river that separates it from Fauquier County.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northumberland County is a county located on the Northern Neck in the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state in the United States. In 2000, its population was 12,259. Its county seat is Heathsville[1]. The county is located on the Northern Neck peninsula and is part of the Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace AVA winemaking appellation.
The county was created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1648 during a period of rapid population growth and geographic expansion. Settlement began in this area of the Northern Neck around 1635. Originally known as the Indian district Chickacoan, the first appearance of the name Northumberland in the colonial records was in 1644. The following year, John Mottrom served as the first burgess for the territory in the House of Burgesses which met at the capital of the Virginia Colony at Jamestown.
The size of the county was drastically reduced in 1652 and 1653 as Lancaster County and Westmoreland County, respectively, were carved out of Northumberland County.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 286 square miles (740 km²), of which, 192 square miles (498 km²) of it is land and 93 square miles (242 km²) of it (32.68%) is water. The county is located between the Rappahannock River and Potomac River.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
****Note added by Tracy Hutchison – Since Lancaster and Westmoreland counties were not established until a later date, I have opted to place some of the early records with no county listed in Northumberland County until further research proves otherwise.
CAPT. SAMUEL MATHEWES, 4000 acs. a neck of land on the N. side of Rappanhannock River, bounded on the W. by Cassatawoman Cr. which runs E. N. E. towards head of Wiccokomocca River, on N. by Wiccocomocco Riv., on S. by Rappa. Riv. & on the E. with the main bay. Aug. 1, 1643, Page 882. Trans of fowerscore pers:
John Loyd, John Davis, Tho. Chambers, Edw. Clarke, Hen. Townson, Robert Graves, Joseph Jolly, Fr. Dowling, Henry Cosen, Fr. Rosser, Hopkin Griffin, Wm. Peake, John Drewett, Jon. Seager, Jon. Carrow. Jon. Lewis, Junr., Walter Powell, John Roch, Robert Walcoke, John Knighton, James Kate, Arthur Mackworth, Jossy (Jessy (?) Lasting, Silvester Smith, Henry Sanders, Jon. Bathropp (or Lathropp), Walter Jackson, Jon. Pooly, Rich. Vanson, Wm. Thomas, Richard Bradshaw, John Thomas, Jr., John Phillips, Walter Langford, Andrew Hallack, Thomas Clocke, John Robins, Kather. Tresilian, Richard Stephens, Geor. Dowson (or Dawson), Geo. Browson, Christ. Chamberlin, Geo. Austin, Robert Ives, Tho. Beedle, Mathew Biscoe, Richard Christian, Richard Woodruffe, Walter Bowman, Richard Williams, Robert Parrey, Tho. Methold, Peter Fletcher, Georg Harleston, James Jones, Christ. Evans, John Turner, Isaac Hack, Tho. Evans, Junr., Geo. Read, Edward Harrington, Jon. Moore, Georg Austin, Benard Gaying, Jon. Figg, Jon. Smith, Jon. King, Jon. Williams, Jon. Williamson, Thomas -------, &c.
ROBERT BIRD, 1400 acs. lyeing on N. side of Rappa. Riv., next above land of Silvester Thacker & Thomas Whitlock, 29 July 1650, p. 218. Trans of 28 pers: Perregrine Williams, Thomas Paine, William Edmonds, Robert Clerke, Wm. Banister, Eliza. Clubb, Hum. Clarke, Hen. Draper, Anne Guyne (or Gayne), Tho. Goardon, Wm. James, John Lane, Hugh Powell, James Davis, Richd. Steevens, Henry Barlye, Anne White, Wm. Wood, Geo. Ashall, Maselin Bennett, Ann Deany, William Goddin, Hester Carrar, Mary Pitcher, Walter Heard, Robert Medley, Richd. Dowing, Jane Williams.
JOHN COX, 1000 acs., 150 acs. being marsh, on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 22 May 1650, p. 220. Standing on a point of an island running to the mouth of Cedar Creek, etc. Trans. of 20 pers: John Cox twice, Eliza. Cox, Francis Stankey, Robert Lewis, Fra. Little, Richard Hickes, Edward Britton, Allen Mackbitt, Samll. Farmer, his wife ----, Hester Brown, James Goninon (or Gonnion), Mary Wilson, John Greene, Mary Rassell, Richard Shipp, Robert Gonnyon, Bennett Cooper, Xtophr. Holleman, Judeth Halloman, Ellis Newman.
ANDREW GILSON, 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. On the S. side of Tigners Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 243. Trans. of 12 pers: Watt the Plowman, Ann Price, John Charles, Samll. Sloper, Wm. Wignall, Geo. Whitle, Jane Gaynes, Tho. Carter, Andrew Gilson, Mary Gilson, Wm. Spooner, Tho. Baylye, Elizabeth Peter, land due for the last name.
EDWARD WALKER, 900 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Sept. 1650, p. 248. abutting Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., Nly. upon land of Thomas Hoyles (or Hoyley), Sly. towards Yeacomico Riv. & Wly. upon a br. issuing out of River. Trans. of 18 pers: Himself, Sarah his wife, John Walker, Tho. Foote, Edw. Gaynes, Tho. Kerbys wife, Tho. Ball, Wm. Wood, Richd. Taylor, Richd. Hopkins, Nat. Moore, Jno. Greenfield, Richd. Holding, Grace his wife, Wm. Hinam, Mary Batts, Geo. Smith, Wm. Garnett.
WALTER BROADHURST, Gent., 500 acs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. at a point on the W. side of Poore Jack Cr., extending nigh the main river course N. W. to a point on the mouth of Conawoman Cr., which divides same from land of William Hardigg etc. to an Indian cleerefield, etc. 18 Oct . 1650, p. 249. Trans of 10 pers: Robert Beard, William Enson, Ann Knowles, Richard Broadman, Hump. Farmer, John Piper, John Goane, Richard Sabrell, 2 Indians.
R. (ROWLAND) LAWSON, 400 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Eastmost extent of the land of Geo. Eaton, etc. unto sd. Lawson’s former grant &c. 6 Oct. 1654, p. 299. Trans. of 8 pers: Bernard Geines, Eliz. Geines, Mary Palmet, Rose Love, Fra. Plumer, Thomas Jones, Roger Clatworth, Dennis Foard.
RICE JONES & ANTHONY JACKMAN, 1040 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv. , 17 May 1658, p. 277, (378). Beg. nigh the edge of the great swampe or main pocoson, part of same bounded with marked trees belonging to Mr. Miles Dixon, nigh Mattapany path, near head of Dedmans Cr. &c. Trans. of 21 pers: Edward Howgrave, John Anderton, James Payne, Christian Gorein, James Fossett, Tho. Bowman, Prescilla Hollaway, Alice Kinge, Mary Floyd, Mary ----, Eliz. Farme, Edward Allen, Tho. Gill, Robert Doore, John Cox, Fra. Overton, Susanna Nurse, Wm. Mathewes, Gran. Morgans, Doris (?) Williams, Adam Higgison. Renewed 13 Jan. 1661.
**** Note for the above record – The old Rappahannock County was founded 1656 from part of Lancaster County (formed from Northumbeland County), and became extinct in 1692 when it was separated to form Essex and Richmond Counties. The currently existing Rappahannock County was founded by an act of the Virginia General Assembly in 1833. The county's land was carved from Culpeper County. The county was named for the river that separates it from Fauquier County.
York County, VA Early Records
York County, Virginia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Virginia
York County is a county located on the north side of the Virginia Peninsula in the Hampton Roads region of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state of the United States. Situated on the York River and many tributaries, the county seat is the unincorporated town of Yorktown [1], and the county shares borders with the independent cities of Williamsburg, Newport News and Poquoson, as well as James City County.
Formed in 1634 as one of the eight original shires (counties) of the Virginia Colony, York County is one of the oldest counties in the U.S. Yorktown is one of the three points of the Historic Triangle of Colonial Virginia, and the location where victory was accomplished in 1781 at the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War to gain independence from Great Britain.
Native Americans
The area which is now York County was long inhabited by Native Americans. These were hunter-gatherer groups during the late Woodland Period (1000 BCE to 1000 CE) and earlier.
By the late 16th century, much of the coastal plain draining to the Chesapeake Bay of the current Commonwealth of Virginia was called Tenakomakah ("densely-inhabited Land")[3]. There, a weroance (or chief) named Wahunsunacock (1547-1618) created a powerful empire of eastern-Algonquian language-speaking people known as the Powhatan Confederacy by conquering or affiliating by agreement with approximately 30 tribes. Wahunsunacock was originally from a village near the fall line of the James River known as "Powhatan" (located close to the Powhatan Hill neighborhood of the current City of Richmond). He was known as Chief Powhatan, and later established a second capital village in a centrally-located position in Tenakomakah which was known as Werowocomoco. It was located along the north bank of the York River in present-day Gloucester County (which was subdivided from York County in 1651). [4]
The Chiskiack tribe of the Powhatan Confederacy lived in York County on the south side of the York River on the grounds of the present-day Naval Weapons Station Yorktown near Yorktown until the 1630s, when escalating conflicts with the expanding English colony based at Jamestown caused them to move. The former site of the village of Chiskiack (also sometimes spelled "Kiskiack"), as well as the Cheesecake Road and Cheesecake Cemetery (names also thought to have derived from the Powhatan), remain on the military base.
Long-lost after Chief Powhatan moved his capital from there in 1609, the site believed to have been Werowocomoco near Purtan Bay has been under continuing archaeological study projects since the early 21st century. The discoveries and ongoing research led by the College of William and Mary hold great promise in expanding understanding of the lives of the Native Americans in the area during that era of York County's history.
For more details on this topic, see Powhatan Confederacy.
Ajacan Mission
In 1570, the Ajacan Mission was a failed attempt to establish a mission by Spanish Jesuit priests, guided by a Native American convert to Christanity who had been christened Don Luis, and educated in Spain. However, he returned to his native life, and a few months later, led an attack in which the Europeans were slain.
Virginia Colony
About 30 years later, English colonists arrived and established Jamestown in 1607 on the opposite side of the Virginia Peninsula in the Colony and Dominion of Virginia. In 1619, the area which is now York County was included in two of the four incorporations (or "citties") of the proprietary Virginia Company of London which were known as Elizabeth Cittie and James Cittie.
In 1634, what is now York County was formed as Charles River Shire for King Charles I, one of the eight original shires of Virginia. Charles River Shire took its name from the younger son of King James I. In the 21st century, it was one of the five original shires considered extant in esstentially its same political form, making it one of the oldest counties in the United States.
During the English Civil War, Charles River County and the Charles River (also named for the king) were changed to York County and York River, respectively. The river, county, and town of Yorktown are believed to have been named for York, a city in Northern England.
The first courthouse and jail were located near what is now Yorktown although the community, founded as a port for shipping tobacco to Europe, as variously called Port of York, Borough of York, York, Town of York, until Yorktown was established in 1691, when the House of Burgesses required each county to designate a port of entry and build warehousing. Although never formally incorporated as a town, Yorktown is the county seat of York County. The only town ever incorporated within the county's boundaries was Poquoson, which was incorporated in 1952 and became an independent city in 1975.
It is most famous as the site of the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington in 1781, ending the American Revolutionary War. Yorktown also figured prominently in the American Civil War during the Peninsula Campaign in 1862.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
WILLIAM GINSEY (GUINSEY), 300 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 310. Upon Swd. side of Mattapony Riv., which tract is about10 mi. up the river. Trans. of 6 pers: Wm. Guinsey, Geo. Talker, Thomas Anderson, Ben. Dudley.
MR. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 1000 acs. Yorke Co., 14 Apr. 1653, p. 89. Near the head of Ware Creek, N. W. by N. upon former devdt. & N. W. by N. towards Waraney Cr. Trans. of 20 pers: Alexander Watson, Wm. Mackgahye, Andrew Sharpe, Jane Johnson, Randall ------, Isabell Grace, Mary Reeise (?), Tomasin Madero (or Maders), Mary Graham, James ------, Edward Hodge, Richard Gillman, Willm. Moline, Fra. Peppett, Richard Jones, Michaell Barrow, Richard Moore, Joane Rivers, Ja. Nicholson, Wm. Gowin. Renewed 20 Nov. 1654.
October 25, 1657-The Manumission of Mihill Gowen.
[Christopher Stafford decided to free his black servant, Mihill Gowen, in his will. Stafford's sister, Amy Barnhouse, carried out his wishes in 1657. The widow Barnhouse also freed Mihill Gowen's son, William. She did not free her enslaved woman, who was William's mother.]
Bee itt known unto all Christian people that whereas Mihill Gowen Negro of late servant to my Brother Xopher Stafford deced by his last will & Testament bearing Date the 18 of Jan 1654 had his freedom given unto him after the expiration of 4 yeares service unto my uncle Robert Stafford Therefore know all whom itt may concern that I Anne Barnehouse for divers good couses mee hereunto moving doe absolutely quitt & discharge the sd Mihill Gowen from any service & for ever sett him free from any claim of service either by mee or any one my behalf as any part or parcell of my Estate that my be claimed by mee the said Amy Barnhouse my heyres Exers Admrs or Assignes as witness my hand this 25 Oct 1657 Amy (AB) Barnhouse Bee itt knowne unto all Xcian people that I Ame Barnehouse of Martins hundred widdow for divers good causes & consideracons mee hereunto moving hath given unto Mihill Gowen Negro hee being att this time servant unto Robert Stafford a Male child borne the 25 Aug 1655 of the body of my Negro Prosta being baptised by Mr. Edward Johnson 2 Sept 1655 & named William & I the said Amy Barnhouse doth bind my selfe my heyres Exer Admr & Ass never to trouble or molest the said Mihill Gowin or his sone William or demand any service of the said Mihill or his said sone William In wittnes whereof I have caused this to be made & done I hereunto sett my hand & Seale this present 16 Sept 1655 Amy (AB) Barnhouse.
Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (3) 16, 26 January 1657/8.
From: Charles Parish – York County, Virginia – History and Registers – Births 1648-1789 – Deaths 1665-1787 by Landon C. Bell – Published by The Virginia State Library Board
From: Genealogical Services – Price & Associates Incorporated
With permission from:
Nathan W. Murphy, MA, AG®
Researcher and Marketing Director
Surname: Gowin
Given Name: Christopher
Birth, Christening and Other Information
Gender: Male
Date of Birth or Christening: about 1649
Orphan: Unknown
Position in Parent's Family: Unknown
Landowner: Unknown
Literate: Unknown
Convict: Unknown
Length of Indenture
Year of Indenture: by 1673
Place of Indenture
County: York Colony: Virginia
Research Notes
Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1672-1676 (n.p.: n.p., 1991), 60, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 5:49.
From: York County, Virginia Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc., No. 8 – Part One 1687-1691 – Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman
Surname: Gwin
Given Name: Thomas
Birth, Christening and Other Information
Gender: Male
Date of Birth or Christening: about 1651
Orphan: Unknown
Position in Parent's Family: Unknown
Landowner: Unknown
Literate: Unknown
Convict: Unknown
Length of Indenture
Year of Indenture: 1667
Place of Indenture
County: York Colony: Virginia
Research Notes
Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1665-1672 (n.p.: n.p., 1987), 73, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 4:148.
Surname: Gwin
Given Name: Thomas
Birth, Christening and Other Information
Gender: Male
Orphan: Unknown
Position in Parent's Family: Unknown
Landowner: Unknown
Literate: Unknown
Convict: Unknown
Length of Indenture
Year of Indenture: by 1668
Year of Freedom: about 1675
Place of Indenture
County: York Colony: Virginia
Research Notes
Comments: Described as a boy in 1668. Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1665-1672 (n.p.: n.p., 1987), 103, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 4:186.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Virginia
York County is a county located on the north side of the Virginia Peninsula in the Hampton Roads region of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state of the United States. Situated on the York River and many tributaries, the county seat is the unincorporated town of Yorktown [1], and the county shares borders with the independent cities of Williamsburg, Newport News and Poquoson, as well as James City County.
Formed in 1634 as one of the eight original shires (counties) of the Virginia Colony, York County is one of the oldest counties in the U.S. Yorktown is one of the three points of the Historic Triangle of Colonial Virginia, and the location where victory was accomplished in 1781 at the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War to gain independence from Great Britain.
Native Americans
The area which is now York County was long inhabited by Native Americans. These were hunter-gatherer groups during the late Woodland Period (1000 BCE to 1000 CE) and earlier.
By the late 16th century, much of the coastal plain draining to the Chesapeake Bay of the current Commonwealth of Virginia was called Tenakomakah ("densely-inhabited Land")[3]. There, a weroance (or chief) named Wahunsunacock (1547-1618) created a powerful empire of eastern-Algonquian language-speaking people known as the Powhatan Confederacy by conquering or affiliating by agreement with approximately 30 tribes. Wahunsunacock was originally from a village near the fall line of the James River known as "Powhatan" (located close to the Powhatan Hill neighborhood of the current City of Richmond). He was known as Chief Powhatan, and later established a second capital village in a centrally-located position in Tenakomakah which was known as Werowocomoco. It was located along the north bank of the York River in present-day Gloucester County (which was subdivided from York County in 1651). [4]
The Chiskiack tribe of the Powhatan Confederacy lived in York County on the south side of the York River on the grounds of the present-day Naval Weapons Station Yorktown near Yorktown until the 1630s, when escalating conflicts with the expanding English colony based at Jamestown caused them to move. The former site of the village of Chiskiack (also sometimes spelled "Kiskiack"), as well as the Cheesecake Road and Cheesecake Cemetery (names also thought to have derived from the Powhatan), remain on the military base.
Long-lost after Chief Powhatan moved his capital from there in 1609, the site believed to have been Werowocomoco near Purtan Bay has been under continuing archaeological study projects since the early 21st century. The discoveries and ongoing research led by the College of William and Mary hold great promise in expanding understanding of the lives of the Native Americans in the area during that era of York County's history.
For more details on this topic, see Powhatan Confederacy.
Ajacan Mission
In 1570, the Ajacan Mission was a failed attempt to establish a mission by Spanish Jesuit priests, guided by a Native American convert to Christanity who had been christened Don Luis, and educated in Spain. However, he returned to his native life, and a few months later, led an attack in which the Europeans were slain.
Virginia Colony
About 30 years later, English colonists arrived and established Jamestown in 1607 on the opposite side of the Virginia Peninsula in the Colony and Dominion of Virginia. In 1619, the area which is now York County was included in two of the four incorporations (or "citties") of the proprietary Virginia Company of London which were known as Elizabeth Cittie and James Cittie.
In 1634, what is now York County was formed as Charles River Shire for King Charles I, one of the eight original shires of Virginia. Charles River Shire took its name from the younger son of King James I. In the 21st century, it was one of the five original shires considered extant in esstentially its same political form, making it one of the oldest counties in the United States.
During the English Civil War, Charles River County and the Charles River (also named for the king) were changed to York County and York River, respectively. The river, county, and town of Yorktown are believed to have been named for York, a city in Northern England.
The first courthouse and jail were located near what is now Yorktown although the community, founded as a port for shipping tobacco to Europe, as variously called Port of York, Borough of York, York, Town of York, until Yorktown was established in 1691, when the House of Burgesses required each county to designate a port of entry and build warehousing. Although never formally incorporated as a town, Yorktown is the county seat of York County. The only town ever incorporated within the county's boundaries was Poquoson, which was incorporated in 1952 and became an independent city in 1975.
It is most famous as the site of the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington in 1781, ending the American Revolutionary War. Yorktown also figured prominently in the American Civil War during the Peninsula Campaign in 1862.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
WILLIAM GINSEY (GUINSEY), 300 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 310. Upon Swd. side of Mattapony Riv., which tract is about10 mi. up the river. Trans. of 6 pers: Wm. Guinsey, Geo. Talker, Thomas Anderson, Ben. Dudley.
MR. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 1000 acs. Yorke Co., 14 Apr. 1653, p. 89. Near the head of Ware Creek, N. W. by N. upon former devdt. & N. W. by N. towards Waraney Cr. Trans. of 20 pers: Alexander Watson, Wm. Mackgahye, Andrew Sharpe, Jane Johnson, Randall ------, Isabell Grace, Mary Reeise (?), Tomasin Madero (or Maders), Mary Graham, James ------, Edward Hodge, Richard Gillman, Willm. Moline, Fra. Peppett, Richard Jones, Michaell Barrow, Richard Moore, Joane Rivers, Ja. Nicholson, Wm. Gowin. Renewed 20 Nov. 1654.
October 25, 1657-The Manumission of Mihill Gowen.
[Christopher Stafford decided to free his black servant, Mihill Gowen, in his will. Stafford's sister, Amy Barnhouse, carried out his wishes in 1657. The widow Barnhouse also freed Mihill Gowen's son, William. She did not free her enslaved woman, who was William's mother.]
Bee itt known unto all Christian people that whereas Mihill Gowen Negro of late servant to my Brother Xopher Stafford deced by his last will & Testament bearing Date the 18 of Jan 1654 had his freedom given unto him after the expiration of 4 yeares service unto my uncle Robert Stafford Therefore know all whom itt may concern that I Anne Barnehouse for divers good couses mee hereunto moving doe absolutely quitt & discharge the sd Mihill Gowen from any service & for ever sett him free from any claim of service either by mee or any one my behalf as any part or parcell of my Estate that my be claimed by mee the said Amy Barnhouse my heyres Exers Admrs or Assignes as witness my hand this 25 Oct 1657 Amy (AB) Barnhouse Bee itt knowne unto all Xcian people that I Ame Barnehouse of Martins hundred widdow for divers good causes & consideracons mee hereunto moving hath given unto Mihill Gowen Negro hee being att this time servant unto Robert Stafford a Male child borne the 25 Aug 1655 of the body of my Negro Prosta being baptised by Mr. Edward Johnson 2 Sept 1655 & named William & I the said Amy Barnhouse doth bind my selfe my heyres Exer Admr & Ass never to trouble or molest the said Mihill Gowin or his sone William or demand any service of the said Mihill or his said sone William In wittnes whereof I have caused this to be made & done I hereunto sett my hand & Seale this present 16 Sept 1655 Amy (AB) Barnhouse.
Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (3) 16, 26 January 1657/8.
Gawen, John, son of William by Ann, bap. March 1, 1668
From: Genealogical Services – Price & Associates Incorporated
With permission from:
Nathan W. Murphy, MA, AG®
Researcher and Marketing Director
Surname: Gowin
Given Name: Christopher
Birth, Christening and Other Information
Gender: Male
Date of Birth or Christening: about 1649
Orphan: Unknown
Position in Parent's Family: Unknown
Landowner: Unknown
Literate: Unknown
Convict: Unknown
Length of Indenture
Year of Indenture: by 1673
Place of Indenture
County: York Colony: Virginia
Research Notes
Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1672-1676 (n.p.: n.p., 1991), 60, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 5:49.
From: York County, Virginia Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc., No. 8 – Part One 1687-1691 – Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman
Att a Court held 24 May 1689
In the difference betweene Mr. Danll. Parks and James Whaley executor in trust to the estate of William Rice, itt is ordered that Mr. Samll. Timson, Mr. Robt. Broadley and Mr. John Gowen audit all the accounts betweene them on 24 June next.
An order against the Sherriff is granted John Gowen for the nonappearance of Edward Malen.
An attachement is granted the Sherriff against the estate of Edwd. Maylen for £4.12– sterling for his nonappearance att the suite of Mr. John Gowen.
Upon the petition of Mr. James Dora mitt is ordered that hee bee licensed to keepe an ordinary att the Middle Plantation in the roome of Mr. John Gowen late ordinary keeper.
24 May 1689.
Bond of Henry Thomspson, Robert Bee and John Gowen. For £100 sterling. To keep the Court harmless from any damages that may at any time arise concerning the estate of Francis Hurd, orphant, and pay the same to the orphan.
Henry Thompson
Robert Bee
John Gowen
Wit: Samll. Bainton, J. Sedgwick
Judgment is granted John Gowen against Edward Hayton for £4.12.-sterling.
Itt is ordered that William Pinkethman, Thomas Feere, Robert Martin and John Gowen appraise the estate of John Dannell on 15 august next att the house of John Dannell.
Judgment is granted Mr. John Gawen against Mr. Tho: Ballard Junr. And John Weyman executors of Edwd. Jones for 447 pounds of tobacco.
Ordered that Mr. John Gowen and William Pinkethman carefully examine all the Articles in the inventory and appraisment of John Donnell’s estate and finde whether the appraisment doth agree in every particular with the inventory or not. It is ordered that Capt. Francis Page, Mr. Martin Gardner, Mr. Edmund Jenings and Mr. John Gowen meete att the house of Mrs. Ann Jones, widow, on 10 October next and appraise of her late husband Mr. Rowland Jones, being first sworne before Mr. Robert Booth, whoe is desired to be present.
17 Aug. 1689. Henry Thompson of James City County, planter, and Mary his wife, one of the daughters of Morris Hurd, to John Gowin of York County, For £10 sterling. Land bounding on the Reedy swamp which was sett apart for Mary’s share of the land given to her sister Ann.
Att a Court held 7 November 1689
A nonsuite is granted Richard Farre against John Gawin as hee not appearing to prosecute his action.
John Donnell. Inventory, 16 Aug. 1689. No total valuation; includes a servant boy named Thomas Clarke.
William Pinkethman
Thomas (I) Feere
John Gawen
Robt. Martin
7 Nov. 1689. Produced in Court.
Att a Court held 18 December 1689
Itt is ordered that Mr. John Gawen, Mr. William Pinkethman, Mr. Tho: Feere and Mr. Edmd. Bruer meet on 1 January next to make an equall division of the estate belonging to John Dannell according to the last will and testament, that every on of Dannell’s orphants may know their part of the estate.
Judgment is granted Mr. John Gawen against Richd. Rogers for £7.6.-sterling, the full balance of accounts between them.
Mr. Rowland Jones. Inventory. 10 Oct. 1689.
Made in obedience to order of 24 September last. Appraisers sworn before Mr. Robert Bouth 17 Dec. 1689…………..
Francis Page
Martin Gardner
E. Jennings
Jno. Gawen
Signed by Ann Jones.
John Daniell, Inventory, 16 Aug. 1689. No total valuation; includes a servant boye named Thomas Clarke.
Wm. Pinkethman
Tho: Feere (I)
John Gowen
Robert Martin
7 Nov. 1689. Produced in Court.
An order against the Sherriffe is granted James Gawen for the nonappearance of Richard Davis.
An attachment is granted John Gawen against the estate of John Spillman for 423 tobacco, returnable to the next Court for judgment.
An order against the Sherriff is granted John Gawen for the nonappearance of Joseph Fryth.
Att a Court held 24 march 1689/90
Judgment is granted John Gawen against Joseph Fryth for 303 pounds of tobacco.
York County, Virginia - Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc., NO. 10 - 1694-1697 - Part Three - Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman
Att a Court held 24 [sic: 25?] March 1696 [1697]
John Layton arresting Henry Goaring in an action of the case and noe further proceedings had therein, the suite is dismist.
York County, Virginia - Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc., NO. 10 - 1694-1697 - Part Three - Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman
Att a Court held 24 [sic: 25?] March 1696 [1697]
John Layton arresting Henry Goaring in an action of the case and noe further proceedings had therein, the suite is dismist.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol III, 1695-1732 - Nell Marion Nugent
26 Apr 1698, York Co, Daniell Park , Esqr, 30 ac. Escheated from JOHN GAWIN by inquisition under Danll Park , Esch'r, etc. Patent Bk 9, p 137.
From: Genealogical Services – Price & Associates Incorporated
With permission from:
Nathan W. Murphy, MA, AG®
Researcher and Marketing Director
Nathan W. Murphy, MA, AG®
Researcher and Marketing Director
Surname: Gwin
Given Name: Thomas
Birth, Christening and Other Information
Gender: Male
Date of Birth or Christening: about 1651
Orphan: Unknown
Position in Parent's Family: Unknown
Landowner: Unknown
Literate: Unknown
Convict: Unknown
Length of Indenture
Year of Indenture: 1667
Place of Indenture
County: York Colony: Virginia
Research Notes
Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1665-1672 (n.p.: n.p., 1987), 73, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 4:148.
Surname: Gwin
Given Name: Thomas
Birth, Christening and Other Information
Gender: Male
Orphan: Unknown
Position in Parent's Family: Unknown
Landowner: Unknown
Literate: Unknown
Convict: Unknown
Length of Indenture
Year of Indenture: by 1668
Year of Freedom: about 1675
Place of Indenture
County: York Colony: Virginia
Research Notes
Comments: Described as a boy in 1668. Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1665-1672 (n.p.: n.p., 1987), 103, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 4:186.
James City County, VA Early Records
James City County, Virginia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James City County (formally, the County of James City) is a county located on the Virginia Peninsula in the Hampton Roads region of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state of the United States. Its population is 61,249 (as of 2007), and it is often associated with Williamsburg, an independent city which is the county seat, and Jamestown which is within the county. As of 2004, the median household income is $66,180[1].
First settled by the English colonists in 1607 at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony, the County was formally created in 1634 as James City Shire by order of King Charles I. James City County is considered one of only five original shires of Virginia to still be extant today in essentially the same political form. The Jamestown 2007 celebration marked the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown.
In modern times, the county is a popular site for relocating retirees, and is home to the Busch Gardens Europe theme park, the massive Kingsmill Resort, and the Williamsburg Pottery Factory. The Historic Jamestowne and Jamestown Settlement attractions combine with Colonial Williamsburg, and are linked to Yorktown by the National Park Service's bucolic Colonial Parkway, to make worldwide tourism to the Historic Triangle a major economic activity for the county.
17th & 18th centuries
Proprietary colony
The Virginia Company of London was granted a proprietorship (charter) by the King James I of England to attempt to establish a colony in the area we now know as Virginia. England had been at war with Spain and was seeking both capital funds and income in the form of royalties. In December, 1606, 3 ships set sail from England, led by Captain Christopher Newport. Upon reaching the New World at Cape Henry, they selected a site to settle about 40 miles (64 km) inland from the coast along a river to be better protected from attacks by sea from other Europeans. Soon after the establishment of the Jamestown Settlement in 1607 in the new Colony of Virginia, English settlers first explored and then began settling more of the areas adjacent to Hampton Roads and along the James River.
The first five years were very difficult, and the majority of the colonists perished. In 1612, imported strains of tobacco cultivated in Virginia by colonist John Rolfe were successfully exported and a cash crop had been identified.
In 1619, the Virginia Company of London instituted a number of changes, to help stimulate more investment and attract settlers from England. In the long view, foremost among these was the establishment of what became the House of Burgesses, the first representative legislative body in the European settlement of North America, predecessor of today's Virginia General Assembly. Also in 1619, the plantations and developed portions of the Colony were divided into four "incorporations" or "citties" (sic), as they were then called. These were (east to west) Elizabeth Cittie (initially known as Kecoughtan), James Cittie, Charles Cittie, and Henrico Cittie. Each "cittie" covered a very large area. Elizabeth Cittie not only included land on both side of the James River, but most of what we now know as South Hampton Roads and also included Virginia's Eastern Shore.
The Virginia Company's "James Cittie" stretched across the Peninsula to the York River, and included the seat of government for the entire colony at Jamestown Island. Each of the four "citiies" extended across the James River, the major thoroughfare of commerce for the settlers, and included land on both the north and south shores. With the incentives of 1619, many new developments, known as "hundreds" were established.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
THOMAS CROMPE, 500 acs. James Co., 28 Sept. 1633, p. 287. In the neck of land bounding E. on a Cr. which runs between the Gleab land & sd. neck , W. upon a Cr. between sd. Neck & land in the tenure of Thomas Phillips, S. adj. land belonging to the Orphans & heirs of Mr. Richard Buck. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 450 acs. for trans. of 9 pers: Jno. Gowing, Roger Arnwood, Robt. Ackerman, Fr. Peale, Jon. Abott, Lewis Depoma, Peter Brill, Wm. Mallett, Tho. Trunchfeild.
From: The Library of Virginia at
Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Series 2, Vol. 4
James City County, Virginia 1634-1904
Compiled and published by Rev. Lindsay O. Duvall
Mihil Gowree, 30 or 40 acres, scituate in Mchants hundred parrish in James Citty Co., formerly belonging to John Turner Dec’d. and by him purchased of Capt. Rich Barnehouse and lately found to escheat, and by a Jury for sd. County under hand and seale of Coll. Miles Carey, 20 Dec. 1666, & now granted to sd. Gowree, 8 Feb. 1668.
Tho: Charles of Jas. City Co., one island of Marsh, 115 acres, lying over Chickahominy River opposite to the Land he now dwells & is bounded South Westerly by the up(p)er Gulph of the sd. River & on all other sides by the River. The sd. Land being due unto the sd. Tho: Charles by & for ye Importation of 3 psons, 23 Oct. 1690.
Mr. Ellis Perry and Joanna Gon: Wm. Downes (the punctuation as of the __)
Inqusition, Jas. City, 11 Sept. 1717 … It appears that Mihil Goen late of the said County of Jas. City dyed seised of 30 or 40 acres … Escheat … Survey, 24. Nov. 1708, by Christopher Jackson Surveyor of Jas. City Co., is found to contain 37 acres and whereas Robert Hubbard of the aforesaid County of Jas. City hath made humble suit … granted … unto the said Robert Hubbard … in Yorkhampton parish, Jas. City Co., and bounded as followeth, to wit, beginning at a corner between Mihil Goen (,) Robert Hubbard & ffrancis Moreland and running South … to a beach tree standing at the head of beach Spring it being a corner tree between Graves Pack, ffrancis Moreland and Michael Gowen the person from whom this land is escheat thence down the said beach Spring branch according to the meanders thereof until it meets with Green Swamp thence up the said Swamp according to the sundry courses thereof unto a place called the horse bridge thence South … to the place begun at. 22 Jan 1718.
Record submitted by Cindy Young
The Library of Virginia
Land Office Patents & Grants/Northern Neck Grants & Surveys : Catalog Card
Hubbard, Robert 2 Jan 1718 James City County
37 acres escheat land. From Mihil Goen. Beg.g at a corner between Mihil Gowen, Robert Hubbard and Francis Moreland
Land office Patents # 10, 1710-1719, p. 415 (Reel 10)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James City County (formally, the County of James City) is a county located on the Virginia Peninsula in the Hampton Roads region of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state of the United States. Its population is 61,249 (as of 2007), and it is often associated with Williamsburg, an independent city which is the county seat, and Jamestown which is within the county. As of 2004, the median household income is $66,180[1].
First settled by the English colonists in 1607 at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony, the County was formally created in 1634 as James City Shire by order of King Charles I. James City County is considered one of only five original shires of Virginia to still be extant today in essentially the same political form. The Jamestown 2007 celebration marked the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown.
In modern times, the county is a popular site for relocating retirees, and is home to the Busch Gardens Europe theme park, the massive Kingsmill Resort, and the Williamsburg Pottery Factory. The Historic Jamestowne and Jamestown Settlement attractions combine with Colonial Williamsburg, and are linked to Yorktown by the National Park Service's bucolic Colonial Parkway, to make worldwide tourism to the Historic Triangle a major economic activity for the county.
17th & 18th centuries
Proprietary colony
The Virginia Company of London was granted a proprietorship (charter) by the King James I of England to attempt to establish a colony in the area we now know as Virginia. England had been at war with Spain and was seeking both capital funds and income in the form of royalties. In December, 1606, 3 ships set sail from England, led by Captain Christopher Newport. Upon reaching the New World at Cape Henry, they selected a site to settle about 40 miles (64 km) inland from the coast along a river to be better protected from attacks by sea from other Europeans. Soon after the establishment of the Jamestown Settlement in 1607 in the new Colony of Virginia, English settlers first explored and then began settling more of the areas adjacent to Hampton Roads and along the James River.
The first five years were very difficult, and the majority of the colonists perished. In 1612, imported strains of tobacco cultivated in Virginia by colonist John Rolfe were successfully exported and a cash crop had been identified.
In 1619, the Virginia Company of London instituted a number of changes, to help stimulate more investment and attract settlers from England. In the long view, foremost among these was the establishment of what became the House of Burgesses, the first representative legislative body in the European settlement of North America, predecessor of today's Virginia General Assembly. Also in 1619, the plantations and developed portions of the Colony were divided into four "incorporations" or "citties" (sic), as they were then called. These were (east to west) Elizabeth Cittie (initially known as Kecoughtan), James Cittie, Charles Cittie, and Henrico Cittie. Each "cittie" covered a very large area. Elizabeth Cittie not only included land on both side of the James River, but most of what we now know as South Hampton Roads and also included Virginia's Eastern Shore.
The Virginia Company's "James Cittie" stretched across the Peninsula to the York River, and included the seat of government for the entire colony at Jamestown Island. Each of the four "citiies" extended across the James River, the major thoroughfare of commerce for the settlers, and included land on both the north and south shores. With the incentives of 1619, many new developments, known as "hundreds" were established.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
THOMAS CROMPE, 500 acs. James Co., 28 Sept. 1633, p. 287. In the neck of land bounding E. on a Cr. which runs between the Gleab land & sd. neck , W. upon a Cr. between sd. Neck & land in the tenure of Thomas Phillips, S. adj. land belonging to the Orphans & heirs of Mr. Richard Buck. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 450 acs. for trans. of 9 pers: Jno. Gowing, Roger Arnwood, Robt. Ackerman, Fr. Peale, Jon. Abott, Lewis Depoma, Peter Brill, Wm. Mallett, Tho. Trunchfeild.
From: The Library of Virginia at
Call Number | 36138 |
Misc. Reel 609 | |
Author | |
Title | |
Other Title | |
Material | 1 leaf. |
Gen. note | Colonial Papers - Box 142, Folder 2. |
Original document located in Vault. | |
References | Salmon, John S., comp. A GUIDE TO STATE RECORDS IN THE ARCHIVES BRANCH OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES. Richmond: Virginia State Library, 1985. |
Summary | Contains a petition from Phillip Gowen (Corven), a negro, to Governor William Berkeley asking for freedom from his master Charles Lucas. Gowen contends that he was the servant of Amye Boazlye of James City County who granted him his freedom in her will of 9 April 1664 after he served her cousin Humphrey Stafford for eight years. Stafford sold the remainder of Gowen’s time to Charles Lucas who compelled petitioner to serve three years longer than required. |
These colonial papers are a collection of loose papers more closely connected by age than by any other single factor that consist largely of records kept by the clerk of the colonial council, House of Burgesses, the governor and other officials, relating to county as well as colony-wide government. The records of the colonial government have, for the most part, been destroyed by wars, fires, and early neglect. This collection of loose colonial papers is arranged in chronological order, in fifty-three folders. The collection consists of petitions to the governor or House of Burgesses, court records, orders, summonses, patents, accounts, proceedings, returns, grants, proclamations, addresses, certificates and correspondence. | |
Cite As | Virginia (Colony), Colonial Papers, Petition of Phillip Gowen, 1675 June 16. Accession 36138. State government records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va. 23219. |
Other Format | Also available on microfilm (Misc. Reel 609). |
Biog./Hist. Note | The history of Virginia’s colonial government is divided into two significant phases by the date of May 24, 1624, when the charter of the Virginia Company of London was revoked by the crown. Prior to that date the colony had been run as a private corporation with final authority resting in the hands of the stockholders; afterwards, it was a royal colony with all the trappings and institutions of government that such a status required. The Grand Assembly, begun in 1619, evolved into the House of Burgesses by 1642, governors and lieutenant governors were sent to the colony as the king’s viceroys, regular courts were established, and a complex system of government was developed to lead and protect the growing colony. |
Finding Aid | Item listing available in repository. |
Subject - Personal | |
Subject - Corporate | |
Subject - Topical | |
Subject -Geographic | |
Genre/Form | |
Added Entry | |
Added Entry | |
Series | |
holdings (1) | All items |
System Number | 001538317 |
Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Series 2, Vol. 4
James City County, Virginia 1634-1904
Compiled and published by Rev. Lindsay O. Duvall
Mihil Gowree, 30 or 40 acres, scituate in Mchants hundred parrish in James Citty Co., formerly belonging to John Turner Dec’d. and by him purchased of Capt. Rich Barnehouse and lately found to escheat, and by a Jury for sd. County under hand and seale of Coll. Miles Carey, 20 Dec. 1666, & now granted to sd. Gowree, 8 Feb. 1668.
Tho: Charles of Jas. City Co., one island of Marsh, 115 acres, lying over Chickahominy River opposite to the Land he now dwells & is bounded South Westerly by the up(p)er Gulph of the sd. River & on all other sides by the River. The sd. Land being due unto the sd. Tho: Charles by & for ye Importation of 3 psons, 23 Oct. 1690.
Mr. Ellis Perry and Joanna Gon: Wm. Downes (the punctuation as of the __)
Inqusition, Jas. City, 11 Sept. 1717 … It appears that Mihil Goen late of the said County of Jas. City dyed seised of 30 or 40 acres … Escheat … Survey, 24. Nov. 1708, by Christopher Jackson Surveyor of Jas. City Co., is found to contain 37 acres and whereas Robert Hubbard of the aforesaid County of Jas. City hath made humble suit … granted … unto the said Robert Hubbard … in Yorkhampton parish, Jas. City Co., and bounded as followeth, to wit, beginning at a corner between Mihil Goen (,) Robert Hubbard & ffrancis Moreland and running South … to a beach tree standing at the head of beach Spring it being a corner tree between Graves Pack, ffrancis Moreland and Michael Gowen the person from whom this land is escheat thence down the said beach Spring branch according to the meanders thereof until it meets with Green Swamp thence up the said Swamp according to the sundry courses thereof unto a place called the horse bridge thence South … to the place begun at. 22 Jan 1718.
Record submitted by Cindy Young
The Library of Virginia
Land Office Patents & Grants/Northern Neck Grants & Surveys : Catalog Card
Hubbard, Robert 2 Jan 1718 James City County
37 acres escheat land. From Mihil Goen. Beg.g at a corner between Mihil Gowen, Robert Hubbard and Francis Moreland
Land office Patents # 10, 1710-1719, p. 415 (Reel 10)
Accomack County, VA Early Records
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Accomac Shire was established in 1634 as one of the original eight shires of Virginia. The shire's name comes from the Native American word Accawmack, meaning "on the other side".[2]. In 1642 the named was changed to Northampton by the British, to eliminate "heathen" names in the New World. Northampton was split into two counties in 1663. The northern section assumed the original Accomac name, the southern, Northampton. In 1670, the Virginia Colony's Royal Governor William Berkeley abolished Accomac County, but the Virginia General Assembly re-created it in 1671. Unlike most of Virginia, during the Civil War, the county was not under Confederate control, but held by the forces of the United States government. In 1940, the General Assembly officially added a "k" to the end of the county's name to arrive at its current spelling. The very first Sheriff in the United States, William Stone, was appointed to serve Accomack County in 1634.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
CAPT. WILLIAM EPES, of Accomacke, 450 acs. on the Easterne Shoare of the Bay of Chesepeiacke, nere unto the plantation of Accomacke, 3 Feb. 1626, p. 49. Nly. on the mouth of Kings Cr. Parting this from the land belonging to the place of Secretary, Sly. towards the pursimond ponds, Ely. along the shore of the sd. Bay of Chesepeyacke &c. Due for trans. of 9 men: William Gones, (or Jones) William Gallaway, John Baker, Edward Rogers & Thomas Warden, whoe all arrived in the Anne 1623; Nicholas Raynbeare (or Raynbeard) in thw Swann in 1624, Henry Carter in the James in 1624 & assigned over to him by William Streate Marriner: & Richard Reeve (or Reene); & John Robbins in the Returne 1625.
MR. SOUTHBY LITTLETON, 850 acs. Accomack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 181, (71). At Occocomson, bounded on E. by the seaboard side, N. by land of Samll. Taylor & S. by Edward Smith. Trans. of 17 pers: Peter Luevell, Jno. Goring, Thomas Dule (or Diche), Jno. Steward, Thomas Gray, Ralph Carr, Henry Chown, Henry Bill, Edward May, Stephen Elphich (?), Jno. Churle, (or Charle), Jno. Charles, Wm. Rye, Edward Nott, Robt. Stroller, Lawrence Marsh, James Austin.
Accomac Shire was established in 1634 as one of the original eight shires of Virginia. The shire's name comes from the Native American word Accawmack, meaning "on the other side".[2]. In 1642 the named was changed to Northampton by the British, to eliminate "heathen" names in the New World. Northampton was split into two counties in 1663. The northern section assumed the original Accomac name, the southern, Northampton. In 1670, the Virginia Colony's Royal Governor William Berkeley abolished Accomac County, but the Virginia General Assembly re-created it in 1671. Unlike most of Virginia, during the Civil War, the county was not under Confederate control, but held by the forces of the United States government. In 1940, the General Assembly officially added a "k" to the end of the county's name to arrive at its current spelling. The very first Sheriff in the United States, William Stone, was appointed to serve Accomack County in 1634.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
CAPT. WILLIAM EPES, of Accomacke, 450 acs. on the Easterne Shoare of the Bay of Chesepeiacke, nere unto the plantation of Accomacke, 3 Feb. 1626, p. 49. Nly. on the mouth of Kings Cr. Parting this from the land belonging to the place of Secretary, Sly. towards the pursimond ponds, Ely. along the shore of the sd. Bay of Chesepeyacke &c. Due for trans. of 9 men: William Gones, (or Jones) William Gallaway, John Baker, Edward Rogers & Thomas Warden, whoe all arrived in the Anne 1623; Nicholas Raynbeare (or Raynbeard) in thw Swann in 1624, Henry Carter in the James in 1624 & assigned over to him by William Streate Marriner: & Richard Reeve (or Reene); & John Robbins in the Returne 1625.
MR. SOUTHBY LITTLETON, 850 acs. Accomack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 181, (71). At Occocomson, bounded on E. by the seaboard side, N. by land of Samll. Taylor & S. by Edward Smith. Trans. of 17 pers: Peter Luevell, Jno. Goring, Thomas Dule (or Diche), Jno. Steward, Thomas Gray, Ralph Carr, Henry Chown, Henry Bill, Edward May, Stephen Elphich (?), Jno. Churle, (or Charle), Jno. Charles, Wm. Rye, Edward Nott, Robt. Stroller, Lawrence Marsh, James Austin.
Elizabeth City County, VA Early Records
Elizabeth City County, Virginia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elizabeth City County is a county in southeastern Virginia . Originally created in 1634 as Elizabeth River Shire, it was one of eight shires created in the Virginia Colony by order of the King of England. In 1636, it was subdivided, and the portion north of the harbor of Hampton Roads became known as Elizabeth City Shire. It was renamed Elizabeth City County a short time later.
Elizabeth City was originally named Kikotan (also spelled Kecoughtan and Kikowtan), presumably a word for the Native Americans living there when the English arrived in 1607. They were friendly to the English, but Sir Thomas Gates either worried about safety (including potential attack by the Spaniards and the Dutch) or coveted their corn fields after the "starving time" of the 1609-10 winter. The English stole their land while the men were out hunting, and for some reason, the natives never attacked the settlement in response.
The shire and county were named for Elizabeth of Bohemia, daughter of King James I.
The town of Hampton, established in 1680, became the largest city in Elizabeth City County, and is currently the county seat.
Since the English settlers occupied the former Indian village of Kecoughtan in 1610, and the town at Jamestown was eventually abandoned, the city of Hampton now claims to be the oldest continuously-settled English city in North America.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
WILLIAM GAINYE, Mariner of Kiccoughtan, in Corp. Eliz. Citty, 12 Jan. 1624, p. 39. 200 acs. Ewd. Upon the maine land unto the head of the Church Cr., S. upon a Cr. Parting this from land of Elizabeth Dunthorne & N. upon a Cr. Parting this from land of William Gapps. 200 acs., 50 acs. For his per. Right whoe came over in the Treasurer at his owne cost in 1617 & for tans. Out of England of 3 servants: John Shippey (or Sippey), & John Cooper, whoe came in the Treasurer with himselfe & Robert Browne whose passage hee defrayed for to Mr. Robert Gire out of the Marrigold 1618.
DICTORIS CHRISTMAS, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p. 317. On the N. side of the old Poquoson Riv., joyning upon land of Gilbert Perkins Eastward, W. upon Monack neck & N. into the woods. 100 acs. For the per. Adv. of himselfe & wife Isabell Christmas & 200 for tans. of 4 pers: William Gun, Rich. Combes, Israell Atwell, Zachariah Foster.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elizabeth City County is a county in southeastern Virginia . Originally created in 1634 as Elizabeth River Shire, it was one of eight shires created in the Virginia Colony by order of the King of England. In 1636, it was subdivided, and the portion north of the harbor of Hampton Roads became known as Elizabeth City Shire. It was renamed Elizabeth City County a short time later.
Elizabeth City was originally named Kikotan (also spelled Kecoughtan and Kikowtan), presumably a word for the Native Americans living there when the English arrived in 1607. They were friendly to the English, but Sir Thomas Gates either worried about safety (including potential attack by the Spaniards and the Dutch) or coveted their corn fields after the "starving time" of the 1609-10 winter. The English stole their land while the men were out hunting, and for some reason, the natives never attacked the settlement in response.
The shire and county were named for Elizabeth of Bohemia, daughter of King James I.
The town of Hampton, established in 1680, became the largest city in Elizabeth City County, and is currently the county seat.
Since the English settlers occupied the former Indian village of Kecoughtan in 1610, and the town at Jamestown was eventually abandoned, the city of Hampton now claims to be the oldest continuously-settled English city in North America.
Cavaliers And Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 – Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, Richmond, VA. – Volume One.
WILLIAM GAINYE, Mariner of Kiccoughtan, in Corp. Eliz. Citty, 12 Jan. 1624, p. 39. 200 acs. Ewd. Upon the maine land unto the head of the Church Cr., S. upon a Cr. Parting this from land of Elizabeth Dunthorne & N. upon a Cr. Parting this from land of William Gapps. 200 acs., 50 acs. For his per. Right whoe came over in the Treasurer at his owne cost in 1617 & for tans. Out of England of 3 servants: John Shippey (or Sippey), & John Cooper, whoe came in the Treasurer with himselfe & Robert Browne whose passage hee defrayed for to Mr. Robert Gire out of the Marrigold 1618.
DICTORIS CHRISTMAS, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p. 317. On the N. side of the old Poquoson Riv., joyning upon land of Gilbert Perkins Eastward, W. upon Monack neck & N. into the woods. 100 acs. For the per. Adv. of himselfe & wife Isabell Christmas & 200 for tans. of 4 pers: William Gun, Rich. Combes, Israell Atwell, Zachariah Foster.
Prince William County, VA Early Records
From: Minutes of the Vestry, Truro Parish Virginia, 1732-1785
This indenture made the twenty fifth day of August in the Eleventh year of the reigh of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. Annoque Domini MDCCXXXVii Between Jeremiah Bronaugh and Thomas Lewis Church Wardens of Truro Parish in the county of Prince William of the one part, and John Straughan of the same Parish and County of the other part Witnesseth That the said Jeremiah Bronaugh and Thomas Lewis in obedience to an order of the Court of the County of Prince William aforesd dated the twenty third day of Octobr. MDCCXXXVii do bind & put William Gowen an Orphan child aged ten years a Servant and Apprentice unto the said John Straughan, to serve him the said John Straughan his Heirs Exrs. Or Admrs. In all such Lawfull business as he or they shall have occasion to employ him about, from the day of the date of these presents until he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years. He the said John Straughan his Heirs etc. finding and providing for the said William Gowen during the term aforesaid such convenient Meat Drink Apparell Washing and Lodging as is Suitable and necessary for a person of his condition. And using his or their best endeavor to learn him the Art and Mistery of a Tanner, and also to read English, and to pay and allow him at the expiration of the said Term such freedom *Dues as by the Laws of this Colony is allowed to Servants imported here without wages. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and Seales the day month and Year first above written.
John I (his mark) Straughan (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered
In Presence of
Robt. Jones
Edwd. Barry
Recorded and Examined the 26th day of October 1737.
P. Edwd. Barry Clrk of the Vestry
From World Vital Records
Virginia Wills Before 1799
by William Montgomery Clemans
Page 72
Prince William County, Va. will files July 23, 1739
s. John Padderson
d. Susana Going
s. in l. Alex Going
Some Wills From The Burned Counties of Virginia and Other wills not listed in Virginia Wills and Administrations 1632-1800 by William Lindsay Hopkins.
Page 220
John Dawkins, Sr. P.Wm-Dettingen 16 Oct 1746/26 Jan 1746 Son Joseph Dawkins. Three sons William Dawkins, Thomas Dawkins and George Dawkins. Land bought of Alexander Edwards, Benjamin Brown, Charles Obriant and William Dodson. Son John Dawkins. Daughter Hannah Dawkins. Wife Francis Dawkins. Exors: Wife Francis Dawkins, Capt. Timothy Thornton and Anthony Seale. Wit: Anthony Seale, Thomas Stribling, John Guines. (Deed recorded 28 Oct 1769, William Dawkins, Thomas Dawkins, George Dawkins and John Dawkins sold 412 acres to Daniel French. Land originally granted Thomas, Lord Fairfax, on 10 Aug 1730 to John Savage who later sold it to John Dawkins, decd. William Dawkins is “of South Carolina” in this deed.)
Prince Wm Land Causes 1793-1811, pp. 357-366
When Captain John Smith and other English explorers came to the upper Potomac beginning in 1608, they reported that the area within present Prince William County was occupied by the Doeg tribe. The Doeg Indians maintained several villages in this area into the 1650s, when colonists began to patent the land.
Prince William County was created by an act of the General Assembly of the colony of Virginia in 1731, largely from the western section of Stafford County as well as a section ofKing George County.[3] The area encompassed by the Act creating Prince William County originally included all of what later became Arlington County, the City of Alexandria, Fairfax County, the City of Fairfax, the City of Falls Church, Fauquier County, Loudoun County, the City of Manassas, and the City of Manassas Park (and the various incorporated towns therein). The County was named for Prince William, Duke of Cumberland, the third son of King George II.
The County was a rural community for years and the population was centered in two areas, one at Manassas (home to a major railroad junction), the other near Occoquan andWoodbridge along the Potomac River. Beginning in the late 1930s, a larger suburban population grew up near the existing population centers, particularly in Manassas. Beginning in the late 1960s, the County and its population expanded dramatically to the point where, by the end of the 20th century, it was the third most populous local jurisdiction in Virginia. Much of this growth has taken place in the last twenty years. Recently Prince William County has seen the opening of the Marine Corps Heritage Museum, the Hylton Performing Arts Center, the announcement of the coming American Wartime Museum and the 150th commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War and the famous First and Second Battles of Manassas.
From: Minutes of the Vestry, Truro Parish Virginia, 1732-1785
This indenture made the twenty fifth day of August in the Eleventh year of the reigh of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. Annoque Domini MDCCXXXVii Between Jeremiah Bronaugh and Thomas Lewis Church Wardens of Truro Parish in the county of Prince William of the one part, and John Straughan of the same Parish and County of the other part Witnesseth That the said Jeremiah Bronaugh and Thomas Lewis in obedience to an order of the Court of the County of Prince William aforesd dated the twenty third day of Octobr. MDCCXXXVii do bind & put William Gowen an Orphan child aged ten years a Servant and Apprentice unto the said John Straughan, to serve him the said John Straughan his Heirs Exrs. Or Admrs. In all such Lawfull business as he or they shall have occasion to employ him about, from the day of the date of these presents until he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years. He the said John Straughan his Heirs etc. finding and providing for the said William Gowen during the term aforesaid such convenient Meat Drink Apparell Washing and Lodging as is Suitable and necessary for a person of his condition. And using his or their best endeavor to learn him the Art and Mistery of a Tanner, and also to read English, and to pay and allow him at the expiration of the said Term such freedom *Dues as by the Laws of this Colony is allowed to Servants imported here without wages. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and Seales the day month and Year first above written.
John I (his mark) Straughan (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered
In Presence of
Robt. Jones
Edwd. Barry
Recorded and Examined the 26th day of October 1737.
P. Edwd. Barry Clrk of the Vestry
From World Vital Records
Virginia Wills Before 1799
by William Montgomery Clemans
Page 72
Prince William County, Va. will files July 23, 1739
s. John Padderson
d. Susana Going
s. in l. Alex Going
Some Wills From The Burned Counties of Virginia and Other wills not listed in Virginia Wills and Administrations 1632-1800 by William Lindsay Hopkins.
Page 220
John Dawkins, Sr. P.Wm-Dettingen 16 Oct 1746/26 Jan 1746 Son Joseph Dawkins. Three sons William Dawkins, Thomas Dawkins and George Dawkins. Land bought of Alexander Edwards, Benjamin Brown, Charles Obriant and William Dodson. Son John Dawkins. Daughter Hannah Dawkins. Wife Francis Dawkins. Exors: Wife Francis Dawkins, Capt. Timothy Thornton and Anthony Seale. Wit: Anthony Seale, Thomas Stribling, John Guines. (Deed recorded 28 Oct 1769, William Dawkins, Thomas Dawkins, George Dawkins and John Dawkins sold 412 acres to Daniel French. Land originally granted Thomas, Lord Fairfax, on 10 Aug 1730 to John Savage who later sold it to John Dawkins, decd. William Dawkins is “of South Carolina” in this deed.)
Prince Wm Land Causes 1793-1811, pp. 357-366